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From folklore: The vampyr myth. It's so intricate and entertaining. From mythology: The Original Snub and Judgment of Paris in Greek mythology. It reminds me why I like Eris so much.

What about you? (Back to the lazy questions...)

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That depends. If people just barter instead, it can be worse in some ways and better in others. Global trade without currency is untenable. If we get rid of money because no one needs to work or buy things to live, then it's all-around good.

Would you use a teleporter? Why or why not?

Edited by Makaze
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Favorite indie game, if any?

Which fictional characters do you detest with a passion, and why?

That's a bit of a tough one. I mean someone like Florina from FE7 is more of a fandom-resultant thing. I swear. Hector/Florina has to be one of this fandom's most overrated pairs ever. But as for something a little more genuine, it's usually a villain. But I'm most of giving them a break here because you're supposed to hate them. With someone like Validar or the Begnion senators not named Hetzel or Oliver being some exceptions due to them being evil for evil's sake. Which is often a villainous motive that isn't played very well. As opposed to something like being evil for power's sake, evil for affection's sake, Social Darwinism, or Well-Intentioned Extremism. I guess Diamond Tiara from MLP:FiM would be my most detested fictional character for now. She always picks on the CMC for self-enjoyment, and she never learns from any punishment that's given to her. Even if her own father is handing out said punishment.

Why do you ask questions like "Have you ever experienced {x}?"? They are yes/no questions and the ones you ask about are very common. What are you learning by asking?

I have trouble thinking of good questions to ask on the spot. So forgive me if the questions I ask seem to be less-than-inspired. As for what I'm learning, that's a bit tough to answer right now.
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It's not so much that I'm afraid of death. But rather, I'm afraid of dying too soon or in vain. I would rather stop by God's doorstep with a clear conscience and no regrets.

How come you don't change your avvie often?

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What is your source of inspiration?

Your thoughts?

Torn. They present a hard philosophical question and if they can be tampered with the results can be catastrophic. I don't think I would use them if I had a choice.

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@Makaze - I like questions that encourage thinking. Philosophical questions are some of the best for that, but anything that addresses problems we face as a society are also good.

Your thoughts on social media?

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A mockery of meaningful interaction. Every form of it, from Facebook to Tumblr to Twitter, warps the shape of communication and changes the way we think about things. They insulate us in different ways.

Yours? Why do you think people are drawn to it?

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Useful as a tool for certain tasks, but lacks substance, its empty, hollow. It has no soul, so to speak. It can't be a replacement for personal interaction, can't even pose as a fake of it. Too much is lost if you attempt to use it to communicate deep, meaningful information. In short, it's a tool and nothing more, but sadly one that is heavily misused. Why do people use it as much as they do and in the manner that they do, I can't say I know; there must be some allure for sure, perhaps it is simply convenient (for all sorts of purposes). I don't know. Sometimes I get the impression that it's sort of a hivemind, an idea or comment appears and all follow almost automatically. I'm not really the one to offer an answer to that question.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

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What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

"Wear the mask until you become it." Something like that.

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Are there any SF members that you want to be closer friends with that you aren't? If so, who are they. And if not, why aren't you interested in getting closer to other SF members?

@Evastio: Why do you like Marth so much?

I mostly like him due to Smash and his bishounen design, but I do like his naive and idealistic beliefs that he holds and keeps intact despite the horrors and trials he faces. Of all the FE lords, he seems to be the one that's most affected and hurt by the horrors of war, yet he still doesn't let it weaken his morals. I also like how human he is in how he gets flustered quite often like around Tiki and Sheeda. His interactions with characters like Athena and Jake are quite funny as well.

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Good question. "Are there any SF members that you want to be closer friends with that you aren't? If so, who are they. And if not, why aren't you interested in getting closer to other SF members?"

Svorzato's is pretty great.

What is a fear of your's you've conquered?

Which one?

Fear of rejection.

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I am seen as a humourless robot. Cold, logical, and uncompromising. That is more or less what I expect, but I also expect people to take the exceptions into account. They get ignored instead.

What about yours?

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Not good. As an anarchist and a pansexual, I am treated like someone who murders children nearly everywhere I go. I have to censor myself to get by in work-based settings.

What is your most prized possession?

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I don't count my mind, or anything that makes up who I am. Meant something else. Mine is... My copy of The Legend of Dragoon.

What is your most prized material possession?

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That is a good question. I do not know history well enough to give a good answer. Right now, Andrew Jackson.

What is your opinion of eugenics?

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Sparkling water. (yeah, hahahahahaha)

What invention in the future could be the most beneficial to mankind?

dude i love sparkling water high five

yeah uhh it took me two days to answer this question because I didn't know how to answer it LOL but I don't know, something that helps us better prevent topsoil erosion imo. it's happening faster than we can really try to prevent

what's your favorite video game series and why? alternative you could just answer with your favorite video game and why.

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@Shezzy: "What meaning do you find in life?" Hmm. In so far as every person is a mortal being destined to die and be forgotten lest something extraordinary or outstanding comes from that person, there is nothing a person can do to transcend or reach beyond their living existance. True, everything we have today was built from the efforts of yesterday, but when you look at the ocean you don't stop to stare at every single drop that's part of it. So what meaning can a person find on the time they have to live? You can "live for the moment, do what you want because you only live once" and ignore or forget what comes after you die; but I do not agree with this view. You can simply give up on trying to find a deeper meaning to life other than just waking up everyday, repeating the same motions again and again, and focus on being content and happy with your family and friends, but perhaps that may still leave you unfulfilled. You may choose to, instead, believe in something that no one can see and hope for something else than the short, limited existence you have now, but this may alienate others from you. I choose to live trying to do what best I can with what I have learned so far.

What is one question you wouldn't want your significant other to ask you? (assuming you have one, if you don't atm)

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