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If there could be a Smash Bros. type game of any company of your choosing, what company would you pick?

Least favourite character in Dillon's Rolling Western?

I suppose King Ron is the main one that comes to mind.

I'd admit, I do find Russ to be a bit annoying, but the guy does have a good heart so I don't let it get to me.

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Favourite Comic Book Superhero?

@Randoman- I'm torn between two companies. The first would be Square Enix. (I know about Dissidia, but...) it would be awesome if the characters from Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Bravely Default, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Xenosaga, and so on and so forth, did battle against each other.

The second would be Atlus. Holy hell, that would be awesome. Characters from Persona, SMT, Etrian Odyssey, Radiant Historia, Trauma Centre and so on and so forth doing battle against each other? Sign me up!!

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Do you have any physical disabilities or anything along those lines? (Eg: asthma, needing glasses to see, being OCD, etc.)

Favourite Comic Book Superhero?

Either Superman for being the all-good guy in most depictions or The Flash because the 2014 Flash TV series is that awesome and epic.

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Do you have any quirks in real life that SF members wouldn't know about? (Eg: starting sentences with like a lot, not making eye contact when talking to others, fiddling with your hair quite a lot, being a neat freak, etc.)

Least favourite Comic Book superhero?

@Randoman- I don't have any physical disabilities.

I suppose the only one I can think of that resembles an unfavourite is Deadpool. Too gory and morbid for my tastes.

Not even glasses? Wow... I think more than half of SF members (maybe even more) have glasses.

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DC or Marvel?

@Randoman 1- I cannot keep still for too long. I also don't like it when people touch my stuff without permission. I do fiddle with my hair a lot. There are quite a few others, but it would be a rather long list...

@Randoman 2- I don't need glasses, or contact lenses, at the moment. There was a time, when I was younger, when I needed them. Luckily though, I have perfect vision now. (And I have never had laser eye surgery. My eyes literally 'recovered' (I cannot think of a better word))

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Favourite Marvel superhero?

@Randoman- I'm not really that interested in owning a Sony or a Microsoft console, so I don't know any 1st Party Sony or Microsoft franchises. However, there are some 3rd party franchises (mainly Final Fantasy and Persona) that might tempt me to own a Playstation...

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Favourite Final Fantasy?

@Randoman- I've played 3,4, and 5, though I haven't beaten any of them (yet). I'm torn between saying FF3 and FF5- FF4 was ok, but it didn't have the job changing feature, which kinda sucked. Though I would love to play FF6, but a) I have a small backlog of games that I need to complete and b) I am a slightly broke student, and I need to save my money as much as possible.

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What are your favourite fighting game series?

Favourite Final Fantasy?

Final Fantasy IV for having a game system that's tame and that you can't heavily exploit and trivialize the game with, having a story that's simple (and doesn't require knowing ridiculous amounts of lore or backstory) yet deep enough to evoke emotion, and for having defined enough characters that aren't ridiculously angsty yet aren't blank slates.

I should throw it out there that FF3 and 5 are the only mainstream (and non-online) FFs that allow class changing in mid-game, so don't expect that for other FFs.

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Most hated Video game?

@Randoman- I've never really played any fighting games, so no comment. I do know that FFIII and FFV are the only two mainstream games with the job system (*sob*) but ah well, I will still play the other Final Fantasy Games.

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Yo Quote- judging from your avatar, I guess you like Cave Story?

@Quote- Probably Radiant Historia or Xenoblade Chronicles. Both games are special, and I cannot decide between the two.

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Which FE Fates character do you find most interesting?

@sylveonzoroark- Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles) Lucina (Fire Emblem) Stock (Radiant Historia) I know it ain't the best drawing, but ah well, I like it. :D

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If you could visit any video game location, which would it be, and why?

@Xyr- I would love to visit The Comet Observatory another planet where there is sentinent life. The reason why is that it would be fascinating to study an exterrestial species, especially their culture.

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Are you Billingual?

@Randoman- I loooove Ramen, Toad in the hole (which is sausages cooked in Yorkshire Pudding batter, often served with carrots, peas and sweetcorn), Waffles, Quite a few vegetables (carrots, peas, leeks and sweetcorn in particular), Veal (Meat from a baby cow), Chocolate eclairs and profiteroles, Omlettes... The list goes on and on.

There are some things I dislike- I don't like eating fruit, and mustard and mayonnaise are not nice.

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I guess the languages that you speak are Japanese and English?

@Sylveonzoroark- The reason that I'm picking Hoshido is that I am really interested in Eastern Cultures, especially Japanese Culture. I guess you could even say that I am a Japanophile in training. I am gonna start learning Japanese this year, which is going to be amazing. Japanese music is so good and generally all of it sounds really, really cool. I like Inigo, don't get me wrong, but I really want to go Hoshido.

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