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Sorry. I missed your earlier question. I believe politics is evil in itself. Power corrupts everyone it touches. No exceptions. The only way to may it better is to remove the exploitative system entirely.

I am pro-choice, bordering on antinatalist.

If you had to move out of the country, where would you go?

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It does not exist. Every action we take is ultimate for personal benefit.

I like that subject. What are your opinions on altruism?

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Hector > Lyndis > Ephraim. Hector is all around great. As a person, a unit, and looks. Lyndis requires no explanation. Ephraim has a special place in my heart for being a foot lance wielder.

Who is your least favourite FE lord and why?

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It depends on the scope of the conflict and what the enemy will do if they survive. There is no all-compassing answer. Risk versus reward.

What do you find attractive in a mate (physically)?

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@Shezzy: I haven't felt greatly motivated for some time. I'll say that from a day to day basis, "average" is about as motivated as I feel.

What trait do you find most important in a mate?

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What facet of modern do you find ridiculous?

What trait do you find most important in a mate?

Physical: Hair. Good hair is important. Eyes next.

Mental: Adaptability.

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Existing may be something like taking up space or keeping daily activity to the bare minimum; you breath, you eat, you work, but so does everybody else. Sort of just watching life go by. There has to be more.

Living may be more like actively interacting with the space around you, having an effect or influence on other people's life, setting goals and going after them, making use of every ounce of time you have, doing more than just what is necessary for proper body functioning.

What do you think?

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Modern life. Sorry about that.

Something in modern life specifically? The flippant use of technology to talk about inane things instead of learning everything we can. Like what I'm doing right now. Talking on a forum instead of reading Wiki. Haha.

If you could become any animal, what would you become?

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An overly optimistic attitude. Pessimism is demotivating. Not only to you, but to those around you as well. Optimism is the opposite; it's motivating. Optimistic people will get more done and inspire others to get more done.

What do you think of those who call themselves realists?

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@Makaze: I would be some type of bird. I'm thinking an eagle or a falcon. I would like to be able to fly, and be able to do so fast.

Will you be watching any anime this new spring season?

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What type of animal would you least like to be?

I don't believe there is truly a reality. Reality only exists to the one perceiving it. Realism is neutrality in what I think is one of it's worst forms.

I completely agree.

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@Makaze: In some ways, a bird can also be the answer to that. I don't agree of keeping birds as pets, a lot of people keep them in cages. So I wouldn't want to be a caged bird, but any other species of animal that is often kept as a pet, besides dogs and cats (among others) which have been domesticated, would be something I wouldn't want to be. Wild life should be left in the wild, at least that's my opinion.

Has there ever been an anime you have been curious about and thought of checking out?

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What is your favourite children's film?

I don't know. I've never watched anime before. A lot of people around me do however.

Will you be purchasing FE: If, why or why not?

Most likely will. I'm a slave to FE.

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Why the username?

quote is the main character of cave story, who is also my avatar

if you were limited to only one music "genre" for the rest of your life what would you stick to. alternatively, what kind of music do you like

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What brings you to this thread?

bored as fuq and sometimes I make rare appearances here

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What draws you to Mafia?

it's a really long story, but I've been playing since I was ~14-15 (I'm 22 now) & if anything it gives me an outlet for my paranoid tendencies but it's also how I met most of my friends and it's just a lot of fun for some reason

what's your favorite video game OST, or one of your favorites?

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What are your most common negative thoughts?

[spoiler=negativity ahoy]-I wasn't specifically built for the world I'm living in/wasn't meant for this world, but a different one

-I'm useless/have no talent (except for writing)

-I live in a world where you can lose pretty much anyone you love at any moment for literally no reason and it fucking sucks

-I'm too open about my emotions/overbearing

-I'm annoying

-I'm childish

-I deserved the abusive situations I've been in/made myself too vulnerable/susceptible so it's my fault

if you could visit any real OR fictional place/world/anything where would you visit

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I would visit the motherfucking Boggly Woods from Paper Mario 2 (or the Unova region). IRL I would visit Santiago, Chile.

what's your favorite beverage?

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