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Read Visual Novels?

What is it you have to answer?
But to answer you have to ask?
And to ask you have to speak?
And to speak you have to know,
The answer.

... I can definitely see how this can end up someone's favorite, short, but sweet

What genre of game does "Misao" sound like to you?

I've seen an LP of this game, actually.

Edited by Soledai
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What question should I ask you?(not being a sprag)

You have to read some actual books. And give me a question.

What is your favourite party game?

I thought about it, right after I posted, I guess Romance of the Three Kingdoms novels, though not read, so much as reading(No actual book has a topic that interests me)

I don't have many friends or parties, but it would be either treasure hunts, the Would you Rather thing, or Twenty Questions...

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What kind of person are you?

Does it sadden because how pitiful man has to get for that to apply or some other reason?

I'm 25, though I feel like an sheltered old man

First reason.

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Do you have the belief that humans are parasitic to one another?

Why do you feel like a shattered old man?

I'm widely ignorant of the world around me and my mind feels like it's decaying... I seem to learn things so late that are like common place for everyone else.

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Oh. Well, why is that?

Sort of. If I impliment that plan, I'll alienate myself even further, though it will get me away from the problem of isolation... like a catch 22

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What is your plan?

Most humans rely on the knowledge and technology of others. For example... There are few who believe that they could survive without being ruled and provided for, either by a deity or a state.

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It's nothing grandiose, just I plan to stow away with the next out of town visitor I get, or save enough money to "visit" someone out of town and stay there(They always want me to visit anyway, so it's no problem)... and no one a part of the plan will know of the plan... it's foolish and selfish, but I think "schemer" can probably describe me in one word sometimes

Is it natural to you for humans to create and provide for one another, even if the intent was not to aid them?

Everyone to an extent is ruled by something, whether they're aware of it or not, is what I think

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I see. Has your town held you back?

Is it natural to you for humans to create and provide for one another, even if the intent was not to aid them?

Everyone to an extent is ruled by something, whether they're aware of it or not, is what I think

Yes. Humans profit from each other. They will naturally form packs to increase the ease of their own lives, even while being critical of others who do the same. See: the volunteer's dilemma.

The volunteer's dilemma game models a situation in which each of N players faces the decision of either making a small sacrifice from which all will benefit, or freeriding.

One example is a scenario in which the electricity has gone out for an entire neighborhood. All inhabitants know that the electricity company will fix the problem as long as at least one person calls to notify them, at some cost. If no one volunteers, the worst possible outcome is obtained for all participants. If any one person elects to volunteer, the rest benefit by not doing so.

A public good is only produced if at least one person volunteers to pay an arbitrary cost. In this game, bystanders decide independently on whether to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the group. Because the volunteer receives no benefit, there is a greater incentive for freeriding than to sacrifice oneself for the group. If no one volunteers, everyone loses. The social phenomena of the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility heavily relate to the volunteer’s dilemma.

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It's a bad plan through and through, yeah my town and my family(barring one or two members) holds me back... they are the cause of my strife, and I neglected to mention my own bad luck, I have the worst luck a person can possibly have without it being fatal.

That's actually what I hate about humanity. Why work so hard, just to have nothing to gain from it while everyone else benefits from your hard work?

If you had a way to take control of mankind, would you? If so, what would you do?

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There are those who got into worse towns, worse families. But I sympathize with your bad luck.

Can't say I would... But there is one thing I would change. I would make it impossible for someone to consider violating the consent of someone else regarding their body.

What is your philosophy of life?

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