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Favourite video game series? (aside from fire emblem)

ever been out of the country? if so, where?

Nope, I had been given the possibility to go to Geneva for a week with school, but due to economical reasons i said no

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Favourite anime? (If you have ever seen one, I can't know that...in that case favourite TV series)

Top 5 fave VGM?

Mmmmmh, not actually my top 5 but some of my favourite: Serpent Eating the Ground (Bravely Default), The End of All (Fates), The One who rules all (The Last Story), The Grand Finale (Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story) and Primal Dialga Battle Theme (Pokémon Mistery Dungeon 2).

I'm good at doing "top x" :sweatdrop: , in my head they have the same weight as soon as I like them

Edited by TheVaike98
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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What are your thoughts on blood donations and would you consider making one yourself?

I've already made quite a few donations, but with the veins in my arms getting smaller (according to the donation staff), I may not be able to donate anymore.

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Is Vaike your favorite FE character?

A game you've played that you enjoyed more than you thought?

A Link Between Worlds

As for someone like me who never could get into Zelda, this game worked much better for me than I thought and made me want to play more games of this series.

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Your opinion on the Castlevania series?

If you could change something in your life what will it be?

Well I'd like a job, for one.

A Link Between Worlds

As for someone like me who never could get into Zelda, this game worked much better for me than I thought and made me want to play more games of this series.

play link's awakening next #NoBias

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Most played Nintendo handheld?

Favourite anime? (If you have ever seen one, I can't know that...in that case favourite TV series)

I'm good at doing "top x" :sweatdrop: , in my head they have the same weight as soon as I like them

Hmmmmmmmm... maybe... the Tales of Symphonia OVA

I know that feel, Typically my favorites change depending on what I'm feeling, expecially with music :P

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If you had to choose between one of the triforce "powers", what will it be?

Most played Nintendo handheld?

Not sure if I understood the question (since you know how google translate "translates"...), but i think 3ds

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Do you have any cool or unique skills?

If you could change anything about Radiant Dawn, what would it be?

I'd allow characters with story promotions to promote at 21 or with a seal like other characters, make Laguz more balanced idk how though, and add in playable units and more frequent enemies of the Shaman line.

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What's your favorite thing about the Flash?

How is it to be a mother?

Parenthood is the most fulfilling experience I've ever had. It's now the focal point of my being.

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To the uneducated, what's the Strider series about?

Opinion on the Strider series?

I'm not familiar with it.

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Favorite "Golden Age" arcade game? (i.e. stuff like Pac-man, Galaga, Centipede, etc)

To the uneducated, what's the Strider series about?

It's a series of action/hack 'n' slash platformers released by Capcom. They get released pretty sparingly (the first one came out in the late 80's, and there's only been two additional games since), but the main character is fairly well known for appearing in the Marvel vs. Capcom games, among other crossovers.

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First console you played?

Opinion on the Strider series?

I would need to play more Strider to have an opinion. I did played the first one briefly at an arcade once and got owned. While I do have the new Strider on Steam, I have yet to play it.

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