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How would your family members and friends describe you, personality-wise?

12 hours ago, Miracle-Flora said:

Do you like cookies? 

I guess so? I mean, they probably wouldn't be in my top 5 or top 10 favourite foods list, but I do still like them overall. Though with me trying to be more healthy in my eating habits, I've been eating cookies noticeably less than I used to.

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On 2/10/2018 at 7:27 AM, Miracle-Flora said:

What are your thoughts on beards in Fire Emblem?

Some are good, some are bad, and then (ye gods!) some are downright ugly.

Have you ever been defenestrated, discombobulated, or some combination of the two?

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1 hour ago, Randoman said:

How would your family members and friends describe you, personality-wise?

I guess so? I mean, they probably wouldn't be in my top 5 or top 10 favourite foods list, but I do still like them overall. Though with me trying to be more healthy in my eating habits, I've been eating cookies noticeably less than I used to.

Naïve and lazy, but I am in fact smart and brilliant. 

What is your favourite song?

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Who are some of your favourite ugly characters in fiction?

2 hours ago, Trisitei said:

Something you accomplished recently that you feel proud of?

I don't want to get into specific details, but let's just say I've recently made a big accomplishment in my career life that I'm very happy with and have been working towards for over a year.

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A food you dislike?

5 minutes ago, Randoman said:

Who are some of your favourite ugly characters in fiction?

I don't want to get into specific details, but let's just say I've recently made a big accomplishment in my career life that I'm very happy with and have been working towards for over a year.

Congrats, man
Whatever it may be

as for ugly characters, i always did have a soft spot for Gonzales in FE6. 

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On 02/13/18 at 4:14 PM, Miracle-Flora said:

Mario Kart.

Why do you like your favorite Fire Emblem character so much?

I like her personality.

Getur þú talað öðrum tungumálum? 

Translation from Icelandic: Can you speak other languages?

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What are your main reason for liking history so much?

On 2/13/2018 at 10:01 PM, Trisitei said:

A food you dislike?

Congrats, man
Whatever it may be

The main ones that come to mind are pacbet (a Filipino food that mixes squash, shrimp, and green beans together. I really don't like the squash and shrimp combo) and seaweed salad (it's the kind of seaweed that looks more like grapes rather than traditional seaweed. Then again, I went snorkeling and drank too much seawater the same day I ate seaweed salad, so it probably tasted grosser to me than it should've, as a result).


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5 hours ago, Vytautas the Great said:

I read one history book and fell in love.

What is Pretty Cure about anyways?

According to your profile, you are interested in lingustics. Are you perhaps fluent in Latin and how many languages do you speak?

(sorry if this was already asked)

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On 2/3/2018 at 10:18 AM, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Who is your favorite Sacred Stones Character?

Probably Erika, but I want to give a shoutout to Orsin for having a crazy story.


Favorite fruit flavor to have as carbonated juice?

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What are your real life friends like, personality-wise?

17 hours ago, Gemma said:

Favorite fruit flavor to have as carbonated juice?

Green apple is the main one that comes to mind right now. And if you count lemons in lemonade, that can be added to my list as well.

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44 minutes ago, Randoman said:

What are your real life friends like, personality-wise?

Green apple is the main one that comes to mind right now. And if you count lemons in lemonade, that can be added to my list as well.

I don't have any, but the ones I used to have, I forgot their personalities. 

Have you been to a buffet?

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5 hours ago, John Denver Fan said:

I don't have any, but the ones I used to have, I forgot their personalities. 

Have you been to a buffet?

I'm really sorry to hear that.

I probably go to buffets at least 2-3 times a year, maybe even more. I used to go crazy on them back in the day (for example, I'd eat loads of food for lunch to the point that I'm still full by supper), but I've learned to not be so greedy and gross about overeating at buffets, especially when there's a dessert table available. You got to store up enough space for dessert, after all. I still eat until I'm full, of course, though I don't eat past that excessively nearly as much as I used to when I was young.

What are your eating habits like at buffets?

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