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If you play Super Smash, your main(s)?

On 8/4/2017 at 7:32 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

Favorite copy ability in a Kirby game?

I've actually only played the original Kirby game which was before the copy ability. But from what I know and based off appearance, probably Ice Kirby.

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Do you like lobster?

52 minutes ago, Natalie said:

If you play Super Smash, your main(s)?

I've not played in a long time, but my mains were usually Marth, Kirby, Doctor Mario, and Young/Toon Link.

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If you woke up in a dumpster in your city/town, walked home from said dumpster, and found an exact copy of you (down to your looks, abilities, knowledge, and memories) living at home with your family/friends and essentially replacing you (with your family/friends thinking you're the fake, but are confused/lost rather than skeptical/distrustful towards you), what would you do? 

On 8/5/2017 at 6:04 AM, Hattusili I said:

Same question you asked.

There's definitely quite a few SF members I'd want banned. Though mentioning names probably isn't a good idea, I'll just say that if an SF member is excessively rude, inconsiderate, constantly makes flame-bait posts (intentional or not), thinks they're in the right or claims "they have the right" to do/be all of the aforementioned, and shows little to no signs of trying to improve themself, they'd likely be someone I want banned from SF.

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If you could visit any fictional location, where would you go?

On 8/5/2017 at 0:53 AM, Reimu Hakurei said:

Oldest videogame you have played yet?

I've played a couple of the old arcade games like Galaga and Donkey Kong, but they're both arcade and not specifically "video game." Moreover, I've only played them on replica systems - not the original arcade machines. So, if those don't count, I have briefly played the original Super Mario on the NES. 

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Have you played any games from Konami's older days? (Eg: Contra, Gradius, Twinbee, Circus Charlie, Parodius, Gyruss, Antarctic Adventure, NES Goonies 1/2, Moai Kun) If not, which one of the above games/game series do you at least know a bit about?

16 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If you could visit any fictional location, where would you go? 

It'd have to be a location that either has something very useful/awesome I could bring back and bring into the real world, or a location with really awesome food. Off the top of my head, I suppose I'd visit the world of Final Fantasy IV (that's my personal favourite Final Fantasy game) stock up on lots of remedies and healing items, and bring them back to the real world so I could give those healing items to people who need it.

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Favorite video game console?

37 minutes ago, Randoman said:

Have you played any games from Konami's older days? (Eg: Contra, Gradius, Twinbee, Circus Charlie, Parodius, Gyruss, Antarctic Adventure, NES Goonies 1/2, Moai Kun) If not, which one of the above games/game series do you at least know a bit about?

I can't say I have played any of them. I feel like I have heard of Gradius, though I may be mistaking it for the legendary lance Gradivus from Fire Emblem. Regardless, I know little to nothing about any of them, sorry.

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On 8/3/2017 at 9:52 PM, Reimu Hakurei said:

Is your UN a combination of Otto and Karl The Great?

My username? No. Ottokar in and of itself is a German and Czech name with origins completely different to either "Otto" or "Karl." Ottokar in German derives from the Germanic name Audovacar (aud- "wealth, prosperity"; -wakar "vigilant, awake"). Audovacar was apparently the real name of the Goth chieftain who invaded Italy c. 476 and is known to us as Odoacer.

If I wanted to do what you said, my username would be "Karl-Otto der Grosse."


Video game character they want to meet

One of Seliph, Duke Claud, Leif, or Saias.

Languages spoken, and to what degree of fluency?

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Any foods/drinks you loved as a child and still really like now?

2 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Impression or opinion of Touhou?

I'd only heard of it through SF and I don't know anything about it really, but the character designs seem really cute.

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Are you interested in history?

On 5-8-2017 at 5:52 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

How would you say is your knowledge of Persian history?

Pretty bad.

I know little more about them than the Persian Wars, Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire and some things Herodotus wrote about them.

So basically all my knowledge about their history comes from my knowledge of Greek history.

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Have you any interest in mythology?

17 hours ago, RulerJeanne said:

Video game character they want to meet 

Frankly, Odin/Owain would be fun to meet and converse with. If not him, then someone wise and transcendent like Alvis from Xenoblade Chronicles.

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Same question you asked.

On 8/6/2017 at 1:12 PM, Randoman said:

If you woke up in a dumpster in your city/town, walked home from said dumpster, and found an exact copy of you (down to your looks, abilities, knowledge, and memories) living at home with your family/friends and essentially replacing you (with your family/friends thinking you're the fake, but are confused/lost rather than skeptical/distrustful towards you), what would you do?

I...really don't know. Talk to everyone I know and try my best to piece together what happened, maybe.

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12 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Favorite historical building(s) in Europe?

Many of them. A couple of examples:

  • Süleymaniye Camii, Istanbul (Suleymaniye Mosque)
  • the Basilicas of Rome, notably St. John Lateran and St. Peter
  • the Arc de Triomphe
  • Wawel Palace

But, as I said, I like so many of them that I can't pick a definite favourite.

My question: What do you like and dislike about Fire Emblem?

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Favourite form of art (eg. paintings, photography, music etc)?

14 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

Are you interested in history?

hides in a corner of shame

I am, but I'm not exactly particularly knowledgeable other than the basics taught at school.

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What historical topics/eras/countries did you learn about at school?

I know that tends to differ a lot from country to country.

20 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Have you any interest in mythology?

History > mythology, but mythology is still great.

I like "historical mythology" (or "mythological history"; stuff like the Trojan War and the stories from the Roman Kingdom) mostly for the history part (and investigating what about it is fact and what is myth), but I also like the "explanatory mythology" (the mythology that explains things like how the stars were made or why there are a sun and a moon) because I find all these creative ways of explaining that kind of stuff very fun.

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who would you say are your top 5 non-Roman leaders in world history?

On 8/7/2017 at 6:52 PM, Ottokar said:

My question: What do you like and dislike about Fire Emblem?

Like: The characters(usually), and the variety/choice the gameplay offers.

Dislike: Can't say there's anything systemic I dislike on the whole about the series.

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21 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Favorite quote in FE?

"Right. Lord Ike, "hero" of the Crimean Liberation, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe's children..." 

Languages spoken, and to what level of fluency?

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Were you inactive for a bit? I haven't seen you online until now. Thought you were a new member.

On 7/25/2017 at 11:47 PM, Rex Glacies said:

If you could only play one video game franchise for the rest of your life, what would it be?


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1 minute ago, Ronnie said:

Were you inactive for a bit? I haven't seen you online until now. Thought you were a new member.

Who, me? I go off and on intermittently. I've been here three-ish months.

Question: Out of all the places you've seen, which did you like the most?

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