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When did you start liking Tinny? (inb4severeunderstatement)

Sometime around the Summer of last year. I don't remember exactly.

And I started loving her soon after.

Hardest Megaman robot master in your opinion?

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Weirdest game glitch that's happened to you?

A'ight, I got one

In Kirby's Air Ride, there are these invisible walls in the City Trial mode that you can fly over if you get high enough, but

one of the computers riding the rocket star literally phased through the walls, and landed outside the map.

It was pretty funny, I think I've got it recorded.

What glitch happened to you, Crashman?

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The NES has an odd habit of spazzing out for various reasons. One time, years and years ago I went to play Dr. Mario, and it was glitched up like crazy. The viruses were invisible, and Mario was something that looked a bit like a Sphynx.

...Aaand my parents yelled at me for playing it despite the glitches...

Hardest Megaman robot master in your opinion?

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I'll have a hard time remembering your name change with a name as long as that.

The weirdest glitch I've experienced would have to be force pushing Darth Maul crazy far and having Qui Gon run in a figure 8 path since he couldn't fight Darth Maul anymore in The Phantom Menace.

What Star Wars games have you played?

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