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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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The merchant nodded his head at the warden standing nearby, who quickly stepped infront of the lock jingling the keys loudly before the heavy thunk of metal rung threw the prison indicating that the men were now free. "Good luck powerful warrior of the sea, let that lowly scumbag of a captain get what he deserves."

Receiving a nod of acknowledgment from Veil, he nodded back, and then switched to thanking and smiling at every thug as they passed by him to the outside world. It wouldn't surprise him if a few of them deserted, but a good few seemed genuinely fooled by their captains betrayal, and others were trying hard to hide their greed and desire for the gold and jewels he'd mentioned. Making sure that Veil and the seadogs had gone, he dismissed the warden and waited a few seconds.

After making sure that he was alone "Douma!" he stated crisply only waiting half a second before another figure appeared out of the darkness. A man from Kigen this time with a sickly pale complexion, and two katana's by his waist indicating that he was either a high ranked warrior or Samurai of Kigen.

"You know what to do" the merchant sneered, any trace of his cheerfulness completely gone.

"As you wish Master" the man called Douma replied, falling on one knee and bowing his head deeply before once again disappearing.

The merchant snickered to himself content with how everything had gone,before wrinkling his nose at the state of the prison. "Filthy rats" he muttered before leaving the prison, off to his next line of business.

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"Yep. You're going up on the roof." Raquel repeated with a blank stare, still not sure what to make of him.

With that she took her place up in the driver's seat and waited for the rest of the group to get ready. Once she had actually taken her seat, she glanced back over at Shadrak and the raven perched on his shoulder. The raven especially was bothering her but she tried to stay focused on why she was really looking. Shadrak had gotten a message from someone, and seemed to be in the process of replying.

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Shadrak WAS in the process of replying, he had infact just finished. He carefully tied the note to the raven's leg, and said a few dark incants, and the bird took to the air and was quickly on it's way. He analyzed the area around and approached the cart. "I appreciate you permitting me to travel with you, what's with the roped up guy?" He asked as he carefully stretched his wounded arm breathing heavily as he did, trying his best to ignore the pain. Well, they atleast seem like a good enough group... a little strange but good enough, I hope I get a chance to analyze thise 'Fire Emblem' soon, the claim is so far-fetched but at the same time... those bandit's had suggested otherwise with no prompt from this group...

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"It's no problem ... for now, I guess." she began. "Who were you writing to if you don't mind me asking?" Not sure if asking about that bird would really do any good. Would he bother explaining that thing? On the other hand, is he any more likely to answer what I did ask truthfully? Ugh, guess we'll find out.

"I guess we should get him up there since that's where he'll be riding." Amon said before getting up onto the roof of the wagon and reaching down waiting for Gytha to begin helping him raise Damian up onto the roof with them.

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"A friend of mine, the one who I'd like to thank for the interest in your trinket." Shadrak said, looking up to Raquel. "I'd tell you more, but I'd like to have a chance to look at your 'Emblem', and would prefer to be in a more secured area, something along the lines of you, me, and your most trusted bodyguard, cause I know you wouldn't let me talk with you solo, and after meeting those brutes I don't blame you... hey, you wouldn't happen to have something to help with my uh, arm here would you? I got hit rather hard in that scuffle and the rest of the healers seem rather busy." He said, once again flexing his arm with a slightly pained look, the limb had pretty much gone numb, but it still was uncomfortable to move.

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"Well ... we'll see about this emblem business. Bodyguard or no, I need to be careful who I let see this thing." Weyland should see it first, just in case he has any decent theories ... though ... I'm a little scared. I'm starting to get paranoid. What if Professor Weyland's with them as well and this "infiltrate" the summit thing isn't what it seems? Uuuuug. Maybe I should test him or something first, but how? It took her about five seconds to realize Shadrak had asked her about his arm. Snapping out of her thoughts she finally replied "Oh! Well I can give you a vulnerary if you'd like."

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"It'd be appreciated" Shadrak said, with a half apolagetic, half shrug type motion. "I take it you have someone specific in mind." He continued, pulling his Flux out with his good hand and carefully flipping through it. "So, as the tactician of the group, it seems, I take it you are well aware of the various abilities that you're friends have, yes?"

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Sighing to himself, Domovoi was amazed at the proceedings. First there was the group attacking, a defecting shaman, and now a pirate appearing on the scene. It was quite eventful to say the least. Anyway the pirate had been bound by rope so they were at least taking precautions with him. However....

That shaman...what's he up to? Domvoi wondered, his eyes narrowing as he saw a bird land on the shaman's arm and a note being taken from it. It disappeared when the it was finished being read and the shaman was jotting down a few notes before he started conversing with Raquel.

Huh. Never thought I'd think of it again, but I remember father hammering this bit of advice into me when I was young. Do not trust users of dark magic. Approach them with caution at all times.

He crept towards Shadrak at Raquel to hear closer and what he heard did not endear him to the man further. Apparently the note was from somebody who made the man interested in Raquel's Emblem and the shaman wanted to talk to Raquel in private with a single bodyguard to inspect her Emblem. This was pretty much what that group was after Raquel for if he recalled. Seeing her alone with a single bodyguard only? Domovoi would've laughed if it weren't for the fact the seriousness of the situation.

Could this man be any less conspicuous? And does he think that someone is not going to be suspicious? Either way, bringing a bodyguard with her might be bad for him if he does manage to get her to agree to it and attacks her. Well...I guess one against one. But she could run back to get aid. Hmmm...either way, more caution needs to be exercised with this man.

Raquel didn't seem to trust Shadrak fortunately, but Domovoi figured he might as well confront the issue head on.

"I'm sorry for the interruption," said Domovoi, clearly not at all sorry, "But if you think we are going to trust you with seeing this lady's Emblem at all, you're surely mistaken. We barely know you, you've only just been introduced, and you've just come from a group that attacked us that was after this Emblem. If you think we're that gullible, you've got a thing coming. And I don't care if you're allowing a bodyguard with, if she says she's going to talk, we're sending more than one. Got it?"

Although...might as well keep him around. It's best to keep someone you don't trust within your eyesight. It has its drawbacks to be sure, but there's at least a better chance he's not going to mixed up in any other group that may be the Emblem. Anyway, the Raquel lady's pretty much my best way of getting through Ursium without suspicion so...

Edited by Laughing Unicorn
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Veronika's curiosity was piqued at the man in ropes being brought to the wagon, it was not something that she expected to see. Shadrak had asked about the man, but appeared to lose interest and went off to talk to Raquel instead.

Amon and Gytha seemed to be lifting the man onto the roof from the looks of things. "What is going on here?" she asked them casually. "Was this man with the people who attacked us? He doesn't look familiar to me..." she said, putting a hand on her chin.

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"Yes, that's right, I guess. I know enough to get by though that's all rather recent. We've only been together a few days including today. We're in a rush and there's not much time to get fully organized yet." she explained to Shadrak as she applied the vulnerary to his arm.

Domovoi interjected a bit aggressively and Raquel quickly shot back. "It's okay, we don't trust each other of course but we can still be casual, can't we? Too much tension will lead to a fight or something like that which is the last thing we need." she said, trying to piece her point together as best she could.

"He's uh ... a pirate supposedly. Gytha knows wagon loads more than I do." Amon said gesturing his head toward Gytha.

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Shadrak looked at the Wyvern rider, and recalled that he had been paired with him. "Well, let's look on the brightside, we're on the same combat team, so if I decide to be a traitor you'll be right there to run me through, until then, let's call it good to agree that for now, we have more important things to worry about, cause I doubt those people that hired me initially aren't going to be too happy about a traitor."

He then looked over at Raquel. "Thank you very much, I kinda lost feeling in it for awhile there... sorry for the to be a slight burden, what were you doing for all this started, I must ask. Seeing as I'm going to be a part of this team it would be nice to be a little better acquanted with the appearant leader of this operation."

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Holding her head down a bit Raquel answered. "Well, I was helping my father manage his business. I still am, just not like I thought I would have to. Anything he needs help with, I handle. I didn't think finding this piece of the emblem would change things so drastically." she ended muttering a bit.

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Shadrak looked up at her with an inquisitive look. "What happened?" He inquired, looking concerned.

Piece? Piece of the emblem? Hmm... that's... interesting news... but what does it mean?

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"I didn't know us having this thing would lead to my father being abducted by those people. They're more than just bandits. There's probably more of them than we can count too; and they're willing to kill us to get this thing. At first I just wanted to get my father back but if this is the fire emblem, then I can't let people like them use it. They wouldn't be the first people looking for a way to achieve global conquest." she explained still keeping her head down and a slightly depressed tone in her voice.

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"They... abducted your father?" Shadrak asked, completely appalled by the concept, he reached out gently set his hand on her shoulder and shook lightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know, as I have told you all that I do know about them. If I had... that's just... barbaric almost..." He said queitly to her.

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At first the oncoming hand had nearly startled her, but then she realized that she was on the verge of overreacting to a simple gesture of kindness and aborted any otherwise flinching movement she would have made. "The worst part is ... I've got no clue what they're up to. The kidnapped him but didn't bother contacting us about a ransom. If they aren't going to try to exchange him for the emblem soon then what on earth are they going to do with him? It's been bothering me to no end."

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"most likely interogating... I'd hate to say, if they haven't asked for ransom or anything.... Well, that's the only conclusion I can think of... sadly" Shadrak said, shaking her a little bit more, nothing harsh, just enough to keep attention. "But cheer up a bit, you have able bodied people willing to help, and they look to you as their leader, why that is I don't know, but they do. As such, your mood effect the moral of the party, so if you don't go at it high headed and ready to go, then neither will they... well, except for Gytha." he continued, his serious expression slowly changing to a smile as his tone got lighter as well. "Sorry if I startled you..."

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"Yeah, you're right. I think I was actually doing okay as far as handling it goes. It's been on my mind a lot but I've been trying to keep my head up and not look worried or depressed. That's not going to do anyone else any good. I can't bottle things up forever though so we need to find out where he's being held, free him, and then take these guys down once and for all." she said bringing her head back up. "That's what we'll do." she added before looking back over her shoulder wondering if the others were ready yet.

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Shadrak nodded with another light shake before returning his time to reading his Flux. "Sounds like a good plan, I'm ready to go when you are. Let's hope this goes in your favour, for this entire operation will most prove benificial for my research." He said as he slowly flipped through the book.

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With an easy tug, Gytha hauled the pirate atop the cart and dropped him on its roof before continuing to clean the first blade. Once that was completed, she began cleaning her own sword. "He's a pirate I've fought several times in and around Fairgale's waters. I didn't trust'im walkn' up to a merchant and 'er cargo, so I brought 'im down and now he's me peris'ner. I'll drop'im off at the nearest guardhouse so he can pay for his pirating crimes," she replied to Veronika after the question was officially passed to her.

Maw was displeased. The cart's roof was becoming overcrowded. She'd share it with the humans, but she stayed far away from Damian, tail fluffed ominously and eye glaring hatefully. That human was a nuisance and was better off drowned. Maw knew Gytha thought the same thing. She'd let her dispose of the nuisance however she wanted.

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Veronika raised an eyebrow at Gytha's response. "Are you not a pirate as well Gytha? Turning in someone for piracy seems rather hypocritical to me. I suppose this is your own personal problem and I should not get involved, but it seems to me that we should try and look towards the future, not the past. I do not know the history of most of our traveling companions, any number of them could be criminals as far as we know," she said, shrugging. Yes, thieves and pirates and who knows what else. Not exactly the most reputable group, but I will do what I must to find Pavel. It is too dangerous to go alone.

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Casual? She was right. They barely knew each other and they still talked somewhat casually. It was good that Raquel was on her guard though.

Yeah come to think of it, I should keep a sharp eye on all of them. One of them might betray us for all we know. Although....Gytha needs adult supervision in general and Lady Rusayev seems pretty trustworthy to me. But hmm...probably shouldn't be quite so suspicious of the shaman. He's smart enough to not do some things Gytha does, but not smart enough to get us into trouble if we watch him closely.

Nodding somewhat, he backed off and decided investigating the pirate was a good idea.

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Damian watched off the side of the wagon. "So, Gytha. Why again are ye helping them? Its as odd for me to see ye out here as it is for me to be out here."

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He felt well enough to expend a bit of energy now, having time to rest his body. He still felt like crap, but he didn't really have time to rest all day. Maybe later... Either way, he was still gathering his wits about him as he looked about when holy crap, there was a guy tied up here. Thank Raguni he started listening when he did, else he would've been asking WTF was going on. A legitimate question for one who's been out of it for a while, but he didn't feel the need to cause more delays as it was. He simply looked at the man then let out a single laugh in his direction, "Ha."

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