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If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?

What got you into Kancolle?

Seeing a bunch of fanarts and stuff online. Doesn't help that back when I used tumblr, I followed someone who reblogged a lot of Kancolle fanart.

Edited by Ercdouken
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If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?

Seeing a bunch of fanarts and stuff online. Doesn't help that back when I used tumblr, I followed someone who reblogged a lot of Kancolle fanart.
  1. That my mom will recover completly and become the exact same person before her sudden illness.
  2. No more unnecessary wars.
  3. Happiness and prosperity for everyone.

Actually I have more wishes but these are the most important ones for me atm.

Also three wishes you'd like to have fulfilled?

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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v this question.

Do you like the climate in your state?

Not in the part I live in (Central Texas). It's too hot and dry for my liking. The parts I've visited (East TX, South TX/The Valley) aren't much better. They're also hot, but more humid. Not been much to the West or North/Panhandle, but I think I'd like the Panhandle more.

I liked the climate when I lived in Huntsville, though. Not too hot, not too cold, and it rains regularly. Only downside is the tornadoes.

Edited by shinpichu
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^ It depends.

The pasts years become warmer and warmer. Snow isn't really a thing anymore. On Christmas I could rather do barbecue instead of sleighing.

And the number of tempests rised dramatically.

This week I never ever have seen so much rain. A few neighbour towns were under water. Thankfully I live on the country so I wasn't really affected.

Three wishes you'd like to have fulfilled?

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Do you prefer flora or fauna?

I don't want either.

Ugh...Um....That's very hard, animals or plants...Flora? I mean, plants give a really nice atmosphere and can lighten up any room while an animal needs a nice atmosphere in order for it to make it better, because you know, feelings and stuff.

Opinions on aliens?

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I won't tell

Same question

The UFOs have finally cum send this to 10 alien daddys if you get none ❌ back you a lonely galactic hoe get five back ❗️you a Super Star Slut✨ get 10 back❗️❗️you a super space freak happy fucking get that alien cock

Favorite RPG?

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Favorite weapon?

No, unfortunately :<


I don't really know, I don't have much experience with armed c o m b a t, but stabbing swords, katana swords and bows are stylish. Throwing knives too, I guess?

Favorite historical figure?

Hehehe, Jeanne D' Arc.

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If you could have a superpower, what would you want?

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Depending on how much it was, pay off my student loans, then invest the rest in widely diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds.

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Favorite historical period?

Same question

Not sure if you mean the one you answered or the one I asked, so I guess I'll do both.

Favorite historical figure: Not really sure, the more I read on various figures, the more flaws I see. I guess I like Eleanor of Aquitaine. Queen of two different nations, mother of two English kings, and powerful noble in her own right. If I thought about it for a while, I might pick someone different, but that's the first to pop to mind.

Superpower: I'd like to be able to shift my physical form at will.

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Same question to you: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

WHen you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a doctor and have a big family

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Whats a place or country that you really want to travel to?

Same question to you: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a doctor and have a big family

For a long time it was a Butler. Then a Zookeeper.

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Did you feel cheated when the Wizard didn't give you a brain?

Whats a place or country that you really want to travel to?

I traveled to Europe a couple times, and it was nice. I've been to France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, and England. I'd like to visit again and see the castles, if I ever get the chance. I'd also like to visit Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and/or Lithuania to visit the lands of my ancestors that I haven't been to already. I'm a European mutt. Maybe I could visit Poland, too, since I'm married to a Pole mutt.

It will probably be a long time before I get the chance, though. I can't see taking a young child, and I wouldn't want to be away from my kids for the long.

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What TV show/movie quote can you recall to mind the quickest at the moment?

(If the question is confusing, just think of the first movie/TV show that comes to your mind, then think of the most memorable quote from it and put that as your answer)

I notice you are also a Leo, do you put any stock into Astrological signs, think they are hogwash, or think they are hogwash, but like reading up on them anyway?

Well, I read up on them, see if they match up with any person I know of who has the sign, and that's about it. Whether it matches up well or not, I treat it all in good fun.

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