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Reasons for liking Ewan?

Cuteness, Versatility, the fact he's a redheaded mage... He's adorable... EwanxAmelia support... EwanxSaleh...

Just so much awesomeness compacted into what people call the worst FE8 character!

Reason for liking Pegasus Knights?

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The first FE you've played?

Least favorite FE game?

It's actually a bit of a toss up between FE8 and FE10. FE8 because I don't really find it engaging as other FEs I've played, and the (lack of) difficulty might also have a factor in it. (It doesn't help that I haven't picked it up again after playing FE7 for the first time.) FE10 because I simply didn't find it all that superior to FE9. Sure the gameplay was nice, but I would have liked a little more balance in it (like for starters, a greater number of the Dawn Brigade being more useful when compared to others). I also felt like quite a few perfectly good plots were wasted with that one, and that some of the story could have gone to greater detail with it. (Some details regarding Micaiah would be good examples I can think of with this matter.)
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Do you have a fear of Death... From the Castlevania series?

I see what you did there...

Well...depends on the game since in some of them, he can be hard to beat.

@DLV: Favorite ninja and samurai?

Favorite ninja: Ibuki from Street Fighter

Favorite samurai: Takane Hibiki from the Last Blade.

Favorite FE moment?

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Yes... Pegasus Knight fan here... My faves are Thany :wub: , Syrene, Tana and Marcia (cause she's funny).

@Person above me

Least liked unit?

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Least fav for use: That would be Either Wallace, Samson, Arran, or Lorenz.

Least fav character personality: Wil. Definitely Wil

Reason for liking Red-headed people wielding axes?

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Favorite non-FE character.

That one would be Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito from TWEWY.

EDIT: If you were able to meet any user, which one would you NOT want to meet?

Edited by 13thshadow
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Have you ever considered quitting Yu-Gi-Oh!?

I've actually quit twice but I've obviously gone back to the game.

@Light Lord: Since you've gone under the name Yusei Fudo, which of his monsters is your favorite?

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A Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament during my senior year in high school. I used Ike and won a 50$ Game Stop gift card I was gonna use it to buy Radiant Dawn but decided to give to my younger brother who use it to but Final Fantasy 3 DS only to grow bored of it two weeks later. : <

Which is your favorite Special Infected from the Left 4 Dead games?

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Recently a BBCS2 vid of a Platinum player against a Litchi player who used Plat's 6B, the attack in which Plat hits her opponent with her bottom similar to Marisa's attack, three times in a row forcing the Litchi player to rage burst.

Do you keep up with the news on a daily basis?

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