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Worst illness you have ever had...

I don't recall. I've been sick quite a few times, but I don't remember being so sick that it stands out in my memory.

Least favorite year of school?

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Have you ever forgotten one of your passwords and have been unable to recover or remember it?

Just one? Ahahahaha ... Ha ... sweatdrop.gif

Dumbest thing you've ever done? (You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable.)

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Favorite Gameboy RPG?

Probably just FE7. I don't have very many GB/A games.

Who on this site do you want to get to know better?

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Why do you like FE6 Shin?

I don't actually recall saying anything of the sort. But I'm just gonna say he happens to be a mounted archer. And was the first one I promoted in FE6. I can't think of any other reasons though. I have to admit, I don't play FE6 as often as I should.

Have you tried your hand at cooking? (I was ninja'd, but heh.)

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Just one? Ahahahaha ... Ha ... sweatdrop.gif

Dumbest thing you've ever done? (You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable.)

I've done many dumb things, really. I can't really remember. Besides, the 'dumb things' I did/do go hand in hand with depression, so...

Favourite FE7 char other than Rath?

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Have you tried your hand at cooking?

Depends on what you'd call cooking. I can't do anything fancy, but I do know how to make edible foods.

And, since I have a feeling that this question was directed towards me ...

I've done many dumb things, really. I can't really remember. Besides, the 'dumb things' I did/do go hand in hand with depression, so...

Favourite FE7 char other than Rath?

Guy, Heath, Fiora, and Kent.

Things you shouldn't do that you do nonetheless?

Edited by Jihyun
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Have you ever accidentally killed a game through a glitch or something like that *NOT physical destruction*

I don't believe so. Although there was this one time I thought I wrecked my copy of FE10 AND my Wii when trying to transfer data. But it was all right.

Things that scare you?

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