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Question: Favorite tales dungeon

Answer: ugh that's a tough question..... its a tie between Eldrant from abyss and Ginnungnagap from symphonia 2 honeslty.

Favorite word to say?

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Q: Tear or Natalia as waifu

A: Nat I love her character 100 times more than Tear honestly and Tear is so emotionless anyways

Edit: um I forgot a question um.... Favorite color

Edited by Freezing Hellfire
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What's your favorite classic anime?

Q: Tear or Natalia as waifu

A: Nat I love her character 100 times more than Tear honestly and Tear is so emotionless anyways

Edit: um I forgot a question um.... Favorite color

Black. Because........darkness.
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Do you prefer having a male or a female avatar in your games? (Since I have a friend that even if he's a male he always, and I mean ALWAYS, uses the female avatar)

Have you played any Shining Force games?

No, I've personally never heard of it

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Q favorite classic anime

A have only really seen two animes Pokémon and Yugioh and my avi will tell you the answer

favorite gamecube game?

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

Least favorite food?

Well, it may not be my least favourite, but beef covered in shrimp paste comes to mind strongly right now since I have to finish it (as of the time this post was made) since it was leftover at a party.

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Q who would you describe yourself as personality wize

A um like a mixture of Laslow from fates and Jaden Yuki Yu Gi Oh GX pre season 4


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Least favorite Tales character?

Are you interested in national politics?

Yeah, I follow them closely. I just tend to try not to post political stuff online. My political views don't really fit neatly into either of the two major political parties in America. I'm more Libertarian than anything else.

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Q least favorite tales character

A tie between Anise Tatlin and Lloyd Irving honestly

Favorite tales arte (not counting mystic artes)

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Q hardest tales final boss

A I only have finished symphonia, symphonia 2, and abyss at the moment, uh.... I would say Richter honestly out of the three. I don't remember symphonia 1's and I find van to be not that difficult.

favorite tales antagonist

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Favorite Bow Knight/Nomad/Horseman in FE?

same question

I've been very disappointed with what happened to Elibean Nights, if that counts.

Edited by shinpichu
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