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Barring Nintendo, what game company would you like to see make its own version of Smash Bros?

Sega maybe.

Most interesting part of history?

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Favorite part of your gaming life?

A fox cub. Closer to cats.

Favourite discipline?

Ahh Foxes, me too.

Err, I admit I had to look up some disciplines that clicked with me, and which ones was used to raise me.

Behavior Modification I think was the one used on me, and Boundary-Based Discipline is the one I'd use for children, especially nowadays.

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Oh, umm... hm, I think my answer would be honor, honesty, or some such, I had to reword the question in my mind.

But if it's like the seven virtues, then I'd Temperance.

preferred kind of poetry?

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Admittedly, you didn't really strike me as the type to like, uh, flowery poetry.

It's not so much there's a word I don't like, rather when people use words without knowing the meaning.

Oh wait... "Meme" and "Ship"(and all things associated); those words are so far gone from their original definitions, that I cringe upon hearing them

What word do you dislike hearing?

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Are there any videos/movies that you think are so badly done, that they're funny and amusing, and become good as a result? Eg: CD-I Zelda

Sega maybe.

Most interesting part of history?

I can't really pinpoint any specific one right now and give it a solid reason. Maybe the evolution of man, I guess?

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Ever played Metal Gear Solid?

Favourite word?

Memory(or Imagination), it's like the single word or phenomenon that can dicate of a lot of decisions made in your life, good or bad.

It also has a multitude of effects on a person as well.


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What's the oldest game you can still play to this day and enjoy? (as in, NES or Atari era old)

Ever played Metal Gear Solid?

I hate the rabid Metal Gear Solid fanbase and Snake worshippers immensely, so don't even mention those words in my presence...

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Favourite type of animal and why?

Favorite author?

Patrick Rothfuss.


Lascivious is up there.

Edited by Makaze
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Favorite work by said author?

Are there any videos/movies that you think are so badly done, that they're funny and amusing, and become good as a result? Eg: CD-I Zelda

I'm definitely a big fan of Hotel Mario/ Zelda CD-I games for Youtube Poop shenanigans. I also get a good chuckle from the Street Fighter II cartoon series.

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Are you getting Kingdom Hearts 2.5?

What's the oldest game you can still play to this day and enjoy? (as in, NES or Atari era old)

I hate the rabid Metal Gear Solid fanbase and Snake worshippers immensely, so don't even mention those words in my presence...

Any; I'm not one of those "gamers" who'd play... for example Bravely Default(for the record, I haven't and likely never will) and then go back to Destiny of an Emperor and expect all of BD's features and mechanics... I can't ever allow that to happen to me.

Hohoh, sounds like you ran into the wrong neck of the woods, like I tell my brother, first and last things you should never do with a franchise, is encounter the fanbase, you always, ALWAYS avoid the fanbase, no matter what, especially if it's an established series.

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Favorite part of your gaming life?

Playing SSBM and SSBB in my elementary days with my friends.

What is the tastiest thing you've ever eaten?

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If you had 50 seconds to teleport to any place in the world, where would it be?

Why do you like this forum?

Er... I can't say that I do, honestly, just this topic and questioning with you guys is really the only thing keeping me here.

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If you had 50 seconds to teleport to any place in the world, where would it be?

50 seconds is so little time, although I'd love to see Neauschwenstein Castle in Germany, most beautiful structure in the world.

If you could make any video game crossover, what would it be?

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If you could make any video game crossover, what would it be?

You don't know? I don't think you've seen me go on about it, there's one I want so badly, I thought everybody on the forum knew.

Fire Emblem Warriors, a Fire Emblem game that plays like Dynasty Warriors(Empires included).

But in the actual crossover spirit, Fire Emblem x Samurai Warriors.

What about you?

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I had a dream with a Castlevania/Assassin's Creed crossover, you played as a Belmont in the medieval era who becomes an assassin. It combines the story elements of both games with the Belmonts vs. vampires and Assassins vs. Templars and Dracula is the secret boss of a ring of the Templar Order who you must eliminate. Combines supernatural elements and historical elements, it was a pretty cool dream, although I doubt it would ever happen.

Favourite mythological creature?

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Can I say Dragon?

If not, then probably a Chimera, any of the Seven Princes of Hell, or Baphomet.

Favorite mythological location? (I like myth questions)

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What do you think about the afterlife? Does it exist? Where can we go, if so?

Playing SSBM and SSBB in my elementary days with my friends.

What is the tastiest thing you've ever eaten?

Home made pizza.

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