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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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"Yeah, I'm with her. You're... Gytha, right?" He responded with a slightly surprised look. "You know, I'm kinda surprised this is the first time we've spoken together and... Oh... Whoops! I keep forgetting to introduce myself, this is getting to be quite a bad habit of mine! The name's Nanahm, if you haven't found out yet." He said with a smile and a hand held out for a handshake. He'd always meant to talk to her, but she was always being... 'like that' and busy and stuff. Or he's been dead and in the dirt. And then now happened!

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She took the hand in her own, firm grip, giving a bighty, friendly handshake. "Aye, that's me! Good t' meet ye, Nanahm! So, how've ye been enjoyn' the travel with Raquel's crew?" she asked, releasing the man's hand.

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Synthia raised an eyebrow skeptically. Was he lying? He didn’t sound like it… “I may have misjudged your reason for leaving, but I still don’t want your help,” she said, being rather obstinate. “I can’t learn fast enough to be useful any time soon, and I’ll probably be too busy healing Gytha during battles anyway.”

Her leg had fallen asleep, so she adjusted to a more comfortable sitting position in the cart and afterward began digging around in her basket. She pulled out a cookie and began nibbling on it before glancing from Amon to Shadrak. "Do either of you want fruit or something? I can save you a trip to the market, if you haven't eaten yet." With four siblings, sharing had been drilled into her at an early age. You didn't have to trust someone to offer them food, anyway.

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Shadrak nodded as she spoke about her casting. "Ok, if you ever feel confident enough in your abilities to actually cast, let me know, I need to practice my defenses, and it helps to have someone to actually defend against." He said, putting away his tome. He turned and gave her a rather odd expression as she offerred him etables. "I guess... if you have an apple..." He said, his voicing mirroring the confusion on his face. Why would she offer me things if she hates me so... but I haven't had any real food for awhile... just my travel biscuits and any good discounts I've come across...

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"It's been... Kinda painful. Very painful, actually." He frowned after saying that out loud. Why WAS he there? Money talks, yeah, but... Surely there was better, and more importantly, safer jobs out there. "Beyond that, it's been exhilarating, I guess. The adrenaline rush from a battle is kinda what I live for at this point. May as well do what you're comfortable with, am I right?" He gave a halfhearted smile to Gytha.

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Raquel spent a few minutes at most eating breakfast, and came out of the inn with a half eaten apple in hand. She broke into a bit of a jog heading past the people by the wagon waving on the way. Her first stop was the stables where the horses would be. After that, she would bring them over and secure them to the wagon.

The first part didn't take long, but as she led both of her horses over to the wagon, she noticed that Damian was still on the roof. Amon didn't notice the distress in her gaze before she spoke up about it. "What's he still doing on the roof? Wasn't Gytha going to try to turn him into the authorities or something? What's it going to look like if a patrol comes by and sees this?" she said a bit agitated.

"I could ... get him down, if you want." Amon muttered.

"That would be nice, thank you."

"Hmm." Amon walked up to the side of the wagon and looked up at Damian. "Weren't your hands tied behind your back before? Ergh ... well safer for you to get down this way. You won't need my help I don't think. Go ahead and jump, please." he said to Damian.

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Gytha nodded before adding, "Especially when you feel good about doing it. You headn' back to the inn? I was just goin' t' get Maw 'er breakfast."

The cat heard her name and something implying food. Would they be continuing to the market soon?

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Damian didn't need to be told twice. He stepped onto the edge and jumped off, landing with a stumble. "So now the mariner girl is turnin' me in, correct?"

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As amusing as his confusion was, she figured she should still clarify a bit. “Hey, don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like you, I just don’t see the harm in sharing food,” she said, tossing him an apple. “If you need to practice defense, I think Raquel hired another magic user yesterday.” She hadn't seen the healer today, however, and frankly wouldn't be surprised if she had ditched them after the chaos yesterday.

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Shadrak caught the apple and looked it over. Another magic user... let's see... hmm... He began to think over who it could be from who he saw at the combat, as he bit into the crisp apple. His eyes closed with joy as he did, it had been such a long time that he had a good apple. As he finished his first bite he looked back up to the healer. "Are you talking about the Troubador that was there?" He asked before taking another bite.

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"Correction, I'm still here."- Chelsea spoke up, from a few steps away,where Shadrak and Synthia were lazing about. She had Nesha stay put somewhere near the merchant's convoy, whilist she talked to other people.

"Hey, nice to see you again. How are you? Are you feeling well?"- the troubador directed her questions at the dark mage.

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Shadrak wheeled around to face the troubador, not expecting someone to speak to him from that side, he nearly choked on his current mouthful of apple, but he managed to get it down easy enough.. "Oh I'm sorry..." He said, before shaking his head and addressing her question. "I'm fine thanks, a little tired cause I haven't needed to cast without a break afterwords for awhile." He explained, taking another large bite out of his apple, lightly shaking his head to clear the stun from his mind.

He noted that the streets were starting to fill as the working day began and the sun worked it's way higher into the sky. "Perhaps we should go somewhere a little more quiet..." he suggested, there was a few to many people giving him a displeased looks than he fealt comfortable with.

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Once Damian had hopped down, Amon glanced over at Raquel hoping for some kind of further instruction. He had no idea what to do with Damian and wasn't even sure if it was time for him to be turned in or not yet. Raquel didn't say anything else though. She just wanted the man off the roof so she wouldn't have to deal with any problems in the markets. As she began moving the horses into position and getting them secured to the wagon, Amon turned back to Damian to answer his question.

"I don't know, actually. I haven't seen Gytha this morning."

This has me a bit worried. We need more people, but we don't have enough room on the wagon for unmounted units. Having them ride on the roof is just a stopgap measure and it's a lousy one at best. If I don't find some alternative then we're going to end up traveling at a snail's pace everywhere we go. she thought to herself as she finished with the black horse and moved onto the brown one.

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Veronika decided to follow Raquel outside after eating breakfast where most of the group had gathered outside the wagon. The pirate that had been tied up earlier was now walking around, asking if Gytha would be taking him to the guards. She decided to approach him to satisfy her own curiosity.

"So tell me 'pirate',why are you so resigned to your fate? It seems to me that most in your position would attempt to convince others of their innocence rather than admitting their crimes. I do not think you will get a lighter sentence for admitting guilt," she said to him, crossing her arms.

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Damian gave a forced laugh. "Yeah, but I knew it was coming someday. There wasn't enough ways to make money with just raidin' Merchant ships, especially with the madwoman around." He gave another forced laugh. "If I could have found a way to work for someone other than pirates." He started to walk off toward the front of the wagon, maneuvering his hands back behind him.

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"Well, you know how to use a sword, correct? You could join up with us, it is not the most glorious work in the world, but it beats priacy I expect," Veronika said to Damian before pausing and correcting herself. "But I overstep my bounds I suppose, it is not place to stand in the way of Gytha's justice or vengeance or whatever she has going on with you. Still, should you find yourself looking for work, our group could always use more mercenaries." she offered, stopping near the front of the wagon.

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"Yeah she's right." Raquel interjected having overheard some of the conversation. "... as long as there aren't any warrants for you or something." And once again this is reminding me of the transportation issue.

It seemed like the situation for Damian was changing, and it didn't escape Amon's eyes and ears. "Should I go look for Gytha?" he asked.

Raquel shrugged. She didn't feel that it was the most important thing that needed tending to at the moment. For her it was her task at the markets, and that's what she stayed focused on as she finished with the brown horse.

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"Eh..." He gave it some thought, "Yeah, I may as well head back there at some point. Finished my shoppin here, anyway. Not like I can afford much in the way of luxuries. Now all I gotta worry about is when we're gonna get ambushed or attacked next. Is it just me or are they a bit crazy going through all this effort for a friggin piece of... well... jewelry? I mean, is it that valuable?"

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"All this is for some piece of jewelery?" Gytha asked in surprise, "Must be some important treasure. None o' me business either way, really. Well, was good talkn' with ye, Nanahm. I've got t' get Maw here some breakfast, then it's off to turn in that pirate to the athorities." With that and a wave, she continued on. The cat was ever-patient, but quite pleased that the human had finally decided it was a good time to move on.

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Eriya burst into the guardhouse, not completely out of breath, but not too far off from it. Running in full armor even if it was supposed to be light armor was never fun. Catching her breath she peered over the counter at three men who were playing a game of cards.

"Excuse me?" She asked, trying to get attention. One of the two young men looked over and gave a grunt of acknowledgment while the other was obviously looking over his cards and sweating like a pig. The third man, an elderly senior who looked as if he should be retired, sighed heavily whacked both men across the head with his fist before turning around and asking Eriya if anything was wrong.

Eriya winced, both of the young men were clearly displeased with Eriya for interrupting their little game, so she focused her attention on the elderly man who at least seemed to be willing to do his job.

"On the east side of town, near the inn there, there's slave traders. A man tied up and a wagon to transport him and everything!" she exclaimed hurriedly. She didn't know how long the wagon would stay there, and she'd already let her target slip off without her once.

"Slave traders? In Ursaea you say? Not many tend to pass through here you know, guards constantly on patrol and such" the senior responded gruffly, lights flickering behind his eyes indicating that he was contemplating how to deal with the situation. "Fine, both of you head over and go deal with the slavers, call for backup if you need it" he concluded ordering the two men off.

"But sir~" one of the men whined, while the other promptly threw his cards down and grabbed his spear. "Stop you whinin' we're not being paid to sit around and play cards" he stated as he pulled on his helmet. Eager to leave the guardhouse and abandon the card game that he was certain he'd lose.

Eriya sighed as she led the two men down the street and towards the inn. She'd hoped for more active, competent guards. These guys were decent at best. Foreign fools she thought to herself. As she started explaining the fictitious details of how she'd witnessed the mans capture. Describing Damian and his features in details to emphasize how stressed and oppressed the tied up man was. (Lies)

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Rodrigo leaned up against his carriage with his arms and legs crossed while Mister Blue shivered inside. The new driver was also inside a bit frightened. Caine paced back and forth trying to think of a plan while Boris stood there watching.

"Have you thought of anything yet? We're vulnerable in a place like this." Boris commented.

With a grunt, Caine shot back "They don't have shooters or anything, we're fine out in the open."

"They have wyvern riders, don't forget that part. Any mounted units can spell disaster for us out here."

"We've still got plenty of mages. Don't forget that. We'll be fine as long as we take the initiative." he explained.

"We just captured Rodrigo, and now we're waiting around to be happened upon by those people. I think that's about as much initiative as we're going to get." Boris said crossing his arms and glaring a bit. "Look at this mess. Any chance we had at redeeming ourselves, you just threw away."

"Oh shut up. We're about to get the fire emblem, you know ... doing Sardis' job for him after his screw up? That's more than enough to redeem us. Hell, we'll probably be whisked right up to the top after this." he said ranting away.

"Our actions can be interpreted any number of ways so you'd better hope you're right about that, Caine." Boris shot back coldly.


"Uh guys?" Rodrigo chirped up. "I know you're trying to set up a basic trap here, but can we hurry this up? I've got a show in Europa to set up for."

Caine and Boris looked at each other skeptically and then at Rodrigo.

"Quiet, you." they both said in unison.

He sighed dropping his shoulders. They know who I am, and yet ... they have no godly idea WHO. I. AM. That's just depressing, and this is taking too long. Rodrigo thought to himself. He knew this would take awhile yet.

"Okay so for starters, we need to make damn sure they come to this area." Caine began before Boris took a step toward him.

"Wait, this area? This is where we captured him; this isn't where we have to fight them. The wide open plains don't favor us. They didn't last time, and they won't this time." he explained in a hostile tone.

"I don't trust that that red bastard won't think up some clever scheme if we try to relocate him and his people." he explained."

"Afraid I might take you all out myself? Oh I'm flattered." Rodrigo interjected before getting dirty looks from pretty much every enemy present.

"I don't think we need them. We can just take Rodrigo. Tie him up and just take him to wherever we want to set this up." Boris suggested.

"Maybe. Well whatever we do, we'll need to do it soon."

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As Eriya arrived with the guards she pointed out the wagon to the two men "That's it!" she said, unable to hide her excitement, things were finally going her way! Now she just needed to wait until they were all behind bars, and then ask the shaman she'd spoken to earlier a few questions. She was smiling at her thoughts when one of the guards rudely nudged her, bringing her back to the present.

"So where is this slave exactly?" one of the pair asked irritation plastered all over his face.

"What? I already told you, he's right there on top of the......" Eriya winced, trying to make out if Damian was still on top of the wagon from their location. But it was quite clear that the top of the wagon was now vacant. "He must be inside the wagon! They-" she started to explain a likely possibility when she was interrupted by the other guard.

"That him there?" he asked, clearly unamused as he indicated Damian a few feet away from the wagon laughing merrily with Veronika. "Weirdest abduction I've seen so far, usually the 'napped guy's gagged and hidden away you know?"

Looking at both guards before wincing at the smile on Damian's face, she sighed. What was wrong with that man? Was he some sort of masochist that enjoyed being tied up? "He-" she started speaking, trying to make as much sense of the situation as she could, when the grouchy guard stepped on her toe forcefully. "Stupid Kigen whore" he grunted before storming off back towards the guard house.

The other guard took one more look at Damian before smiling at Eriya and patting her on the shoulder once "Owe you one" he stated simply before chasing after his colleague, no doubt back to the guard house to start a new game of cards.

Tch, should have known these foreign fools would be useless, my only mistake was relying on these fools. she thought to herself, as she casually edged closer to the group to listen in on whatever they were talking about.

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Pirates, pirates, everywhere, but not a ship to plunder. The group had encountered one of Gytha's old enemies, whom she promptly struck down, interrupting the combat team assembly, and successfully leading into an argument between the mariner and Veronika, which displayed the latters' ignorance. If she was going to try and find whoever she was looking for, then she'd have to smarten up. Eventually, the group decided to tie the pirate to the top of the convoy, and without further comment, they were on to Ursaea. Totally inconspicuous.

By the time they had arrived, the majority of the group was fast asleep, so Axel stepped off once it stopped, and paid for his own room. Once inside, the man removed and cleaned his armor, before going over the enemies fought so far. The recent ones were nowhere near professional, but at the same time, they were after the Emblem fragment... It had to be the same group. Which meant HE would be about, if they made it far enough. Perfect. There would be another shot.

It was already mid-morning when Axel reemerged from his room, fully geared as per usual. He had went down earlier to get breakfast, making sure to hide his face as he did so, so he would be good for a while, at the least. After he left the building, the lancer witnessed the prisoner being freed, a surprise. Then, negotiations with the pirate to join the group began.

"I would go get her, before she informs the guards," he said, joining in the conversation. "Otherwise, there are problems with the law-" the man stopped mid-sentence. A pair of guards, along with a female Kigenese knight, were looking at the wagon and discussing something he couldn't make out from that distance. After a few moments, the guards left, laughing, and the knight moved closer, as if she was trying to listen in. "You there. Who are you, and why were the guards with you?" Axel asked the newcomer, raising his lance.

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Eriya instinctively reached for her sword, surprised at the sudden attention. "I haven't done anything yet" she responded hurriedly looking the man over. He looked like another guard, but the armor he was wearing had a completely different design. He was either not a guard of Ursaea, or simply a mercenary that fancied a mass-production design. Whatever the case it took her only a moment to notice that she'd said *yet*

"I don't know anything about guards" she blurted out quickly trying to cover up her earlier mistake by answering the mans question. But a quick flicker of his eyes towards the guards who were still within sight indicated that he wasn't going to take be fooled.

This wasn't going well at all, the last thing she needed was some strange soldier looking guy to pester her about what she was doing. "Uhh, umm err.... It's none of your business!" she shouted loudly enough for half the street to hear. Quickly covering her mouth as if doing so would negate her shout.

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Not too soon after John left did Gil 'properly' woke up, unfolding his wings and letting out a growl, though he remained on the spot. He was probably getting hungry right now, but John wasn't around at the moment. So the wyvern just stood there, ignoring the humans he was forced to travel with, but keeping an eye on the street, waiting for his master to return.

It was then when he spotted a woman and some guards approaching. Ever since the pair of man and wyvern had been in the country they've had their share of encounters with guards, for obvious reasons. Not that Gil would know exactly why, but by now he has comes to identify Ursium guards as bothersome, if not actually hostile, no matter how many times John had managed the situation. And this was no different, the wyvern was already glaring at their direction.

However, it didn't seem that this time it would be the same, in fact, no soon did they appeared that they now turned around and left. Gil was already ready to go back to waiting for John when he noticed; the woman was still there. Having come with the guard, it maked her no different on Gil's eyes. His kept his glare as he only watched. What trouble she may bring to them he wouldn't care, but as long as she left him alone, it wasn't his problem.


John was on his way to the markets. As he traveled across the streets, he wondered whether Gil was already awake by now.

'He may probably already be.' He thought. 'I should probably hurry then.' With that he began moving a little faster.

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