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Favorite Star Trek character?

Opinion on Star Trek?

I love Star Trek, it's my favorite Sci Fi universe. I've got all 6 series on DVD, even the animated series.

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What are some of your favourite childhood memories?

@ Erc: Sky Destroyer for the NES/Famicom was the earliest game ever I recall playing. That aside, I played a lot of Super Mario Bros./Super Mario World as well.

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Do you have a best friend?

Opinion of the Magic Weapon Triangle and Dark and Light Magic in FE.

I like the magic triangle and think it needs to return. i miss dark magic specific classes (looking at you Shaman) and don't think they did it justice in the past 2 games.

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A game that you had no expectations for, only for it to be pretty good when you played it?

Favorite Star Trek character?

I've really not watched much Trek so I don't know if I can say. Spock maybe.

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Favorite way to spend a free day?

Least favorite FE character.

Oh, hm... out of all the playable units, I might have to go with... Libra. I don't dislike any of the characters, he's just the one character I never had any desire to use at all.

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Do you wish Nintendo would adopt cloud storage and stop having game and save data tied to the physical hardware?

What are some of your favourite childhood memories?

I guess it depends on where we cut-off the definition of childhood. My earliest happy memories are spending time playing with my sister and cousins. I didn't have a ton of friends growing up, but I always had my family.

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tbh I don't really know much about cloud storage. Is that online only? I feel like if that was the case, Nintendo would be better off without. Going along with the spirit of being a family console, I think it would be nice to play easily offline.

Though at the same time, I think they could do a nice job of organizing it with the NNID.

Game you are/were most excited for coming out this year?

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Opinion on coffee?

Opinion on the Metal Gear Solid series?

Never played it. The story and cinematics look interesting but I think the gameplay is a bit above the effort i want to put into most games lol.

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I love the taste and smell of coffee, and I love coffee flavored desserts and such, but I rarely drink it. It's good, but I feel like people get hooked way too easy >.>

opinion on tea?

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Which game consoles have you owned?

Game you are/were most excited for coming out this year?

I'll likely pick up Pokemon Sun when it comes out, other than that, I think Tales of Berseria is coming out in America in 2017, so it doesn't count.

I would like Nintendo to have cloud as a backup, with the ability to keep data locally, like how Playstation, Steam, and GOG do it.

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Most embarrassing experience?

Do you play any fighting games?

Not really. I had Mortal Kombat for the Super Nintendo and have played the Smash series, but beyond that, not much.

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Who are your top 5 favourite Nintendo characters?

Do you have a best friend?

Yeah, he's a very encouraging person who's really good at making you feel better when you're down. He does find my Nintendo and The Flash obsession to be a bit too much at times, though, and he groans quite loudly when I quote Wells saying "you could've had the ____ you wanted... YOU COULD'VE HAD EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED!!!!!"

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Game consoles you've owned?

Who are your top 5 favourite Nintendo characters?

I guess I'll go by first party, main universe Nintendo characters, since if we included 2nd party characters, like Fire Emblem, the list would be dominated by them.

1. Yoshi

2. Birdo

3. Wario

4. Luigi

5. Shy Guy

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Favorite sport, if any?

Opinion on hedgehogs?

They're cute, although I don't have that much experience with them.

I'd rather not discuss it, sorry.

No worries Edited by Rezzy
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Favorite place to eat out?

Which game consoles have you owned?

I would like Nintendo to have cloud as a backup, with the ability to keep data locally, like how Playstation, Steam, and GOG do it.

Let's see...


Gamecube, Wii, WiiU


PSP, Vita

Yeah, that would be a really nice option. NX, please ;_;

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Opinion on facial hair?

Favorite place to eat out?

I have simple tastes. There's this local pizza place that I really like. I also used to work at Steak 'n Shake and ate pretty much the same thing for 6 years straight.

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Least favorite food?

Your question to you

I like facial hair, beards in particular. I think more guys should have them.

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Opinion on socks?

What is your opinion on the mentioned asparagus?

I love asparagus, I like eating it steamed with butter.

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