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Have you visited any war memorials/monuments?

same question

In FE1/11:

Wolf x Catria

Roshe x Est

Minerva x Hardin

(since they fought together in BSFE Map 2, I'd like some acknowledgement of that)

Rickard x Lena

Navarre x Rickard

Rickard x Castor

Navarre x Lena

(similar to above, they met in BSFE Map 3)

In FE6: Cath x Roy.

In FE9: Ike x Mia.

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What Final Fantasy games have you played?


Yes. I visited several in Normandy in France, including Utah and Omahga beaches, Juno Beach, and the Normandy American Cemetery.

I also visited a few in Washington D.C. when I visited a long while ago.

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Your personal favorite fanart?

What Final Fantasy games have you played?

Umm... seriously!?
I told you yesterday that I played 6 for a bit but stopped because I didn't like random encounters and an allies' mechanic against one certain boss.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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What anome are you watching in these days?

Least favorite FF game?

Between the ones I've played, I would probably say FFXIII, tough I still enjoy it nonetheless(really, I would say that there isn't a FF I dislike)

it doesn't really matter to me tbh

the ones i really know that do it are FFIII, which had it poorly(decreasing your stats when changing jobs, what the fuck?), FFV, which did it so well enough that Bravely Default had it's jobs basically be like V, and FFX-2.

considering FFV really doesn't have much competition...

You are forgetting FFTactics, which uses it quite well, tough I cannot say if It's at the same level of FFV's job system since iI've yet to play FFV.

There is also FFXII:ZJS, tough...It has a very simple job system(a character has the job you choose for him for the entire game and cannot be changed)

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She led Germany well economically. The jobless rate never ever has been as low after the reunion as now. Also I support her EU politics. However she did mistakes in the refugee politics... which caused displeasure among the population (including myself) and a swing to the right populism... which also has the consequence that stable government majorities don't exist anymore. I'm highly sure that three parties will be in the government participation in the next government period. It would be the first time.

Favorite US president (of the ones you witnessed)?

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What do you think of Guinea Pigs?

If you had the chance to become a politician, what ressource (foreign, economic, family, education...) would you choose?

Probably education, but I don't think I'd ever want to be a politician.
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Your favorite artist for fanart?

same question

FE9 and 10, due to their later rise in price.

Most FE games cound qualify, as I didn't actually play an Fe game until my last year in high school (2012).

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What do you think of reubens

Dumbest Youtube video you ever watched?

I don't know...I tend to avoid stuff I don't think I'll like, so it's hard to say.

The asdfmovie videos are pretty dumb, I suppose, but in a good way.

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Favorite soft drink?

Your personal favorite fanart?

there really isn't just one

You are forgetting FFTactics, which uses it quite well, tough I cannot say if It's at the same level of FFV's job system since iI've yet to play FFV.

There is also FFXII:ZJS, tough...It has a very simple job system(a character has the job you choose for him for the entire game and cannot be changed)

knew I was forgetting something

Yeah Tactics does it good too

Really? Huh, figured it would have brought in the license board or something

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