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The worst place where you would live (don't know if the question is written well)

What's your opinion of the reboot/alternate universe new original Star Trek series of movies?

I only saw Beyond the other day and I pretty liked it, BUT I've never seen the original series, so I cannot properly answer this question

Edited by TheVaike98
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What's that image in your sig from?

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?

Maybe my feet. It's hard to find shoes my size.

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favorite film from your childhood?

What is your usual KoF team?

i've been finding enjoyment on using some combinations of Kyo, Terry, Leona, Kim, Ralf, Kensou, King and Kasumi

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Would you rather be 8 feet tall or 3 feet tall?

Favorite artist?

Hard to say. I'll take the cop out answer and say my son, since his art hangs on my fridge.

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When you approach split paths, which direction is your default direction?

Would you murder someone if that persons deaths would benefit the lives of many, while also being easy to get away with?

I can't say I like the thought of becoming a murderer, but if there was absolutely no choice left and I was the only one capable, then it's likely I would.

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Worst operating system you've ever used

What's that image in your sig from?

A scene from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. I chose it because I found the situation really funny, with Lancer (Blue guy) not being able to catch anything and Archer (Red guy) and Gilgamesh (Golden guy) invading his "paradise" in the docks and catching all kind of fish while having a competition. Then a little girl asks Lancer if he's able to catch anything, with lancer crying because he lost his paradise

(Kinda, I don't remember VERY well the scene)

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Favorite kind of hat?

The worst place where you would live (don't know if the question is written well)

I'm not sure I understand, but I don't think I have a good answer.

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What's your current goal or an accomplishment you are currently working towards?

Worst operating system you've ever used

They all seem the same to me. But I didn't much like windows 8.

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Do you have any favourite first party games/franchises from Sony or Microsoft? (Eg: LittleBigPlanet, Sly Cooper, Halo, etc.)

Favorite ice cream brand?

I mainly keep track of ice cream flavours rather than brands. I can't even name any off the top of my head besides Dairy Queen, Breyers, No Name, and Ben & Jerry's. Though if I had to pick one, I suppose it'd be dairy queen since the strawberry cheesequake is awesome.

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Have you ever thought about writing a comic book for one of your favorite characters?

Do you have any favourite first party games/franchises from Sony or Microsoft? (Eg: LittleBigPlanet, Sly Cooper, Halo, etc.)

I only had Nintendo consoles growing up, and only played Sega and later Playstation at friends' houses growing up. I only got XBox and Playstation 2 once I was an adult, and then I only really played RPGs and stuff that were 3rd party. I suppose Fable for XBox might count as a first party favorite.

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Your question to you?

If you could make yourself believe anything, what would it be?

That my mother didn't mean the things she said to me when she's drunk.

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Do you think humanity is inherently good or evil?

How much do you trust your first impressions of people?

I always keep it in the back of my mind, but I try my best to give people a chance, and not hold things against them, if they rubbed me the wrong way when I first met them.

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