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15 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Would it mind you, if I voted you for the next interview?

Of course not! In fact, I would consider such to be a most excellent way to fill my week.

Might I quickly ask, which character is on your profile image and where might they originate from?

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3 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Favorite starter Pokémon in X + Y?

Greninja, which ended up being my starter. Top speed, I think also above average attack, and good type coverage.

Where in the world do you want to travel to next? Why?

Edited by henrymidfields
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30 minutes ago, henrymidfields said:

Where in the world do you want to travel to next? Why?

Nowhere, if I must say. I confess, most of the world either disgusts or bores me ever quite so. Being a lady and denizen of the United Kingdom, hailing from Europe and possessing strong family heritage across Asia in which also includes the popular location of Japan, I believe I have grown to be knowledgeable regarding culture and thus I have grown most uninterested in such things. I, for one, am never a typical tourist as landmarks and foreign culture does not tend to arouse my interest. That said, I also wish not to subject myself to being among unruly crowds. Needless to say, destinations with warmer climates does unspeakable things to my skin, even with my well-fitted sun hat—I simply would rather relax in my chamber than suffer such things. For instance, I would normally find an excursion to North America to be most intolerable, in both culture and climate.

Might I ask, what are your ten favourite Pokémon? If you wish, you may rank them with numbers.

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1 hour ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Furthest place you've been away from your home?

I do believe the answer just may be "Singapore", at least according to my globe. Such a location was a common destination of my mother throughout my life due to her old circle of acquaintances; as such, I was normally forced to join alongside her as my family tended to be "family-orientated". Truly, I cannot recall exactly how frequently we flew there.

What do you deem to be the seven "cutest" things in the world?

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10 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

What's with the whole 'role-playing as Clarine' thing? It's really annoying.

I shall first state I am NOT role-playing and this question irritates me beyond words. Can a girl truly NOT be formal naturally as the way they grew up as? I shall not condone such ignorance. This is simply how I converse even when relaxing; perhaps you are merely alienated from such culture, being overly exposed to the culture of simple dullards. Might I even have to resort to changing my display name to give insolent individuals such as yourself a slight hint?

If you would excuse me, I wish not to waste anymore time with you.

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So what's the whole deal with your complex personality type?

23 hours ago, Ottokar said:

Question: What's 9 + 10?  Which Fire Emblem character do you hate the most?

I don't really hate any Fire Emblem character, but I'm not very fond of Tharja.

She often annoys me.

22 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I see. I have not yet ready any other parts of the legendarium, so I wasn't aware he was more important. My apologies.

He doesn't really appear in any other books and when he does, it doesn't really add much information.

Bombadil is the biggest enigma in the whole legendarium. He seems to be related to the Ents, but he also seems to be related to Ilúvatar (God). Indeed, there's a somewhat popular fan theory that he is Ilúvatar (which I find unlikely).
He definitely has a place in the legendarium (otherwise Tolkien would have mercilessly removed him from it), but he's a great enigma. And that's exactly what makes him interesting!

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Have you read the Chronicles of Narnia?

15 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Favorite places in PA?

... Hmm.  I don't travel much in the state aside from local areas, so this is kinda difficult. Well, lets see...

I always love entering Pittsburgh, and I do like the city a lot.
The Carnegie Museum of History is in Pittsburgh, and I love going there. Though, I haven't been there in years by now...
There's an amusement park called Waldameer that I loved visiting when I was younger, but by now I rarely visit it and the rides aren't quite as exciting anymore.
As for food, there's a place not far from where I live that serves great sandwiches, pretzels, and fries. Another is a fairly new Syrian restaurant that makes good food.

1 hour ago, Hattusili I said:

Bombadil is the biggest enigma in the whole legendarium. He seems to be related to the Ents, but he also seems to be related to Ilúvatar (God). Indeed, there's a somewhat popular fan theory that he is Ilúvatar (which I find unlikely).
He definitely has a place in the legendarium (otherwise Tolkien would have mercilessly removed him from it), but he's a great enigma. And that's exactly what makes him interesting!

Ah, intriguing. I know little of the greater cosmology of Lord of the Rings, so I wasn't aware that he could have a greater role. (It is something that I should research more of, as I am always interested in such matters.)
In addition, one of the problems I had when reading the series (well, reading as much as I did) was that I felt there was an overabundance of detail, with numerous matters that were largely unimportant being described, and I suppose I simply associated him as such and mostly just skimmed over his section.

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2 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

So what's the whole deal with your complex personality type?

And just what exactly might you be referring to? Might it be regarding the matters discussed on my profile "statuses" or perhaps it may be regarding my previous answer? Very well, I must say, I wish not to explore such details thoroughly but if you truly must know, I have always lived a very sheltered life and as such, I never truly met many I could consider to be a "friend". During my young years, I was subjected to a series of most unfortunate and perhaps cruel events in which I do believe caused me to harbour such negative sentiments regarding the common majority. Simply put, I am the way I am due to how fate dictated my life in addition to my upbringing. For instance, I knew not of many common colloquial terms until the recent years as I was never truly exposed to such things frequently. I confess, I even attempted to search for the definition of "what's the whole deal" as I was unable to ascertain to the absolute definition of this phrase despite it being abundantly clear you are using it to question me.

Oh my, could one be challenging my formal exterior? If so, then I shall say I have possessed such a trait for many years. It is understandable to assume many are not fond of me and this trait of mine for numerous reasons but regardless, I wish to remain true to myself. Forgive me if I misunderstand, for your question was mildly vague.

For what reasons might there be for you to list the characters of Leo, Lukas, Odin, Genny, Azama and Henry as characters you relate to on your profile?

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If it is not too personal, might I ask if you were home-schooled or otherwise not educated in a "classroom" setting?
If you would rather not answer then just ignore it and the question will be: What Fire Emblem games have you played?

3 hours ago, Clarine said:

For what reasons might there be for you to list the characters of Leo, Lukas, Odin, Genny, Azama and Henry as characters you relate to on your profile?

Oh! Interesting that you would find that! Alrighty...


Leo - I relate to Leo due to a number of factors. The main reason would be his logical demeanor, as I greatly consider myself to be a person of logic. Secondly, and I believe many like Leo for this reason as well, but in the games he is the "forgotten" middle child, who lives under his siblings shadows. While I do not feel left out in terms of my siblings, I do often feel inadequate behind their accomplishments, and I often think I need to do more in order to stand out.

Lukas - Again, I relate to him because of logic. And while it it isn't as obvious on the internet, I have... few emotions in my real life, and like one of Lukas's supports, "I should like to be red with rage, greed with envy... Something!" Granted, I'm not as "emotionless" as Lukas, but I still felt like him in his supports. Plus, I rather like his name, though that's not something to relate to...

Odin - I often (always) try to speak in a sophisticated manor, but I always have a feeling it just sounds like... Odin. Again, perhaps not on the internet, but in real life, rather than sounding like nobility, I feel I only add extravagant words and phrases in a frivolous attempt to sound like something I'm not. I also say Odin because he is more... something... than Owain. I'm not certain; I think he simply has more confidence than Owain, and that is fortunately something that I have - confidence.

Genny - A very small detail. Genny likes to write and come up with stories, and I do too. One of her quotes is something like "I'm already thinking about the sequel!" which is something that I myself have said on occasion about my stories.

Azama - He has a philosophy of life is meaningless, and he's just in for the ride. And while I am a Christian and I believe life does have meaning, I do believe that meaning can often be difficult to discern, and that in the long run humans are simply subject to the whims of fate and we must simply go along with it.

Henry - Both of us love to laugh, make puns, and tell jokes. Plus, we both have a sense of... dark humor at times...

Phew. That was longer than I expected; my apologies. Though, I do think I'm going to paste this onto my actual profile now. Thank you for giving me the time to actually explain why I relate to these characters.

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What's your favorite topic in SF?

13 hours ago, Clarine said:

I do believe the answer just may be "Singapore", at least according to my globe. Such a location was a common destination of my mother throughout my life due to her old circle of acquaintances; as such, I was normally forced to join alongside her as my family tended to be "family-orientated". Truly, I cannot recall exactly how frequently we flew there.

What do you deem to be the seven "cutest" things in the world?

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9 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

What's with the whole 'role-playing as Clarine' thing? It's really annoying.

If you want to misuse this thread for this kind of question, then I highly suggest to send her a PM instead of asking such an offensive question and indirectly blaming the recipient in the publicity,
I can even understand if it annoys you. The orotund rhetoric style isn't my cup of tea either because I don't like reading long sentences with several interlacings and non trivial parenthesises.
However if you have a problem with that, then I really recommend to send her a PM.

But after reading her last reply, the matter has resolved itself.

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48 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If it is not too personal, might I ask if you were home-schooled or otherwise not educated in a "classroom" setting?
If you would rather not answer then just ignore it and the question will be: What Fire Emblem games have you played?

Oh! Interesting that you would find that! Alrighty...

  Reveal hidden contents

Leo - I relate to Leo due to a number of factors. The main reason would be his logical demeanor, as I greatly consider myself to be a person of logic. Secondly, and I believe many like Leo for this reason as well, but in the games he is the "forgotten" middle child, who lives under his siblings shadows. While I do not feel left out in terms of my siblings, I do often feel inadequate behind their accomplishments, and I often think I need to do more in order to stand out.

Lukas - Again, I relate to him because of logic. And while it it isn't as obvious on the internet, I have... few emotions in my real life, and like one of Lukas's supports, "I should like to be red with rage, greed with envy... Something!" Granted, I'm not as "emotionless" as Lukas, but I still felt like him in his supports. Plus, I rather like his name, though that's not something to relate to...

Odin - I often (always) try to speak in a sophisticated manor, but I always have a feeling it just sounds like... Odin. Again, perhaps not on the internet, but in real life, rather than sounding like nobility, I feel I only add extravagant words and phrases in a frivolous attempt to sound like something I'm not. I also say Odin because he is more... something... than Owain. I'm not certain; I think he simply has more confidence than Owain, and that is fortunately something that I have - confidence.

Genny - A very small detail. Genny likes to write and come up with stories, and I do too. One of her quotes is something like "I'm already thinking about the sequel!" which is something that I myself have said on occasion about my stories.

Azama - He has a philosophy of life is meaningless, and he's just in for the ride. And while I am a Christian and I believe life does have meaning, I do believe that meaning can often be difficult to discern, and that in the long run humans are simply subject to the whims of fate and we must simply go along with it.

Henry - Both of us love to laugh, make puns, and tell jokes. Plus, we both have a sense of... dark humor at times...

Phew. That was longer than I expected; my apologies. Though, I do think I'm going to paste this onto my actual profile now. Thank you for giving me the time to actually explain why I relate to these characters.

Yes, it is rather personal, no? Regardless, I see no point in hiding this so I shall simply say, my early years consisted of private education in a small classroom and if I recall, a private or at least rarely used facility in which was where I learned the essential knowledge. Needless to say, my natural gift of talent allowed me to surpass even my tutors in terms of knowledge with ease. Do excuse me, I am not fully aware of how the "grade" years tend to function but if one must know, my mother and father grew increasingly concerned regarding how isolated I became at such a young age as well as my sentiments regarding the outside world. As such, during my teenager education years, I was sent to a regular school to "make some friends". Needless to say, such never happened as my overly demanding and assertive exterior instead formed underlings; simply put, I was both admired, feared and envied for my wits and overall personality. Then of course, there were those only attempting to coax me as many believed I am of wealthy descent and forming a social circle around me could move them up in the school's social ladder. I shall not deny such assertions but needless to say, I dismissed such individuals and even concluded the teachers were most poor and perhaps not very talented—causing me to belittle them for their mundane techniques in addition to their poor teaching skills. To put this simply, such is half-true as my mother's and father's dreadful decision wasted at least two years of my life. After all, why would I wish to be friends with the uncouth and unkempt common majority? They oftentimes converse with their mouth full, lack any acceptable taste in attire, speak most akin to an imbecile and of course, they are barely even able to entertain me in the slightest. In fact, I fell into slumbers during a most of my science classes and eventually was permitted to doing so due to my outstanding grades. As for mathematics and homework, I never was interested in such a thing and I confess, I commonly cheated using answer sheets or commanded the so-called "class nerd" to bestow me the answers. Oh my, might I be digressing? Very well, I shall state this in a short form:
I was in isolated and private education during my early years, went to a regular school to "make friends", made a bunch of servants and enemies instead (mostly the latter are the teachers) and wasted far too much time of my life. Perhaps calling them "servants" is slightly too harsh, one might prefer the term "hired help".

If I am to bestow any tips regarding school-life, I shall say one should never underestimate the power of influence stored within chocolate chip biscuits. If I may jest—yes, I am a terrible person. Humourously enough, I was once encouraged to rule the world as I contrived a propaganda poster for a history assignment. I believe that is quite enough of my so-called "princess-complex" funded by biscuits and other treats. Now if you may, I shall answer the other question.

The for the Fire Emblem video games I have played, such would include:
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

From these three, I have only completed Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. I must say, the video game was excellently present but staying true to the original video game of Fire Emblem Gaiden truly ruined the gameplay.

Please, you need not thank me, for your entire effort was your doing.

@Reimu Hakurei I highly doubt this situation shall truly be deemed as "resolved" from my eyes, the common majority tends to repeat themselves. I, for one, am never one to use colloquial language as I find the entire concept and execution to be most vulgar. But of course, everyone possesses their own sentiments and such simply must be acknowledged. As for your question...

Do you possess any recent embarrassing memories? You may refrain from exploring such a subject if you wish these to remain as secrets.

If one wonders why I am awake at 5:40 in the morning, I simply was unable to sleep.

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The most recent embarrassing situation for me was when my belt broke quite suddenly and so my trousers felt down. Thankfully it happened in an area without any people. The thing is that none my trousers is fitting to me because I'm lacking on weight. So I always need a belt.
I might add some other situations later since it's still a bit early for me

What has been your biggest goal you have reached yet?

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What are your favorite castles that you've visited?

On 8/15/2017 at 9:45 PM, Rex Glacies said:

What is the furthest you've ever been from your home/hometown?

Probably Rome, when I lived there for a few years as a child.

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9 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

What has been your biggest goal you have reached yet?

Unfortunately, I am unable to recall any. If I am to set goals, they tend to be rather ambitious. As such, you have my apologies. Of course, I possessed many small goals but I truly doubt I wish to state them all.

And just what might your three most favourite things regarding the United States of America be?

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Activities that you do to unwind? Maybe besides video games and the internet?

On 8/13/2017 at 11:38 PM, Ottokar said:

Best thing you've ever said on SF?

That's a question that I cannot answer due to many details about what I write ending up in my short-term memory.

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Have you visited Hapsburg castle, and if not do you ever plan on visiting?

21 hours ago, Clarine said:

And just what might your three most favourite things regarding the United States of America be?

The food, the ideals, the National Parks.

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On 8/19/2017 at 4:31 AM, Just call me AL said:

Activities that you do to unwind? Maybe besides video games and the internet?

Such is rather simply, for I tend to indulge myself with cups of black tea to ease my mind everyday. Otherwise, I tend to look outside from my balcony onto my garden. Of course, other activities I do to unwind includes slumbering and enjoying a warm or cold bath. That is all I can currently recall myself doing.

Just how would you describe your mien?

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