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Favourite game that very few people know about?

Hmm...this is a hard one. Every gave is well-known...guess I'll have to go with LEGO Star Wars for the DS, since the multiplayer made up for the game's crappy single-player.

Least favorite jeigan?

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Hmm...this is a hard one. Every gave is well-known...guess I'll have to go with LEGO Star Wars for the DS, since the multiplayer made up for the game's crappy single-player.

Least favorite jeigan?

Seth... No Question!

Do you plan to Play IWBTG?

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Favourite Mortal Kombat character?

I have no idea what that is.

Don't play much of that...

...and sorry, i was ninja'd

Your Opinion on SSBB Captain Falcon?

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Favourite game character from a game/game series you've never played?

Your Opinion on SSBB Captain Falcon?

I don't find much of a problem with him (especially when compared to the likes of Melee Bowser, Kirby, and Pichu). Sure, his priority loss is noticeable, but he's still maintained most of the power and knockback that he's known for, and his mobility is still good (nowhere near as bad as Kirby's mobility loss from SSB to SSBM). Captain Falcon is one of my top ten best characters in SSBB.

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Favorite FE song?

Something from FE9/10. "Father's Back," or "Wisdom of the Ages," I think.

Reason you wanted to be a Folgore Ranger? :P:

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Most hated pairing (other than Hector x Florina or Lyn x Rath)?

It's a bit of a tossup between Elincia X Geoffrey, Astrid X Makalov, and Boyd X Mist, as far as FE is concerned that is. Basically, Geoffrey X Elincia helped kill off any hope of Ike being heterosexual. Astrid X Makalov should never have happened, period. And Boyd X Mist? Can someone say "Strangled by the Red String"? All of them came across as forced and not very well thought out. (Though in hindsight, Astrid did seem she started to develop a crush on him in PoR. I don't think that's a good enough excuse for it to come across as forced and not very well contrived.)

Least favorite grounded healer in FE?

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Least favorite bow user?

Shinon. :dry: I can't stand his personality.

Did we ever tell you how the Folgore Rangers were formed in the first place?


Basically, Geoffrey X Elincia helped kill off any hope of Ike being heterosexual.

I've said it several times and I think I'll continue saying it: Ike not being interested in women =/= Ike being gay. Perhaps he's just not interested in relationships, or the women he interacts with Tellius -- or perhaps he's just asexual. As much as I was an Ike/Elincia shipper, I understand why they sunk it and I don't think it would've worked. Especially not after part 2 of RD. Elincia is a strong woman. Having her back down and give the throne to Renning after saying that she was the queen, that she would give her people the future they deserved, would make her look weak and whimsical. Ike hates the life of nobility. He'd be miserable.

I honestly think that Ike isn't gay. He may be asexual. But just because he doesn't get together with a woman in the end, doesn't make him gay.

Edited by Jihyun
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I've said it several times and I think I'll continue saying it: Ike not being interested in women =/= Ike being gay. Perhaps he's just not interested in relationships, or the women he interacts with Tellius -- or perhaps he's just asexual. As much as I was an Ike/Elincia shipper, I understand why they sunk it and I don't think it would've worked. Especially not after part 2 of RD. Elincia is a strong woman. Having her back down and give the throne to Renning after saying that she was the queen, that she would give her people the future they deserved, would make her look weak and whimsical. Ike hates the life of nobility. He'd be miserable.

I honestly think that Ike isn't gay. He may be asexual. But just because he doesn't get together with a woman in the end, doesn't make him gay.

^This. Although I think people think Ike's gay because of his paired endings with Soren and Ranulf. If anything, its more of a one-sided feeling that feelings on both sides.

So, why do you like Tormod?

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His personality. Specifically, I like how he's not afraid to express his opinion and stand up for what's right. Even if he is a beorc, he is willing to go against other beorc for what is just, and he's a strong believer of equality for everyone. Plus ... I like his reactions to being called short. It reminds me of my friend. :XD:

Reason you like Rath?

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Least favorite FE? FE8 for being stupidly easy and getting boring pretty quickly. And FE10 because I felt FE9 deserved a better sequel than that. I seriously felt that, though the gameplay improved, it took the stuff PoR had and threw it out of the window. The least I.S. could have done was handle it much better than they have already.

What made you go to fanfiction.net in the first place?

I've said it several times and I think I'll continue saying it: Ike not being interested in women =/= Ike being gay. Perhaps he's just not interested in relationships, or the women he interacts with Tellius -- or perhaps he's just asexual. As much as I was an Ike/Elincia shipper, I understand why they sunk it and I don't think it would've worked. Especially not after part 2 of RD. Elincia is a strong woman. Having her back down and give the throne to Renning after saying that she was the queen, that she would give her people the future they deserved, would make her look weak and whimsical. Ike hates the life of nobility. He'd be miserable.

I honestly think that Ike isn't gay. He may be asexual. But just because he doesn't get together with a woman in the end, doesn't make him gay.

I never said he was gay though. I'm just irked by the fact that there's no mention of him liking any woman, period. I wish I.S. could have done a better job at handling Ike's "where they are now" segment for starters. I.S. surely could have done a better job at developing the characters in RD.
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What made you go to fanfiction.net in the first place?

I like writing. Even if my major has nothing to do with writing, I still want to do it as a hobby, publish a few books if I can. I use fanfiction.net as practice for practicing writing characters and keeping them IC, writing plot, and developing my personal writing style.

I never said he was gay though. I'm just irked by the fact that there's no mention of him liking any woman, period. I wish I.S. could have done a better job at handling Ike's "where they are now" segment for starters. I.S. surely could have done a better job at developing the characters in RD.

I agree with you on that.

Why do you like FE6 Shin?

Edited by Jihyun
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Reason you like Rath?

Rath looks cool, Rath rides on a pony and kicks ass, his suports with Lyn are awesome(and Guy too) and Rath has this ersonaltiy I admire... sorta.

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Well, I'm actually working on a Folgore Rangers origins story at this very moment, and the first part is already posted on the thread. It'd probably be easier for you to read that than for me to try to explain the incident.

Why do you like troubadours so much?

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