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Same question

I did not understand a word you said so yeah I am lost

favorite final boss theme

Your member title does say "Lost in thoughts by myself"

Probably the final boss theme from Xenoblade Chronicles.

Edited by EricTheMerc91
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What got you into MLP?

Same question

I love it.

It forces me to change the way I look at how people behave. The ultimate challenge. Poker does the same things for different reasons.

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Feeling about the current EIMM if you're following it?

Yes I've played roller coaster tycoon.

What is one weakness you've had that's followed you all your life?

Arrogance. I always eventually overstep my bounds and takes risks I don't have to because I think I can.

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favorite dessert?

Feeling about the current EIMM if you're following it?

i haven't been following it, but the fact that most people in it are claiming stress and other such emotions in this one is kind of concerning me..

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Most annoying type of enemy in video games?

What pet peeves have you developed in your nigh 8 years on SF?

Newbies not doing this thread right

How salty the fandom got, especially over the localization changes

My posts being ignored

Smash thread being full of arguments

All I can think of.

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something new you've always wanted to try?

Most annoying type of enemy in video games?

in some games like hack and slash, beat em ups or fighters, those that sure love to turtle

annoys me to know end

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why nohr

It's dark and edgy and i like death

also i like the idea of being on the "bad" side in any game

there are not many that do this though

also i wont be judged for my actions while in hoshido i have to be a hypocrite


omg i love these,

obviously its 143547

because imagine answer in three sections; X1|X2|X3

X1=first ciffer * second ciffer

X2=first ciffer * third ciffer

X3=X1+X2-second ciffer

or you are just trolling and its actually 14


What is prescious to you?

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favorite music genres of yours?

hmmm, from a visual standpoint, i'd give mention to CVD diamonds as like actual diamonds they still keep their shine for long periods of time unlike CZ. but for some reason i can't give my complete support to things like CVD or CZ due to reasons i don't think i'll be able to accurately pin point

i think i'll go for Diamonds due to diamonds all natural creation for the earth. and for how much one can willingly lay down just for diamonds, they better be the real thing instead of a substitute taking it's place

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favorite music genres of yours?

hmmm, from a visual standpoint, i'd give mention to CVD diamonds as like actual diamonds they still keep their shine for long periods of time unlike CZ. but for some reason i can't give my complete support to things like CVD or CZ due to reasons i don't think i'll be able to accurately pin point

i think i'll go for Diamonds due to diamonds all natural creation for the earth. and for how much one can willingly lay down just for diamonds, they better be the real thing instead of a substitute taking it's place

You've asked me that twice already.XD

I like music that kicks a little, symphonic metal is my favorite, but non-screaming metal (I like to understand the lyrics of my songs) works for me. I'll listen to any genre as long as it's a song I like though it's just less likely to be from country or something.

CVD diamonds are actual diamonds they're just synthetically created instead of naturally created. CVD diamonds have no flaws like natural diamonds and are cheaper so you can get a bigger stone for the same money. I personally don't care if the diamond is natural or not, paying for that fact and knowing that the diamond industry is a monopoly which warlords in Africa profit from and kill for the synthetic flawless synthetic diamond is just better in every single way IMO.

Member on Serenes in which you share the most sexual tension with?

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what do you prefer more when it comes to video games?

gameplay, story or the soundtrack?

You've asked me that twice already.XD

I like music that kicks a little, symphonic metal is my favorite, but non-screaming metal (I like to understand the lyrics of my songs) works for me. I'll listen to any genre as long as it's a song I like though it's just less likely to be from country or something.

CVD diamonds are actual diamonds they're just synthetically created instead of naturally created. CVD diamonds have no flaws like natural diamonds and are cheaper so you can get a bigger stone for the same money. I personally don't care if the diamond is natural or not, paying for that fact and knowing that the diamond industry is a monopoly which warlords in Africa profit from and kill for the synthetic flawless synthetic diamond is just better in every single way IMO.

Member on Serenes in which you share the most sexual tension with?

my apologies, didn't have my cup of coffee then =_=

oh i see, i think i can understand the subject a bit better now

uhhhh, i can say i used to have that with Sophie years ago, but that's long since been over.

but who i have it with currently?
can't really say. mostly from one part, i'm not sure if they feel the same, or if i really share that at all with anyone

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what do you prefer more when it comes to video games?

gameplay, story or the soundtrack?

You've asked me that before too. A balance of gameplay and story, but I'd rather play a game with good gameplay than a good story with a poor game

, soundtrack doesn't really matter to me too much.

If you were dying of bloodloss on a desert island would you attempt to use coconuts as an IV? They are sterile, but the potassium in them can cause clogged arteries and kill you. Coconuts being able to be used as an IV came to popularity during WWII by the British though it was never practiced they told their soldiers they could do so, there has to my knowledge only been one case in which a coconut IV has actually saved somebody who would have otherwise died.

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This question


Headaches, by a very small margin

Depends on the type of each, if it's a stomach ache from eating bacon then headaches, in general though stomach aches considering I almost always have one only particularly bad ones bother me.

Have you ever licked a weasel? If not why haven't you?

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