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EDIT: Your FE class?

Is there any Awakening name for an FE4/5/whatever character that you prefer to their fan translation name?

Now that's a good question.


Edited by Soledai
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If you were given a million dollars out of nowhere, what would you do with them?

Be suspicious.

Then probably store it, proportionately, in a separate bank account.

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If you remade FE4 and HAD to include an avatar, how would you do it?

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Be suspicious.

Then probably store it, proportionately, in a separate bank account.

same tbh.

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KoF 2000 had some epic references, but I don't really like using them. I like the fight to feel raw... the strikers kinda hijack the flow of the game in that sense.

Do you have any hobbies you really devote yourself to?

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Would you want to see avatars in all the later FEs? (Never mind that it's pretty much an inevitability at this point)

If you remade FE4 and HAD to include an avatar, how would you do it?

I would wake up from that nightmare

A grunt with little impact on the overall story, but not irrelevant enough to warrant not being there. (Like a grunt)

Then I would wake up from that bad dream.

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Do you have a Neo Geo Pocket (Color)?

Would you want to see avatars in all the later FEs? (Never mind that it's pretty much an inevitability at this point)

Not really. Although if they find a way to make one work well I'd be all for it.

Edited by shinpichu
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Have you ever been to a beach? Do you enjoy it?

Do you have a Neo Geo Pocket (Color)?

Nahh, I wish, that would be so cool~ (SvC Match of the Millennium is so fun~) I've never seen the handheld or any games anywhere @_@

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EDIT: Have you played on an MVS?

Have you ever had the chance to play on an actual Neo Geo MVS?

I don't know if it was Neo Geo, but when I was a pup, I played on something that looked like that.

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