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^Who is Tyrell?

Awesome character from Golden Sun Dark Dawn, funny personality, great stats.

Why don't you like being called RP?

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What's your favourite CD-I Zelda youtube poop?

Do you like the Mother series?

Hmm... Not as much as Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, but it's got its own unique charm with the weird music, seizure inducing backgrounds, the "3rd strongest mole" joke, how the 4th wall is broken frequently. I guess I do like it, though it wouldn't be on my top 5 favourite RPGs list. Maybe it'd be in my top 10.

And Mother 3 was a bit too sick for my tastes, with Hinawa getting impaled in the heart with a Drago fang and how often Salsa got tortured.

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Why do you hate all of womankind?

What's your favourite CD-I Zelda youtube poop?

The one I have in my head. It's the regular intro, but with the "gay" from "Gay Luigi" before every noun.

Link: How 'bout a gay kiss? For gay luck?

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Who is Junes?

Junes is the name of a department store resembling Wal-Mart.

How about a romantic walk through her palace?

I Would really love that...

Would you recommend me to go back to the past for you know what? C:

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Who do you love more: Nel, or Lute?

Ummm... I'm getting smacked no matter how I answer this!!

I love them both equally!!! :sweatdrop:

*smacked by Nel*

*shaver'd by Lute*


Do you ever have to worry about this sort of situation?

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Why Thany?

Thany is the epitome of being my polar opposite wherein I'm the somber, silent and serious guy but with a funny side.... Thany is the epitome of joy and happiness, as well as being carefree.... Her attitude alone despite of her childishness is what caught my very eyes!

As for the user above....

What is your favorite food?

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What do you think of FE7?

FE7 is fairly challenging, and a bit versatile game in my tastes... Is a good game overall.....

Uhhmm... Most annoying character in FE for your case?

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