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Since you covered what kind of women you like personality wise, what kind of women do you like looks wise?

What's your asset and flaw?

I'm always trying to improve myself and see my flaws so I can improve them, but I can be really hard and down on myself as a result.

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theres not a whole lot to that either

standard build without too much fat, standard height(not below 5ft pls), brunette, nice supple breasts same with the ass, and a face that doesn't need makeup


why do you try so hard to avoid alcohol

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What are some of your favourite E-Rated game series?

why do you try so hard to avoid alcohol

I have a very bad sense of self control as it is and I already make a lot of mistakes without drinking alcohol. Those two problems would skyrocket to horrendous levels if I were to start drinking.

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Let's see... There's legend of zelda of course, banjo kazooie, fire emblem (even though the best ones are T), donkey kong, mario uhh yeah the others are either all or mostly T and M lol

What's your type?

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What are your pet peeves?

What's your type?

Personality: Shy, mild-mannered, respectful, considerate, strong sense of morals, same interests as me (especially when it comes to gaming and Nintendo).

Looks: Long hair, sincere looking face, little to no makeup, preference towards Asians (especially Filipinos)

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What's your dominant hand?

What are your pet peeves?

Lots of technical things to do with music production, especially compression. (Otherwise people end up deaf!) Aside from that, general stupidity and when a film based off a book I like misses the best part. (Yes, Percy Jackson, I'm looking at you!)

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Game you're most looking forward to being released?

What's your type

Dunno really. Wouldn't say I have a type. Just someone I find attractive who I get on with. Although I am an ass man, if that helps.

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Best board game?

Not really looking forward to anything but I guess the closest would be super smash (big surprise right?)

You play chess?

(As with everyone else on here...)

I do. Back doing my GCSE's I was part of the winning house chess team. (BOOYAH) Haven't played in a while though... CPU just isn't fun...

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What mythological creature would you like as a pet?

Use context clues

Where's your cat? If you don't own a cat, why don't you?

(I meant aside from chess, but okay...)

Allergic to cats... Mixed with my Asthma, it would be bad...

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Ideal job?

How's life? What's good what's bad?

Good: Finally getting somewhere in music. Got a few bands, writing songs and playing gigs.

Bad: My mental and emotional instability is becoming more apparent, to the point where any alcoholic consumption is a bad idea. (Although this gives me something to write songs about)

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Your favourite greek hero?

Favourite Greek hero? (If you says "Hercules" I'll slap you._.)

Does Percy Jackson count?

So many choices. Theseus was badass. Jason was a dick to Medea, so not him. Hercules slaughtered his family (Even if he went insane, that's not cool). I'll say Orpheus, because he made it back from the underworld, and that's awesome. (Achilles is close second. Just too badass, even if he was a diva)

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You said "Hercules"


It's Herakles ffs


Def Odysseus with Atalanta and Ajax as honourable mentions :D:

What would you do if you didn't have to work?

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Favourite greek god?

You said "Hercules"
It's Herakles ffs

Def Odysseus with Atalanta and Ajax as honourable mentions :D:

What would you do if you didn't have to work?

( I did know that... but you saying Hercules threw me off :/ )

Music. What I do anyway, but it's fun... so yeah...

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That's easy, Zeus. The absolute epitome of sexual debauchery, hedonism, irresponsibility, selfishness, and empathy :D:

Favourite book?

Edited by Brendor the Hungry
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Favourite anime character?

That's easy, Zeus. The absolute epitome of sexual debauchery, hedonism, irresponsibility, selfishness, and empathy :D:

Favourite book?

(No Poseidon? Dude dropped his junk in the sea, and it just became a hot chic. (I'm aware that its usually Ouranos))

Legend by David gemmel. Dat Druss...

Edited by eggs4king
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did you feed your cat today? if you don't have a cat, why don't you have one?

I wish I had a cat, but I don't think I could take care of it.

Any Nintendo games you're looking forward to?

Edited by Knight
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What's your favourite non nintendo game series?

I wish I had a cat, but I don't think I could take care of it.

Any Nintendo games you're looking forward to?

SSB 3DS i guess, but not like most other people on this board. The only nintendo franchises I'm particularly loyal to are Pokemon and Fire Emblem...

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