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Opinion on people who dress up their pets?

I might just be so incredulous that someone wants me to by an Amiibo that badly that I would just refuse.

If such a scenario did exist and I did have to buy one amiibo to save the world, sure.

They should be thrown in jail for animal abuse and left to rot like the terrible people they are.

If Nintendo started putting games on amiibos instead of cartridges would you be interested in them? Would you change gaming mediums? Would you hire a witchdoctor to shrink the Nintendo CEO's heads? (I do not support the stereotyping of witchdoctors as bad people)

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Your main in Smash?

Do you believe apes can talk? (Not vocally necessarily, but possess a language that can effectively communicate their wants and desires and not just recite a script that has been giving to them.)

I dunno

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Favorite platforming game?

Favorite joke character in a fighting game?

Phoenix Wright from Super Smash Bros Crusade (the fan game).

What do you think about ground-type attacks?

As in Pokemon moves? I think they are completely useless against an Emolga.

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Opinion of mafia?

I was curious as to how other social chameleons manage situations like that.

I get scared stiff. I'll completely avoid social situations where I know there is a threat of something like that happening.

The five pirates mentioned previously are joined by a sixth, then plunder a ship with only one gold coin.

After venting some of their frustration by killing all on board the ship, they now need to divvy up the one coin. They are so angry, they now value in priority order:

1. Their lives

2. Getting money

3. Seeing other pirates die.

So if given the choice between two outcomes, in which they get the same amount of money, they'd choose the outcome where they get to see more of the other pirates die.

How can the captain save his skin?

Give the coin to the 2nd pirate, or to the 5th?


Captain (0), 1st (0), 2nd (1), 3rd (0), 4th (0), [or 5th (1)?]

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What do you believe was responsible for the collapse of the western Roman Empire?

Opinion of mafia?

Never played it, and have no interest in doing so. Edited by shinpichu
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What do you think would happen if all machines in the world were suddenly taken over by viruses?

Maverick Wars

We'd be in some real deep poo poo. The chance that we'd have to start over, technologically, exists too if we have to destroy our creations.

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which of the seven virtues you wish everyone would have more of?

Opinion on crawfish?

it looks really good

i honestly want to take a road trip straight Lousiana just to try some

but travelling costs money..

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i never had any stuff like franks or sriracha so i unfortunately don't know

as long as somethings spicy and has a taste to it (there's a difference to buffalo sauce and hot sauce) i'll like it

what kind of fries do you like better?

normal, curly, waffle etc

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