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I like to learn about deities and their origins, and how their tales become myths.

I liked that key question so... You find a locked door to a large room, how do you get inside?

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You open the case, and by opening the case, you activated a time bomb in the briefcase.(I always wanted to do this ^^)

Do you take your chances jump through the window or run back through the door you came in from?

I think... No, because I believe once I kill someone, I can't return to the life I previously had. Would you?

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Run back the way I came from. Much faster and gain more distance.

Depends on the target. My happiness is not worth the happiness of another vis a vis my own.

If you had one super power, what would it be? Has to be limited.

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Who's your main in Brawl?

As of late, Yoshi has been my main not only in Brawl but Melee and Project M as well. Something about using the character really sparked with me for whatever reason.

What animal do you feel best represents your personality?

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What personality traits do you value most in a person?

That is an interesting question... Are there any SF members that you want to be friends with that you aren't already?

Well, it's always fun to know what kind of people someone wants to be friends with, and wish them luck in having them succeed in befriending that person.

Anyways, Freohr definitely sticks out. Though since I've started a PM conversation with her yesterday, I'm on my way there.

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Generic answer alert: Honesty and consideration, a blunt person will usually be completely honest nearly always, while a nice person will usually be careful of your feelings. I picked them both because of the contradiction that exists between them, no one will always want one or the other.

I wonder, if a person wants to make friends but either has a policy or can't really fit in anywhere, how should they go about it?

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The only thing I can really think of is making conversation with people around you at school/work. Or if it's for making friends online, message them on their profile or send them a PM (as out of the blue as it may sound, most people online won't find it as awkward as you'd think).

What are some of your favourite sitcoms?

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Who do you think is the most tragic FF Villain?

Dissidia or Smash Bros? Which do you prefer?

Oooh... That's an evil question. I like Dissidia's grittiness and extreme gravity defying fighting style better and a lot of the attacks look cooler than the attacks in Smash Bros. (especially moves like Paladin Force and Solid Barrel). Though Smash Bros. supports four player as opposed to Dissidia's two, playing multiplayer is much easier and accessible since you don't need two of the same console, I have a more nostalgic attachment to the Smash Bros. cast than the Dissidia cast (especially since the older FF characters look nothing like their in-game portrayals of their original games).

I can't pick, actually.

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Don't mention any names when answering this question: are there any SF members you want to see banned?

Favorite Dissidia Duodecim 012 Final Fantasy character?

Of the newcomers? Definitely Laguna. He's just awesome, funny, and charming all around (especially with his interactions with the Cloud of Darkness).

Of all of them? Cecil. He's been my favourite FF character since forever due to the regret in his heart from the innocents he murdered, him constantly trying to redeem himself of all the evil he's done in the past, and how suceeds in gaining the trust of those who hate him and distrust him at first (like Rydia, Palom, Porom, and the Mysidian Elder). Yeah, they don't go into that at all in Dissidia, but I still think Cecil is a pretty awesome guy all around (especially with him trying to convince Golbez of the goodness within himself, and him trying ot hook up Firion and Lightning XD).

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Interesting question, are there any SF members you'd want banned?

The only thing I can really think of is making conversation with people around you at school/work. Or if it's for making friends online, message them on their profile or send them a PM (as out of the blue as it may sound, most people online won't find it as awkward as you'd think).

Even though the question I posed wasn't referring to me, this actually breaks a policy I have; "Do not speak, unless spoken to first" leads to a lot of misunderstanding about my mood sometimes, there are exceptions to this, of course.(Ironic, since I joined a forum)

What are some of your favourite sitcoms?

Can't think of any off the top of my head. But, my mom used to watch Big Bang Theory and I used to hear it, and thought it was okay.

Don't mention any names when answering this question: are there any SF members you want to see banned?

This question wasn't for me, I know, but... Yes, yes, oh HELL yes! No one in this topic is in danger, I like you guys.


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