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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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"I agree, this doesn't seem like an enemy necessarily. Still, someone following us without identifying themselves is odd at the very least. Let's just keep an eye on them while we travel, no need to stop the wagon for this I think. If we keep traveling at this pace we'll lose them eventually regardless," Veronika replied to Amon, shrugging.

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Niles laid on the ground, staring up at the moving clouds. He chewed on a piece of grass to pass the time, simply watching the wind blow. He only had one more package to deliver today, then he was off. Rachele wouldn't care. Well, she probably would, but he didn't care.

The soft smell of the grass and the sun's rays were making him tired. He curled up under the shade of the tree and decided to take a little nap. He could finish his route later.

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Eriya listened to the sound of hooves and wheels carefully, not looking up in fear of making eye contact with the group. She didn't know where they were going, but they seemed to be in a hurry.

Perfect! Now lead me straight to your secret base she thought as she continued plodding along.

Focusing on her ears, she'd neglected to focus her eyes on the road in front of her, nearly tripping over a bump in the road, forcing her to look up for a second. She avoided colliding with the ground, but a man by the side of the road had caught her eye. And completely stolen her attention. Suddenly forgetting about the wagon, her mission and everything else, she stormed over and glared down at the sleeping man. A smile of content'ness plastered on his face. She looked the man up and down before grabbing the man by his collar. "Damn you messenger, wake up you lazy foreigner" she shouted, loud enough to startle the man, but not loud enough for those in the wagon to hear.

Edited by Kanami
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Nanahm had been keeping pace with the wagon, looking around every so often (after all, who looks forward ALL the time...?) when he noticed the shaman hanging back just a bit. What's his angle? And wasn't he... weren't we fighting earlier? Coulda sworn he was on those bastard's side! And with that thought, he decided to do some investigation of his own, and where else would he start but the source?

slowing his pace enough to be in step with Shadrak, he looked at the man, "Don't think we've been acquainted yet, sir. I must say, this group attracts all sorts of people... The name's Nanahm, by the way."

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Shadrak barely acknowledged the fighter, looking the direction with a small huff. This is the man... he's the one who killed that poor girl, not just killed, slaughterred... and with the plainest expression imaginable, what sort of monster could do that... He took a deep breath, obviously trying to not lose his composure as he said "Shadrak," a light edge of annoince very plain as he spoke. I'd just kill him if he wasn't a part of this group, he's lucky...

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Oh great. I picked a talker here... Dare I continue? If I want any idea as to what the heck this man is about, yes...

"Interesting name... I'll just be blunt here since I was... well, unconscious after my last encounter for a while, but I could've sworn you were among the group I was fighting. Am I mistaken or is there more to this that I'm missing?" he pressed on. He figured nothing would be gained by simply waiting for answers, so he would drill for em.

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Shadraked blinked for a second a Nanahm in disbelief for a second before recalled that the man was indeed unconcious, and probably missed seeing him. "Indeed I was, they tricked me. I'm sorry, for I did cast at you... what you did to that poor cleric girl..." Shadrak said, shaking his head lightly attempting to brush off the memory of the lack of emotion on this man's face when he did it... that alone seemed like the most cruel thing in the world. It was most infuriating, and controlling his anger was tricky enough with Nanahm just being in the group... and now he's TALKING to me like we're almost buddies...

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"Cleric girl...?" The mention of this person threw Nanahm off for a moment before he realized just who the man was referring to. "What about her?" He asked with a puzzled look. He honestly had no idea what was the point in mentioning her. Except... "Did... did you know this person? If you did, well... I got nothin." Shit, did I murder his friend?! If that's seriously the case, I'm probably in extreme danger just being near this fuck!

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"Not friend, but she was an innocent." Shadrak said his wrath slowly starting to build up in his voice. "Your enemy tricked into thinking you lot were a bunch of bandits, and that she was doing the world a great favor by aiding them in ridding of you..." he clenched his fists and slowly began to shake as the memories and feeling's began to wash over his body and over take his rational though. Maintain Control... don't let it get the better of you... "She was only doing what she thought was right! She didn't deserve to become some smear on your axe! What's worse is that you seem PRETTY ok with this!" He continued, easily starting to get into shouting, his breathing getting more and more rapid as he fell into fury. Control.... Control... just... keep... Control... don't lose it...

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"You think I'm ok with this? Shadrak, let me tell you something about battle, about war. Innocents get caught up, yes. People taking up arms against an 'injustice'? You think they're innocent? Tell me something, if I didn't kill her, 'god' rest her soul, what then? Would everything have been perfect and happy?" Angry as he was, Nanahm was keeping his cool, responding in as calm and collected of a voice as he could.

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Veronika was watching the cloaked figure stumble while she listened to Shadrak shout. Shit, I killed a guy with a staff...was he innocent too? Well, not entirely innocent since was helping our enemy and was Ursian but still...

"Hey Amon," she said to the thief sitting next to her. "Do you think that people who help your enemies are really innocent? Sometimes they might be defenseless, but they are still dangerous in their own way. It feels dishonorable attacking someone without a weapon, but if we need it to win then..." her voice trailed off.

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Shadrak turned and rushed up to Nanahm, his face contorted into pure rage, his mouth wide open as if he was about to cuss him out with the voice of a thousand pained souls, but he stopped. and blinked a little, before backing away and throwing up his hood. Control... this man obviously has some... he is not a barbarian... but still. "Fine." He said with huff. "Your right... war does force drastic measures, but..." he turned towards Nanahm sharply, still looking like he was about to rip his head off at the slightest twinge. "You are obviously a man of respect, as much as i hate to say it , so I guess I can tolerate you and your... crude measures for now... but that doesn't mean I'm gonna like you" He stated, his voice emenating cold, collected wrath as he turned and hastened his pace towards the carriage, eager to leave the pressence of the large, axe wielding brute. It's amazing how smart stupid people can be sometimes... he... he is... differant... in a way that just doesn't sink well with my instincts.

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Amon had been doing some thinking of his own occasionally glancing back to see if the cloaked figure was still around. The argument between Nanahm and Shadrak was something he was initially trying to ignore but he did eventually mumble "Those two ..." Veronika's question about the innocent almost had him at a loss. Knowing what kind of land he was in and how different it was from his own, he went about the question with an honest opinion.

"Well, I don't think an unarmed person should ever be harmed but ... when we're faced with enemies that can be healed by staff wielders, things are ... fuzzy. They're essentially weapons themselves; tools fighters use to keep themselves going. I honestly don't think I could attack a healer though. Not without an order from Lady Aisha or a superior." he admitted holding his head low. "I know a military officer who would slug me for saying something like that." he added.


Upfront Raquel peeked around the side of the wagon to see how far out from the city they were. When it became obvious that not everyone was aboard the wagon or mounted, she sighed to herself. "I want to get moving. Going at this pace it'll be at least two days before we reach Europa. We could make it in a day and a quarter or so if we hurry and cut a few hours off of sleep tonight. Uuuuuuuuug."

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"I'm not asking you to like me..." He said to himself as the man hurried towards the wagon. But... he does have a point, however idealistic it is. Perhaps I have been enjoying this too much. Hell, I almost died for it barely a day ago! He had lots to think about as he also quickened his pace to the wagon. His hand went to the handle of his axe, wondering just how many people he had killed, how many potential futures he had snuffed, how many... innocents caught in a struggle were killed.

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Damian had been moving at his best to keep up, but he was starting to tire. He climbed into the wagon top when the wagon slowed down a moment.

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Shadrak noticed that the carriage was speeding up, he knew Raquel wanted to make haste, but this was just rediculous. quickened to a solid sprint to catch up, using his anger to fuel his speed. Once he caught up to the side of the carriage he was able to slow himself down and catch his breath, he wasn't used to extended physical labour, he always travelled at a pretty leasurily pace. Once he finished his quick breather he carefully openned the door and jumped inside, closing the door shut behind him, and he sat at an empty seat a decent ways away from everyone inside (but not to far towards the back, he heard Raquel's warning the other day) rather shakily, both from exhaustion and from the quaking cart. With a small sigh he leaned his head down with his arms on his knees, breathing heavily.

I just about lost it back there... I must remember to maintain control over my emotions, people will have their moments yes, but not everyone is like them... only most people are. I know how to deal with people like them... I just have to keep calm, and keep control. Bad things can happen if I don't....

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"Hmm?" Niles woke slowly, his eyes squinting against the light. "Look Rachele, 5 more minutes. That letter wasn't even important. The knight...zzzz"

Niles tried to sleep again, but the woman just wouldn't let go. "He-hey. Who are you? Do you just go around waking up sleeping people or something? I worked all day..."

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Eriya gave the man a look of distaste before releasing him, letting him fall back on the ground. "You've still got half a day to go" she stated bluntly, referring to the time. Unimpressed by the mans enthusiasm for his work. Eriya didn't know who this nations ruler was, but her or she clearly wasn't respected by the nations inhabitants.

Are these people disloyal or is there king simply not worth respecting? Probably both,

She'd heard rumors about the other nations back in Kigen, and they were never good. All coated in the foolish incompetence of these strange foreigners.

"You're a messenger correct?" she huffed not wanting to make eye contact. "Eriya, been waiting for that letter all day?" she continued hoping that the man would get the hint.

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"Oh, hey. That's my last message for the day. I have a letter for you. Let me get it."

Niles rose to his feet, and reached into his messenger bag. "5 gold for delivery. Europa's begun taxing the messenger guilds." He rubbed the side of his face, still a bit sleepy. "So...what's it about?"

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"Well I don't think anyone here is your superior, so I guess it will be up to the rest of us to deal with those that are defenseless," Veronika replied to Amon. Amon's mention of the military made Veronika think of her father. Would he support me killing a priest? I am not sure he ever killed any defenseless enemies...

"I wasn't aware Rex-Avaz even had a military. I wouldn't think there would be much threat of invasion, from what I hear most people cannot even cross the desert," she said to Amon.

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Eriya contemplated, drawing her sword and slicing the man in half on the spot. Not only had he taken forever to deliver her letter, but he'd been sleeping on the job, Eriya had to come to him, instead of how things were supposed to be. And he had the nerve to charge her 5 gold?

Shaking her head, she reached into her pouch, and pulled out 5gold, and snatched the letter out of the mans hand. Confirming that the crest of her unit was imprinted on the corner of the letter, she quickly opened the letter. Forgetting that she shouldn't be showing imperial decree's given to her to other people. But at this point, she was too busy, she was in a hurry at the moment and didn't have time too....

She looked around, wincing at a single horse wagon trotting away into the horizon. "Argh" she sighed before, stuffing the letter into a pouch in the cloak, and turning to leave. "Thank you, I suppose" she stated without a hint of gratitude, trying to at least sound polite.

She hoped she wouldn't come across this man again. She knew these foreigners didn't follow Kigenese codes, but his lack of effort and enthusiasm in his work was just appalling.

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"No problem. It is my job, I suppose." Niles took the few coins he had been handed, and put them in his gold pouch. The crest of the guild could be seen stitched onto the side. He grabbed his things and began walking down the road towards Europa again.

Well, at least today is over. Maybe when I get back I'll have time for another nap before Rachele gives me some more orders.

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Raquel was obviously waiting up for any stragglers at this point, so Nanahm took no more of her time and went into a full out sprint to catch up. He grabbed the side of the wagon and hoisted himself up top with a big sigh of relief. No more running for a bit, and some time to relax in general... He wanted to talk to his employer about something, but he had forgotten what it was at this point due to a semi heated argument earlier. He'd rather not try and discuss anything while he was still in a rather angry mood in general.

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It's ... probably just a way to give the men some purpose other than just manual labor. Why does that have me feeling a bit ... down? "The desert itself is harsh, and unforgiving. When Lady Aisha angers, it becomes a death sentence. But still we do need some law enforcement within our own borders. We have more than enough men for that already. The military isn't as big as some of the commanders would like it to be, but it's hard making strong soldiers in large numbers in a place like that. There's not a lot of incentive either. Like you said, invasions don't go very well. Not against Sanctuary at least."

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Bored by the fact they were marching, she, directed Nesha to approach Shadrak.

"So um......I'm curious how does dark magic work exactly?"- she asked.

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