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A country you'd like to visit one day?

I'm going to be a contrarian and say ass. Gotta appreciate those beasts of burden.

Edit: wow SF way to fuck up my posts.

Edited by shinpichu
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What's your favourite insect?

@ Soledai: Freohr with her calm and gentle personality (yet willing to speak out when things seem wrong to her) comes to mind. Shin for being calm, lax, yet sticking strongly to his morals would be another person I'd pick as a mod.

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something you found enjoyable while you were young but lost interest in when you go older?

When you were young, were you one of those kids that liked lasers?


just something about them just lit up my imaginative young mind

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Favorite childhood band?

@Tristei: Power Rangers, used to be really into that. Always wanted an action figure of one whenever I went to town. Now I can't even remember the last time I've seen one. I don't even know how many series of those shows their are, too many.

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Favourite band today?

@Cannot remember- Impressions of myself... Well, I have a weird sense of humour, I'm a mostly cheerful and "calm" person, I look average, I'm smart but can be ditzy at times, I'm very clumsy and I'm not the best at socialising.

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