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Well fuck you for calling me a prude about something I do not tolerate. Not everyone finds the act of someone being violating against their will absolutely riveting especially when I myself am a victim of sexual assault.

I have no fucking clue what I'm doing at the moment. Just going to college because I'm expected to even though I should have been done by now but depression and anxiety are a bitch.

Do you go to school or anything right now? Or have a job or something?

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Take a step back. You do not know my story or that of those I play with. I don't cross things out if I mean to offend with them.

Ah, confirmation bias stuff.

Don't give out specific whereabouts online. Sorry.

Right. Need a question. You seem to have put some thought into what kind of person I am. What are you thinking?

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But calling me a prude. yeah yeah whatever No need to know everything about someone to pass judgment. You should know this all to well. Not to say I think you are bad person but I am rather angry in general to say the least due to what you said to me and the supposed fetish of your even IF crossing something out means people should not take something seriously because it's just so hilarious.

but alas

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I do, but you seem to have implied I and those I play with have not been victims. It seems the real issue is, you have had more trouble moving past it. Consider that the answer to your implied question.

Right. Need a question. You seem to have put some thought into what kind of person I am. What are you thinking?

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I never said they were victims and don't you fucking try to tell me what my issues are because I know what my issues are and I know how and why they are as such. Just because they weren't victims and it being consensual doesn't mean I can't find the act absolutely appalling.

I never know what I'm thinking. At times I find myself completely blank and snap back into what is happening around me.

What about you. What do you think about?

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You read that backwards. I understand your bitterness, but don't think you should judge others so quickly or be projecting your own feelings onto them.

I think about a lot of things. My lover. Music. Puzzles.

What else contributed to your bitterness?

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What is your opinion of an opportunist?

Favourite establishment of any kind?

I sadly don't even think about this... those that feature food and clothes(not together, of course)and games.

@ Soledai: What celebrity/actor do you admire the most? (It could be for looks, personality, generousity, or whatever)

Hmmm, I don't really know... sure, there are some that're... interesting, but not really admirable to me.(I just don't know what I want, is all)

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I think my question should've been, do you have a high or low opinion of them?

I used to not like an opportunist, since I believed in fairness and equality adamantly when I was younger, but now...

I don't mind them, since I have opportunistic tendencies from time to time... I'm still pretty much a fair guy though, I won't do it unless it's neccessary.

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Who's your strongest relationship with?

Do you think you could kill someone?

No, not because I fear the act of killing, I fear that I will not be able to return to the life I had before.

Um... You?

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Cruelest thing you are capable of?

Who in your life do you share the strongest relationship with?

My lover. An adorable self-deprecating tsundere.

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Cruelest thing you are capable of?

Cruelest thing you are capable of?

Acted on: Stabbing someone.

Otherwise: Meticulous calculations to methodically ruin someone's life and carry it out.

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