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How would your friends describle you, personality wise?

Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy and Dragon Ball Z, I didn't watch too much of what wasn't cartoons or anime.

And yourself?

Rupert and peter Pan and the Pirates come to mind, currently.

Edited by Randoman
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Preferred trait in significant other?

How would your friends describle you, personality wise?

Well, I don't have many friends now, but when I was younger, "energetic and talkative" but that's just when I was young. Now though, they wouldn't be able to describe me, someone tried and I had to give him words to use to attempt to describe me, I've changed a great deal since my youth, I don't even look the same anymore.

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Sorry for asking a personal question like that.

That's a challenging question, to narrow it down to one... and then I realise, I never thought about this... ever.

So Undecided or None, whichever.

Preferred Weapon?

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What got you into Ys?

IRL terms or video games?

Favorite video game song?

Either's fine, but IRL please.

Ahhh... I might be able to answer this one... but I'll just pick my current favorite song for now. The answer would be 'Crossing the Desert' From FE 4 but instead...

I had a hard time picking between this and Silent Urge, same game

Edited by Soledai
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What's your favorite Falcom game?

Recommendation from someone here from SF and a 75% discount on Steam for all of the Ys games on it last Winter Sale

What about you?

I played Ys 4: Mask of the Sun on Snes a few years back, but then got back into the series after Oath in Felghana.

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Favorite song from Falcom game?

What's your favorite song from any Falcom game?

I'm still new to Falcom games, but it's still hard to pick, but I guess I'll go with this one Edited by YoungMan
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