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Four Swords for the GCN. Watched someone play OoT, and I attempted to play MM. (Failed miserably.)

Least favorite FE continent?

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What do the Folgore Rangers actually do?

Folgore Rangers don't really do anything (except curse Horace). Long story short, the FRs exist because Blue/Darros, Pink/Imp, Black/Banzai, Green/Harpoon, and I were in the chat room at the same time when we were trying to figure out whether an SF user had committed suicide or if s/he was just faking it. Red/Doku is involved because he was included in the PMs we sent each other. There were other people in the chat room at the time, but the "main players" and Doku became the FRs (Doku and Harpoon came up with the name and the idea). Pretty much, we grouped together because of that incident. What we "do" is write stories about our "adventures", put our Folgore colors in our sigs, and curse Horace.

If you could get rid of one game/book/show/whatever for good, what would it be and why?

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Doku curses Horace for stealing his FE4 draft record. The rest of us curse Horace because it's entertaining.

Did you curse Horace yet?

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Tellius. Elibe is okay, but there's so much I like about Tellius more. I actually like the strength/magic split, the way AS is determined, and the story of both PoR and RD over both that of FE6/7.

L'Arachel replacing Priscilla in FE7, or Priscilla replacing Mist in FE9/10?

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Hard choice. I don't want Prissy being related to Ike and being potentially married to Boyd, but FE7 with L'Arachel would be cool, but it'd feel empty without Prissy...I'll go with L'Arachel being in FE7...

Favorite video game series other than FE?

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The World Ends With You, Ace Attorney, and Scribblenauts.

If Priscilla were the lord of the newest upcoming FE game, what do you think her story will be?

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If Priscilla were the lord of the newest upcoming FE game, what do you think her story will be?

I think it'd start off like the beginning of FE8, with Eirika looking for her brother, and all. When she does, she searches around to figure out the complete story of House Cornwell's fate. She'd search all over Elibe, but unfortunately make some enemies...

Do you wish FE8 had nomads?

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Rangers function the same as a nomad trooper, so if I can be patient enough to get Neimi to promote or don't feel like making Gerik into a hero, that would suffice. Also, nomads would make less sense in Magvel, as nomads/nomad troopers were tied to a specific country and people in FE7. But in FE8 that "nomad" culture isn't present in Magvel.

Do you wish that Mist was functionally similar to Priscilla? (Came mounted, used magic on promotion.)

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Do you wish there was a country in Magvel tied to nomads?

Only if the characters were likable, and if it worked out.

If Vika were the lord of a new FE game, what should it be about?

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If Rath were the lord of an upcoming FE, what would you think would happen?

It would either take place after he was banished from the tribe, going through his early years, or during that gap of time after Lyn's mode and before he returns in Eliwood/Hector's mode.

Can 1*1 ever equal 2?

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1 + 1 can. Not 1 x 1, but maybe in drafting...?

I can't remember the exact details, but I learned in linear algebra (about a year and a half ago) that under certain circumstances 1 x 1 can be equal to 2. Yes, it's scary, I know.

Do you think Shin's cool?

Shin the FE6 character or Shin the user? :lol: They're both cool, at any rate.

Who is the girl in your avatar?

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