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I haven't been here in awhile, good to be back.

Welcome back!

For you, I'd like to know this. . .

Do you have a shiny Paras? I honestly am just asking because I couldn't think of a better question. I don't even play pokeman.

Are you interested in it?

I am. . . not exactly sure what "It" is in this context. . . but I'm assuming you mean the "War for Our Future" thread.

Which I am, if still apprehensive. On the one hand, it's been a long time since I've been on an rp thread. On the other hand, it's been a long time since I ruined an rp thread. Do the math.

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You...ruined an rp thread? how?

How good is FE12?

Even though FE11 will always have its spot for my most cherished of the series, admittingly, FE12 is a great improvement from it and goes into more depth of the Archanea Saga. For me, its FE 11 done better

I am. . . not exactly sure what "It" is in this context. . . but I'm assuming you mean the "War for Our Future" thread.

That'd be correct

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Welcome back!

For you, I'd like to know this. . .

Do you have a shiny Paras

No, once had a shiny Golbat. Why a Paras in particular?

Why do you like Marth so much, as opposed to other lords?

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Who's your favorite lord?

No, once had a shiny Golbat. Why a Paras in particular?

Why do you like Marth so much, as opposed to other lords?

I'd be lying to you if I said it wans't mainly cause of Smash Bros at first. Granted, I only have a vague understanding of the other lords, cause I started and have only played the DS games to completion. Though his personality seems to match my own in some areas, so there's that. If I were to pick someone else, I'd say probably Ephraim and/or Alm if FE2 was remade.

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I think Hector is my favourite lord, narrowly beating Ike, Marth and Eliwood. I think the fact that his personality is unique makes him stand out. He's also the only lord who's primary weapon is an axe, and the only one with better defence than speed, so he is quite an individual.

If you could choose one place to visit on earth, where would you go?

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Yes, I have played FE6, and I kind of enjoy it. I don't know why I don't like it so much as others, it has all my favourite stuff that makes a Fire Emblem game; lots of chests and villages, maps that encourage you to divide your units, and lot's of recruits. For some reason I don't like it so much, maybe a combination of bad plot and a number of bad design choices, I'd give it a 6.5/10, not a bad game, but not nearly the best. I'm more of a Blazing Sword and Path of Radiance kind of guy.

Other than video games, what are your other interests?

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Who's the pokemon in your avi?

If you could choose one place to visit on earth, where would you go?

Hmm... there are many places I'd like to go, but if I were to choose one, I'd pick my native country. everyone in my family BUT me has gone and I WON'T be the only one left out

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Does it ever bother you when a game - say a modern shooter or a World War based game - uses generic or otherwise strange replacement names for real world vehicles and weapons? (For instance, Goldeneye 1997 renaming the AK-47 to the KF7 Soviet and the Skorpion to the Klobb?)

Uh..... you were too OP?

Not in the traditional sense, no. (Additionally, that's only one of the ways I made the Role-Plays less fun. Please note the plural)

Generally, some connection I wrote into my characters backstory - backstory I usually fail to reveal until the time that I need to use said connections - end up being in. . . how do I say this? "Poor taste"? That is, to say, that the writing I had for the character often had some result which effected the rp by running concurrent to the overall mood and expected direction of the story - For instance, knowing the jailer and his family well enough to provide an easy way out when we're using the whole dungeon arc as a chance to show the heroes at a low point and kill some off. . . (Gah, I don't even think that explains it correctly.)

The real way that I "Ruined" rp's, however, was totally different. Instead of doing anything wrong, I was doing quite well - I didn't cause a ruckus, I tried my hardest at writing a good character and being balanced in fights both against "mooks" and against other players. Eventually, one of my ideas or characters becomes central to the current plot arc or story scene.

And I promptly "disappear off the face of the planet." Usually with the MacGuffin in tow. I even did it in the middle of giving one of those "Shut up, Hannibal" lectures.

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What fictional character are you most like in your opinion?

My first Fire Emblem game was FE3, since I wanted to start at the very first game which I thought Monshou no Nazo was at the time. I thought FE originated on the SNES and not the NES.

Yes I do.I got gold on the fireball dodging one, the rest I really suck at. I'm no master of Mario, sometimes I'm just happy to get through a level without losing a life.

Ah. Well, to be honest, I consider myself quite the 2D Mario master (having grown up on 2D Mario), yet I failed a lot of the challenges quite a few times (even some of the 1 star difficulty ones). The later ones I failed/restarted a lot (at least over 30 times for the final ones), but it was all a matter of constantly trying over and finding new, better approaches to the challenges.

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Does it ever bother you when a game - say a modern shooter or a World War based game - uses generic or otherwise strange replacement names for real world vehicles and weapons? (For instance, Goldeneye 1997 renaming the AK-47 to the KF7 Soviet and the Skorpion to the Klobb?)

Not as much with weapon names, since I'm not so familiar with them. The Metal Gear series has taught me that knowing the game used real names of weapons doesn't really affect much of the gameplay

(neither does knowing its country of origin, how many rounds per second, or how well it fits in your hands.) But I do get irritated when they make up place names, it just seems unprofessional. Don't know what it is and my deal with geography, but when you borrow the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge, you might as well call it New York and save trouble.

I never see you post here much. What do you do often in this forum?

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Are you personally mad or weirded out by my recent name change that I had? If you want an explanation, it's supposed to be a Halloween costume of sorts that I wanted to do for fun so that barely anyone would recognize me and I'd have fun tricking people.

What is your favorite of the DC comics characters?(Since I know Iron Man is your favorite from Marvel)

Probably Superman, since he's a classic and he's the superhero I was accustomed to the most as a kid, having seen the movie trilogy at a young age.

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Are you personally mad or weirded out by my recent name change that I had? If you want an explanation, it's supposed to be a Halloween costume of sorts that I wanted to do for fun so that barely anyone would recognize me and I'd have fun tricking people.

Do you mean Fiducia? I admit I had to check your name history, and this kind of thing usually annoys me, but I didn't find too much of a problem. Speaking of which, where's she from?

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What's your favourite space shooter game/game series?

Do you mean Fiducia? I admit I had to check your name history, and this kind of thing usually annoys me, but I didn't find too much of a problem. Speaking of which, where's she from?

Glad you didn't find my name change to be too much of a problem. Fiducia means trust in Latin, which I found out from randomly searching words on an English-Latin online dictionary. Quite a lot of Latin words make for awesome names, such as Fiducia (which I used) and Aspernatio (meaning contempt in Latin, but I'd probably save that name for a villain in a story since I'm reluctant to give myself such a dark name).

As for the avatar/sig I used as Fiducia, the images were fan art drawings of Princess Luna from My Little Pony, depicted as a human rather than an alicorn (a unicorn with wings). I would've had Fluttershy as my sig/avatar who's my actual favourite pony, but quite a few people on SF know that Fluttershy is my favourite pony, and would've saw through my disguise a lot easier if I did use her.

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What's your favourite space shooter game/game series?

Glad you didn't find my name change to be too much of a problem. Fiducia means trust in Latin, which I found out from randomly searching words on an English-Latin online dictionary. Quite a lot of Latin words make for awesome names, such as Fiducia (which I used) and Aspernatio (meaning contempt in Latin, but I'd probably save that name for a villain in a story since I'm reluctant to give myself such a dark name).

As for the avatar/sig I used as Fiducia, the images were fan art drawings of Princess Luna from My Little Pony, depicted as a human rather than an alicorn (a unicorn with wings). I would've had Fluttershy as my sig/avatar who's my actual favourite pony, but quite a few people on SF know that Fluttershy is my favourite pony, and would've saw through my disguise a lot easier if I did use her.

Oh, didnt know you were a brony. I'm not myself so I didn't know.

My favourite space shooter game? Do you mean like classic ones? I'm not too interested in the genre, but Star Fox if it counts, and my favourite Star Fox game is Assault, I think 64 is somewhat overrated. I liked the foot combat in Assault and even if the game's linear and short, it's still challenging and fun. If you mean any sort of shooter game that takes place in space, then the ones that stick out are the Metroid series especially, then the Halo series and a little game called Star Wars Battlefront II.

What's your favourite space shooter?

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What order do you like the Riviera girls from best to worst? I know Serene is your #1 favourite.

Oh, didnt know you were a brony. I'm not myself so I didn't know.

My favourite space shooter game? Do you mean like classic ones? I'm not too interested in the genre, but Star Fox if it counts, and my favourite Star Fox game is Assault, I think 64 is somewhat overrated. I liked the foot combat in Assault and even if the game's linear and short, it's still challenging and fun. If you mean any sort of shooter game that takes place in space, then the ones that stick out are the Metroid series especially, then the Halo series and a little game called Star Wars Battlefront II.

What's your favourite space shooter?

Ah yes, I haven't asked you any MLP questions so you didn't know.

Yep, I was asking about classic space shooting games. I wouldn't really consider Star Fox to be one since the gameplay occurs in a 3D field.

My personal favourite space shooting series is Gradius, even though the games are ridiculously hard and unforgiving due to losing all powerups after dying.

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What are some of your least favourite game genres?

I disticnly remember you liking Sakura Wars Rando...
Favorite girl out of the main crew?
ie: Sakura/Sumire/Maria/Iris/Kohran/Kanna

Ehh... I sadly only read about Sakura Wars from hardcoregaming101 and wikipedia so I don't really know that much about it. Though from what I know, it'd have to be Sakura.

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What are some of your least favourite game genres?

Ehh... I sadly only read about Sakura Wars from hardcoregaming101 and wikipedia so I don't really know that much about it. Though from what I know, it'd have to be Sakura.

Dude watch the English Dub ^^

FPS' They bore me to everlasting tears.

How has stuff been going for you?

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Yep, I was asking about classic space shooting games. I wouldn't really consider Star Fox to be one since the gameplay occurs in a 3D.

The only other space shooter I actually own is Galaga on my iPad, I've never really played much of the classic space shooters. When it comes to classics, I'm more of an action/platformer person.

Who's your favorite FE Armorknight?

Oswin, being one of the few useful ones, and being a high level upon recruitment.

What kind of games would you recommend to a friend that are not well known?

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