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I think I was asked "glasses or cups" last time I was here. So, I'll say this: Whichever is readily available.

Did you read/watch/play two things with stories that, while different, managed to tackle at least one of the same subjects and employed some of the same concepts?

17 hours ago, Natalie said:

The lack of children in all games pre awakening.

Genealogy has child characters, though.

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Favourite flavour ice cream?

1 hour ago, Just call me AL said:

Did you read/watch/play two things with stories that, while different, managed to tackle at least one of the same subjects and employed some of the same concepts?

Genealogy has child characters, though.

I'm not entirely sure what exactly you mean by this question. Don't a lot of media and books etc have very similar subjects? If we're being very specific in story/themes; Hunger Games books/films uses a lot of Battle Royal's story in a very different world, and the film Inception uses themes from the film Paprika.

I haven't played Geneology, and I forgot that there were children, so I can exclude that one.

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You said you don't do any art, but if you did what FE character would you choose to draw first?

4 minutes ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

FE characters you want to draw the most (aside the ones you did already)?:

All of the cute guys, but I can't draw men

Micaiah is top on my list as she's one of my favourite FE ladies, but I want to wait until I'm better at painting because I want to get her right. 

I'd also like to draw Clair, Delthea and a dancing pose Ninian. 

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What were some of the very first video games you played as a kid?

On 8/9/2017 at 4:21 PM, Ottokar said:

The silliest thing you have ever seen within the framework of a game?

Just watch 30 seconds to 1 minute of the above video, since watching the full 5 minutes is overkill.


I want a truck like that in real life

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same question

3 hours ago, Randoman said:

What were some of the very first video games you played as a kid?

That's a difficult one as I've been gaming for as long as I can remember. I had a PS1 with Tarzan and Spyro games when I was pretty young. And I definitely played the first gen Pokemon games as well.

3 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

I'd like to draw Micaiah the most because I love her hair colour and her dress as light priestress.

Which FE guy would you like to draw the most if I forced you to?

Did you guys post at the same time? I'll answer this as well then just in case.

Probably Ranulf or Erk. There isn't enough fan art of either.

Micaiah's costumes in general are really nice. I love her light sage one because pink and blue go so nice.


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Favorite video games of all time?

9 hours ago, Natalie said:

Top 3 countries you'd like to visit?

Hmm... does "Europe" count as a single country? No? Then maybe England, France, and then somewhere fairly obscure, like somewhere in the Balkans, or Mongolia. Or Russia.

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If you could choose between your nails always staying an ideal length without having to cut them or your hair always staying an ideal length without having to cut it, which one would you pick?

7 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Which FE guy would you like to draw the most if I forced you to?

Definitely Marth. I actually drew him in MS Paint way back in 2009.

MS Paint Marth.PNG

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On 8/10/2017 at 10:55 AM, Reimu Hakurei said:

Same question

The fact that political opponents actually sit down and talk with each other instead of spewing fake news and disgusting rumors.

In essence, same answer as above.

Favourite video-game quote?

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Favourite kind of dessert?

20 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite video games of all time?

Zelda and Fire Emblem mainly.

Specifically Zelda: Twilight Princess and Windwaker. Although for the majority of my childhood I never left the original areas and ran around catching pigs and chickens...

Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword and Radiant Dawn. I've played these two so much that I once took Mist into the final battle armed with Alondite.

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On 9-8-2017 at 2:45 PM, Natalie said:

But I do know everything about Henry VIII and the year 1066.

That's all I need to know to question you about one of my favorite legal cases in history.

In your opinion, rightful King of England: Harold Godwinson, William of Normandy or other?

Go into as much or as little detail as you want (I love detail).

On 9-8-2017 at 4:27 AM, Robert of Normandy said:

who would you say are your top 5 non-Roman leaders in world history?

Uhhhhhh... In no particular order (and probably forgetting people too):

  • William I, King of the Netherlands (his government of decrees and policy of persistency make him a very interesting figure);
  • Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor;
  • Alfred the Great, King of Wessex;
  • Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia;
  • Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia.
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What are your top 5 Roman sites/monuments/places you'd recommend to visit?

18 hours ago, Randoman said:

If you could choose between your nails always staying an ideal length without having to cut them or your hair always staying an ideal length without having to cut it, which one would you pick?


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Favorite video game boss fights?

21 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Favorite kind of rice?

I don't eat rice often enough to have an adequate opinion on the matter. Sorry!

21 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

*Snip* video

I know... it's just... how can one choose one or two countries in Europe when one desperately wants to visit everywhere in Europe?

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First video games you ever played?

16 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

That's all I need to know to question you about one of my favorite legal cases in history.

In your opinion, rightful King of England: Harold Godwinson, William of Normandy or other?

Go into as much or as little detail as you want (I love detail).

Eh I'm feeling the pressure. I was trying to avoid being asked anything. We never looked at the actual legal side of things but I'll give it a go.



I mean, Harold II was apparently chosen to be the next rightful King by the Edward the Confessor, but if I remember correctly his coronation wasn't recognised by the Pope or something. Which meant that the William of Normandy could say that his crowning was illegal. He also didn't have a very strong claim to the throne, but neither did William of Normandy, and there were actually much closer relatives to Edward the Confessor.

Supposedly William claimed to have God on his side and this was thought to have made his claim to the throne stronger. Defeating Harold II probably 'proved' this and thus his claim was considered true, even if Harold's illegal crowning was just Norman propaganda.

So in my opinion based on these vague points (because we only really looked at the events at school, rather than the actual legal side) William of Normandy was possibly more likely to be the rightful King of England due to 'God being on his side', and invading and defeating Harold II. But neither of them were actually the rightful blood heir.


I'm sorry for being so stupid I'll go back to my hole

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On 8/12/2017 at 10:38 AM, Reimu Hakurei said:

same question

"Right. Lord Ike, "hero" of the Crimean Liberation, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children..."

Question: Easiest Fire Emblem level you ever played?

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What are some of your least favourite game soundtracks?

On 8/11/2017 at 11:15 PM, Reimu Hakurei said:

What's your opinion about the artstyle in FE Heroes?

The sprite artstyle, or the full portrait artstyle?

The former, I actually really like. I'd actually prefer chibi sprites for the next mainstream FE rather than having 3D models, even if it was on the Switch. I guess I'm weird and a sucker for sprites like that (the result of me growing up with NES/SNES games).

As for the latter, there were a lot of different artists, and judging each artist would be really hard, so I guess I'll say I generally find most of the character art good.

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

17 minutes ago, Ottokar said:

My question: What do you dislike about Fire Emblem?

Well, in regards to the series itself, I suppose how hard/inaccessible it is for the majority of gamers out there is the main one that comes to mind. I mean, it's definitely not as easy for the general public to get into compared to RPGs like Pokemon and Final Fantasy, which is a shame since it gets less fans/players that way and I have less people in real life to talk about it with. 

Though I will admit that the more recent games have been doing a good job at making the series more accessible, especially with new additions like FE12's casual mode and FE15's turnwheel.

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One thing you hope to see in the next FE game?

2 hours ago, Ottokar said:

Question: Easiest Fire Emblem level you ever played?

Probably that one in FE7 where you buy stuff and go to the arena in like 7 turns or something. 

Seriously, though, I think Fates: Birthright has some really easy chapters, but I have only played through once.

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Least favorite video game you've played?

9 hours ago, Natalie said:

First video games you ever played?

Some Nintendo 64 games, such as Mario Kart, Mario Party 2, Ocarina of Time, and Super Mario 64. However, I only "played" around on them, and never really "played" them (like, I'd wander around Kokori Forest in Ocarina of Time but was always too afraid to visit the Deku Tree because of the monsters). So, the first video games that I played for the sake of beating them would be New Super Mario Bros. (DS), Phantom Hourglass, and Pokemon Pearl.

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On 8/11/2017 at 11:31 AM, Natalie said:

I'm not entirely sure what exactly you mean by this question. Don't a lot of media and books etc have very similar subjects?

Well, I suppose that's true. I guess when I wrote what I did, I suppose that, you could say, that I was starting to think a bit like a critic. But either way, I found it interesting that similar subjects could span different media and different genres, and still be unique enough to be their own thing. And that not many people seem to pick up on it on occasion.


If we're being very specific in story/themes; Hunger Games books/films uses a lot of Battle Royal's story in a very different world, and the film Inception uses themes from the film Paprika.

I wasn't really being specific, though. Or, at least, I don't think I was.

@Rex Glacies: What was it about my avvie that struck you as being "witch-like" or "ghost-like"?

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