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What is the last videogame that you played?

If you had to pick at least one Final Fantasy character as a favourite, which character would you pick? I know you hate the series, but there must be at least one character from the series you think is okay or somewhat cool.

I only know two FF characters, and I don't really have an opinion of either.

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PoR, RD, Awakening (although, I haven't finished the game yet), and Shadow Dragon (in which I made it up to Chapter 7 before ragequitting).

Are there any FE games that you haven't played, but want to?

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Why do you like Garland?

If you could change just one thing about FE4, what would it be?

The one thing everyone would change, trading. Although fixing the issue of weapon weight would be good too.

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Have you played any games made by Hudson Soft like Bomberman, Lode Runner, or Adventure Island?

Favorite FFVII character?

Probably Vincent, for his awesome looking design and his regretful personality (that isn't cocky like Cloud's).

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How would your real life friends describe you personality wise?

Is there anything in the immediate future that you are looking forward to?

The main one I can think of off the top of my head is Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.

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They'd say I'm nice, quiet, respectful, and composed. Though since I should probably throw in a few bad traits in there, they think I'm a little too obsessed with getting a girlfriend, and the people that really know me well think I should really be more forgiving and not hold grudges so much.

What were your favourite TV shows as a kid?

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What is/are your favourite movie(s).

Have you played any games made by Hudson Soft like Bomberman, Lode Runner, or Adventure Island?

If I have I've never noticed.

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I apologize for asking this question in advance, but I ask this to people every now and then in this thread out of curiousity and to see which one the masses think is the best looking.

Which of the "mane six" do you like the best, appearance wise? (an image of them is in the spoiler)


I guess I'll ask another question to you as well to rinse that one out of your mouth: What's your favourite Mario Kart track?

How is the weather in your part of the world?

It was ridiculously cold a week ago (around -30 C) but now it's much more manageable (-5 C to -15 C range). Anyways, the snow isn't as bad as it was two weeks ago, where you'd have to shovel multiple times in the same day to keep it clear. There's barely any shovelling to be done in the past few days, actually.

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Of course the one time I view this thread, I get a question about ponies. >_>

I like the one in the cowboy hat, I guess. It looks the most masculine of all the ponies (if such a thing existed).

As for my favorite Mario Kart track, that's a tough one. I'll pick DK Mountain from the Gamecube game, because I loved playing on that track with my mom. Honorable mention goes to Moonview Highway from Mari Kart Wii because I was the world record holder on the course for a bit until hackers took over time trial records (Rosalina+Flame Runner OP yo).

My question is a bit cliche, but if you could have any superpower, which would you have and why?

...and then I look at the topic title and realize that it's at the above poster, not the poster below you. Oh well. Too lazy to delete.

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Glad to see you posting here Doofina. It's always nice to have new people post here and more people to get to know better. =D

Anyways, what personality traits do you value most?

My question is a bit cliche, but if you could have any superpower, which would you have and why?.

I'm really tempted to pick bloodbending from Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I really doubt you could trust anyone with a power that deadly and fatal. But to give an original answer to this question, I guess I will pick it, since you could technically bloodbend yourself and make yourself fly or move really fast.

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Anyways, what personality traits do you value most?

I like people who aren't afraid of being themselves (transparency). Respectful is a pretty big one as well.

Hey Peppy, what is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?

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A variety of things. Tacos, Pizza and Chicken Nuggets come to mind at this moment.

In Mario Kart, have you ever used a blue shell while you are in first place?

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Favorite Beverage?


Megamind is the main one that comes to mind. Other favourites include Treasure Planet and Chicken Run.

Think I asked you this one before actually, sorry.

Favourite element on the periodic table?

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Favourite Disney characters?

Favorite Mario Kart Course (from any game of the series)?

It'd have to be Mario Kart Wii's Rainbow Road. It's so difficult, suspenseful, and crazy, yet so beautiful, epic, and exciting.

Think I asked you this one before actually, sorry.

Don't worry about it. I've accidently repeated questions to others quite a few times in this thread.

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