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Final Fantasy IV. I'm playing the GBA port right now. (Rydia~)


What do you think of this thread?


How is it?

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How are you finding the story of Final Fantasy IV so far? Also, where are you at regarding the story?

Final Fantasy IV. I'm playing the GBA port right now. (Rydia~)

What do you think of this thread?

Final Fantasy IV is actually my #1 favourite Final Fantasy. Cecil, the lead of that game is also my most favourite Final Fantasy character, because of his journey of redemption (something I can heavily relate to, because I spend a lot of time regretting past actions and trying to keep bettering myself) and... well, I won't spoil it for you since it's a big secret that's revealed at the end of the second last dungeon. I also really like his paladin form, and how it just exudes holiness and nobility with the silver and blue armor and the long white hair.


It's great that there's a thread on SF about really nice and kind members.

I kind of wish I was one of the listed members. Oh well, as long as I try to be as nice as possible to people, that's all that matters.

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It's...pretty well-done, actually.

I'm not too far in the game, but I'm liking how Cecil's character is getting established. I also like some other characters like Kain, Rydia, Rosa, and the king contrast differently from him.

You're a really cool guy, you know that? XD

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Who is the most tragic villain in your opinion and why do you think they're tragic?

You're a really cool guy, you know that? XD

Heh, thanks. I don't really hear compliments like that too often. Well, besides my mother saying she appreciates how I stay humble and open to correction, since I'm not offended at all or act stuck up when people point out my faults, and she hopes I stay that way.

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Hmm...perhaps Lyon from FE8. All he wanted to do was make Magvel a better place, but it was obvious he was ruining the continent with his actions. He figured he had the right intentions, though.


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(To not spoil it for you) One particular villain in Final Fantasy IV, Lyon from FE8, and Psaro from Dragon Quest IV.

You already know Lyon's story and I can't really talk about that one Final Fantasy IV villain without majorly spoiling anything.

As for Psaro, he's an elf that has seen and experienced so much of the wickedness of humankind, especially since his girlfriend Rose was hunted by humans because of the ruby tears she'd cry out. He became so enraged at humankind's evil that he brought it upon himself to ally with animals and monsters in order to exterminate humans from the world. Despite his hatred for humans, he treated monsters and animals with a lot of respect and kindness, even granting them increased intelligence and abilities. Psaro did this even for animals and monsters that didn't directly help him in his quest to destroy humankind. He sought the power of evolution in order to become strong enough to exterminate humankind and used it on himself and his allies. Eventually, the humans end up killing Rose in the process of trying to get her ruby tears, and he was pushed off the edge and used so much of the power of evolution on himself, to the point that he became a complete monster that couldn't even remember his noble intentions of freeing monster and animal kind.

Are there any male characters that you find particularly cool looking?

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Hmm...a lot come to mind. For starters, I like Luigi's simple design. Green's my favorite color, for starter's, and his character helps him out a lot. Other characters that come to mind are Cecil from FFIV (especially when he becomes a paladin), Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney, and a few more I can't think of.

Favorite SSB stage?

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Really great!

Have you played it?


But I do have the game.

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Port Town Aero Dive, because it's really thrilling with all the hazards and the speed (and I really like that wall hazard for some strange reason), the Mute City and Fire Field remixes are awesome, and the overall atmosphere with the amber sky that reflects on the water in a futuristic city looks really nice.

Since Zeem wasn't asked a question: Are there any weapons that you think should be used more often in RPGs?

@ 綾波 (sorry, your name literally shows up like that on my computer): What are your favourite characters from Miyazaki's movies?

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Scythes, flails, chainsaws, and drills come to mind. There's actually someone in Final Fantasy VI that used chainsaws and drills, and I find it quite awesome since those weapons pierce through all defenses and the animation looks psychotic, especially the chainsaw animation where he spins in a circle like a psychopath. I've rarely ever seen scythes and flails used in RPGs. I've only seen scythes used in Chrono Trigger and Riviera (both one time games and not running series) and I've only seen flails used in Final Fantasy VI and the Exile series (an obscure RPG series for the PC). Bows are actually rather common in Final Fantasy.

If you were to make your own video game, what kind of character (in terms of appearance and personality) would you have as the protagonist of the game?

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"So what inspired your username? Or maybe I don't want to know..."

Soul's post for the motivation of actually having a pic

FE12 for the name, and finally an Indonesian Joke for the actual pic(one of the TV stations are fond of having crappy Dragon/Bird CG. They actually used to use a crappy Gundam CG)


Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Does your dragon peene squirt ashes?

What's your favourite thing about Marth? I remember asking you that, but you didn't answer it.

You probably asked me in the period after I flamed Integrity and kicked myself off the forum for a while to avoid the aftermath.

I haven't played Marth's games, but he's my second favorite character in SSB Melee. In Brawl, he's the only one of my favorites that didn't turn to shit. (sakuraiiiiiiiii!!!)

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If you were to make your own video game, what kind of character (in terms of appearance and personality) would you have as the protagonist of the game?

A silent protagonist. Looks like a FE lord, only cooler.

Who the fuck are you.

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Ah, just how I became a Marth fan from Melee.

If you were to make your own video game, what would the main character look like?

On my student council t-shirt, I put my name as Randoman, because of all the ridiculous things I'd do in Student Council, like punching microphones during speeches and bleeding from the punch afterwards, singing campaigning lyrics to Kirby music, running flour blowing contests at pep rallies, running jello eating contests, among other very random things. I was thinking of having my name as Evastio, since that's a really cool sounding name that I used a lot online, but I thought that people here would hate me a lot for my FE4 hate and that I'd be tainting the name Evastio since so many people would associate it as bad, so I stuck with the less cool Randoman.

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