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20 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

Favourite Nintendo heroines would be, in no particular order:


Have you ever played a sport competitively (skill level doesn't matter)?

Yeah, in elementary school I played baseball, volleyball, and basketball.


favorite video game villains?

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6 hours ago, Gemma said:

favorite video game villains?

Lysandre from Pokemon XY, as his rhetoric of a "beautiful Kalos" that he need to recreate to allow his people to secure his chosen people the dwindling resources is something that comes from real-life right wing politics. The "beautiful" part is a grandiose rhetoric that reminds me from Trump or Abe, while the latter part is basically Nazi Germany's Lebensraum theory - which have influenced Francois Coty, a perfume magnate and far-right political activist in 1930s France. Lysandre was a really clever way of referencing a part of French politics which (could have) made history.

Ganon from Zelda is another that just got better and better. Why? Because he is immortal, and he will always return to ruin Hyrule, and he makes Link and Zelda work their asses off. Bonus points to his incarnation in Hyrule Warriors, where he resurrected and outright won against Link, Zelda, and Lana and obtained the entire Triforce. We really need more scenarios where part of the main story involves Link and Zelda outright losing an earlier fight against Ganon before finally prevailing over the latter.

Sin and Yu Yevon from Final Fantasy X for being an allusion to the nature of sinning and the devil from the Christian bible. (For being part of a nation and people that shies away from the more rigorous types of religious beliefs - which my family and I myself can attest to, I'm fascinated by how Christian-influenced Square-Enix made FFX to be.)

Zephiel from FE: Binding Blade, for being one of the few top FE villains who did not overly rely on supernatural powers, but relied more on his ruthlessness, skill, tactics, and diplomacy as a politician and military leader to conquer and raze the continent.

Ryoma and Hideki Tojo from Fire Emblem Fates Conquest: WWII Pacific Theatre Edition

Nintendo characters that you hate, or find overrated?

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Are you bored now?

On 26-12-2017 at 5:28 PM, SullyMcGully said:

Would you rather be as wide as you are tall or as tall as you are wide?

Well, if I were as wide as I were tall, I'd be pretty fat and that would make me uncomfortable; but if I were as tall as I am wide, I would be very small, so that I might easily get crushed by things or even get trampled; so all in all, I'd rather be as wide as I am tall.

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What's your opinion of the emperor Heraclius?

On 12/27/2017 at 11:25 PM, Gemma said:

Is your avatar Bowie?

No, it's Holmes.


Also, what's your favorite fish to eat, and how do you like it cooked/served?

If I had to pick, salmon. But I  don't really like fish. And grilled, I  guess.

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On 12/29/2017 at 1:18 PM, henrymidfields said:

I have, and while the gameplay was somewhat of a beta, the quest/story was priceless. I wish Itoi-san would make further games for Nintendo, even if it's not Earthbound.

Your favorite non-Nintendo heroine from video games?

Scathach from Fate/Grand Order

Do you have a New Years resolution?

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On 12/29/2017 at 7:40 AM, henrymidfields said:


Nintendo characters that you hate, or find overrated?

I think it's pointless hating fictional characters. However, I think it's fair to say that characters like Camilla are overrated. It is what it is, I guess...


Your favorite way to eat eggs?

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On 1/3/2018 at 8:52 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

Opinion on corn dogs?


They can be alright, the breading can be gross if its too sweet. I honestly haven't eaten one in forever. The only way to eat a hot dog is either a chili dog or chicago style imo.


If you could get a gigantic, cuddly plushie, what animal/character/etc. would it be of?

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On 31/12/2017 at 5:05 PM, Mister IceTeaPeach said:

How was year 2017 to you?

Quite hectic with my new job.

Have you bought any of the following games in 2017? Or, any plans to get games from the following series for 2018?

  • Legend of Zelda
  • Pokemon
  • Fire Emblem
  • Any Atlus games,and/or
  • Final Fantasy

Include any crossover, but exclude Smash Bros coz I really do not want to know about that piece of crap.

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1 hour ago, henrymidfields said:

Quite hectic with my new job.

Have you bought any of the following games in 2017? Or, any plans to get games from the following series for 2018?

  • Legend of Zelda
  • Pokemon
  • Fire Emblem
  • Any Atlus games,and/or
  • Final Fantasy

Include any crossover, but exclude Smash Bros coz I really do not want to know about that piece of crap.

Pffftt. I got Persona 5, but I haven't played it yet. I also played FE Heroes.

No plans to get anything tho.


Favorite mystery stories, be it novels/flims/games/whatever?

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How do you like your steaks/burgers cooked? (rare, medium, etc.)

On 1/6/2018 at 1:23 PM, Gemma said:

If you could get a gigantic, cuddly plushie, what animal/character/etc. would it be of?

Dunno that I'd really want one...

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2 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

How do you like your steaks/burgers cooked? (rare, medium, etc.)

Dunno that I'd really want one...

dddaaawww, you won't even imagine it for funsies?


depends on the cook/restaurant. If my family's doing it or if I'm at a decent place, rare steaks please. Filet mignon is Mmmmm

for burgers, medium is usually fine because they're less quality meat and loaded with toppings.


whaaaat's your favorite plot in a story based game? Like, describe it briefly if you'd be willing.

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On 1/1/2018 at 10:16 PM, Mister IceTeaPeach said:

What's your opinion of Scathach, the demon from the Shin Megami Tensei series?

Cool aesthetic, but otherwise I'm rather ambivalent.

If you could instantly master any skill you wanted, what would it be?

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Do you like funnel cakes?

19 hours ago, Gemma said:

whaaaat's your favorite plot in a story based game? Like, describe it briefly if you'd be willing.

I'm going to say Trail in the Sky FC/SC.

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On 1/9/2018 at 4:10 AM, Gemma said:

fun boss fights in video games?

I really enjoy difficult boss battles, specifically because I think pushing the player to the limits is what a Boss Fight is supposed to do. It's not that simple though, cause there's a really thin line between legitimately challenging and just being cheap imo.

How would you caption this image?




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On 1/8/2018 at 7:09 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

Do you like funnel cakes?

I'm going to say Trail in the Sky FC/SC.

I've never had one before.


If you had time to relax right now, how would you spend it?

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Since you mentioned giving My Little Pony a chance a while back, which of the main 6 characters are your favourite, from what you know or have seen of them? Here's a picture of them, if you need a memory jogger.

On 12/25/2017 at 8:41 PM, SullyMcGully said:

Are you having a holly jolly Christmas?

I think mine went well. My cousins joined me for some gaming this Christmas (they didn't for the past few years) and tried out around 5 or so of my Super Mario Maker levels.Though with things being cut short due to vacation preparations, it was kind of weird and different. We at least did have a lot of food prepared, though 1/3rd of it had to be given away to relatives since we were leaving for vacation the day after and it would've spoiled while we were on the trip.

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On 1/8/2018 at 11:39 AM, Gemma said:

Favorite mystery stories, be it novels/flims/games/whatever?

There was a Japanese adaptation of Agatha Christie's ABC Murders and Murder in the Links made by NHK, both set in 1930s Tokyo, and that was quite gripping.

Where were you during the supposed "end of the world" on 22 December 2012?

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What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

Or if you've already been asked that, is there anything in particular that you're looking to in 2018?

8 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

Where were you during the supposed "end of the world" on 22 December 2012?

2012 was the year the Wii U was released, and I got it at launch, and with December 22 being a day almost everyone gets off from work/school, I was probably playing New Super Mario Bros. U. Seeing how my siblings and I defeated the main game at that point already along with Superstar Road, I was probably either trying to get Gold on all 80 challenges or looking for all the secret exits. I remember finding the secret exits taking me a long time, seeing how compared to other 2D Mario games, the secret exits were much more cleverly hidden.

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On 20/01/2018 at 1:54 AM, Marcus Aurelius said:

Why did you move to Australia?

Initially, I wanted to study in an English speaking country again (after living in the US  for four years dring elementary school), but I eventually wanted to work in Australia as I was attracted to the working life there.

For any of the following games, do you want a VC? Or a HD remake and upgrade? (This is not only for Randoman but also for Marcus Aurelis and anyone else interested.)

  • Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
  • F-Zero GC or Maximum Velocity
  • Any of the Metroid GC/GBA games
  • The two Pokemon Colosseum games
  • Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles
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