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Favorite season?

3 hours ago, John Denver Fan said:

Do you collect things?

Of sorts. When I was younger I collected Hot Wheels, but that was long ago. Now, I am trying to collect swords. I only have 3-4, depending on how you count it, plus various "fake" Nerf-esque swords, but I seek to collect more in time.

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On 12/16/2017 at 2:48 PM, John Denver Fan said:

Since I wasn't asked any questions from my previous reply, I'll just skip to the question.

Have you listened to John Denver's songs?

 I have now :v

Fun stuff, I like listening to stuff like bluegrass.


Have you been to Disney World/Land?

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What's your opinion of My Little Pony?

21 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

How many countries have you visited?

3: The Philippines, Canada, and the US. I would say China as well, but I doubt stopping to take a transfer plane there counts as visiting China.

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On 12/21/2017 at 8:31 AM, Randoman said:

What's your opinion of My Little Pony?

3: The Philippines, Canada, and the US. I would say China as well, but I doubt stopping to take a transfer plane there counts as visiting China.

I saw an episode some years ago when it was really big, I thought it was cute.


Who are some of your favorite singers, excluding our good man John Denver?

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Would you consider yourself a Disney fan?

On 12/21/2017 at 2:45 PM, John Denver Fan said:

Do you speak another language besides English?

I studied about 2 years of Latin, though I'm not very good with it. I had intended on using it as a gateway to learn the other Romance languages, but that never happened. So, no, that's it.

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11 hours ago, Gemma said:

I saw an episode some years ago when it was really big, I thought it was cute.


Who are some of your favorite singers, excluding our good man John Denver?

Alan Jackson, Elvis Presley, Toby Keith, Brooks and Dunn, and Kenny Rogers.

Have you been to a foreign country?

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12 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Would you consider yourself a Disney fan?


Yeah. I dig the golden age toons, and as I kid I watched Disney movies all the time, fun memories. Mickey and friends are great fun, Pooh is heartwarming- good iconic characters.


book you read recently that you enjoyed?

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Where does your member title come from?

On 17-12-2017 at 9:51 PM, ChefGuevara said:

Favorite bad roman emperor? 

Didius Julianus because he wasn't just bad, he was hilariously bad. Like, cartoonish bad. After having bought the emperorship at an auction, whenever he appeared in public he was bombarded with groans, insults and stones. A large portion of the army refused to acknowledge him and marched against him. After nine weeks in office, Julianus was sentenced to death by the Senate.

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21 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Favorite thing to put on toast?

Late fall/autumn

jam or marmalade


last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, you...? What did you do?

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Favorite character from each Fire Emblem game you've played?

On 12/23/2017 at 2:22 PM, John Denver Fan said:

Have you been to a foreign country?

I visited Canada years ago when I went to Niagara Falls, but other than that nope. I would love to travel though.

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

Or if I already asked you that question, are there any games/movies/TV series that you insist on staying away from for any particular reason? (Eg: you stay away from Grand Theft Auto at all costs because of how horrible the game is, morals-wise, you stay away from anything Batman related because of how sick you are of his overusage and his fanbase, etc.)

On 12/21/2017 at 9:26 AM, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite TV show?

The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow come to mind. Though lately, Legends of Tomorrow is kind of dropping off of my radar in terms of interest. Even without White Canary's constant flirtiness, she really annoys me due to her constant pompousness and threatening people with assassin skills and generally not having much else going for her besides those two aspects. And having yet another season that greatly focuses on her dealing with Damien Darhk is overkill and ridiculous. It doesn't help that she's essentially been the lead character for the past 2 seasons (at least season 2 had Matt Letscher's Reverse Flash who, to me, made up for such an annoying and bratty lead).

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4 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite character from each Fire Emblem game you've played?

I visited Canada years ago when I went to Niagara Falls, but other than that nope. I would love to travel though.

Gaiden/echoes - celica

7 - Lyn

8 - Erika

Awakening - Lucina

Fates - Arthur


what is the tastiest thing you ate for Christmas?

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6 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Probably Butterfinger pudding.

Do you ever plan on playing Echoes?

Dang, that sounds really good. Butterfingers are a guilty pleasure of mine~  Butterfinger shakes are where its at for me.

i have echoes, i think im over halfway done but ive put it down for a while, just cause i havet been playing much of anything lately outside fighting games.


opinion on echoes?

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