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Favourite anime?


When was the last time you had a major shift in your philosophical views. What caused it?

One of my most persistent philosophies said that I should always strive to reconcile differences and never back down or agree to disagree until we had an understanding. Sometime during the past year, I began holding my tongue both offline and online. I have let people be wrong. My relationships with people have improved. What caused it was interaction. I got a job working with people and started uni. Experience taught me to pick my battles and not waste my breath on people who didn't matter to me.

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Does power corrupt absolutely?

Thoughts on the Experience Machine thought experiment?

I wouldn't take it. The spirit thrives on struggle, on risk and reward. If you never take risks then no reward can feel earned. The ability to earn our happiness is what we really want.

favorite piece of media?

i.e Television, anime and manga, literature etc.

red hair

that or black

Got to be manga > anime.

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Why get up in the morning?


Do you prefer interacting with large groups of people you don't know very well, or small groups you already know very well?

Small groups I know well. Depending on the activity I enjoy hanging out with a mix.

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If you could choose between completely eliminating your capacity for anger or lust, which one of those two would you pick?

Have you ever travelled abroad?

The only countries I've been in are The Philippines, China (well, if you count having a transfer flight there as being in China despite it being only 2 hours or so), Canada, and the United States.

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Same question. v

Music, actually. It's essentially a universal language, and, to quote victor hugo.

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent."

It's already an important part of my life, anyways.

What scientific discovery would you like to see within your lifetime?

Immortality. If that doesn't count, then portals.

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*internet troubles*

I believe the last question that was posed was a favorite quote.

I'm not sure I really have a favorite quote, but I do very much agree with Mark Twain's quote "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice."

I don't have a question for Makaze.

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