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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Any earlygame unit has a chance or being screwed other than Garath, who doesn't run on growths. I tend to get great Kolbanes. The rest of the dev team doesn't (see: Astra's 6 def Kolbane). Sometimes I think I stole everyone's Kolbanes.

And I dunno, you can infer a lot about a character's personality from one line alone. There's also the upcoming supports, and mug design.

Liking a character solely for their design enough to want to use them is still valid.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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See normally I'd take the money but 1 I'm not Astra and he'll have the final say on things and 2 I have graduate-level courses and research I have to deal with, so I can't in my good conscience take that money and end up with no time to do anything anyway. If you're still willing to offer come winter break and I don't have an internship or something, that's plenty enough motivation.

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Any earlygame unit has a chance or being screwed other than Garath, who doesn't run on growths. I tend to get great Kolbanes. The rest of the dev team doesn't (see: Astra's 6 def Kolbane). Sometimes I think I stole everyone's Kolbanes.

And I dunno, you can infer a lot about a character's personality from one line alone. There's also the upcoming supports, and mug design.

Liking a character solely for their design enough to want to use them is still valid.

The only bad Kolbane I had was my first one, but I got better Kolbanes from that point on(albeit with a little help from save states) were always stellar. I really do like the design of Inari and would like to actually give her a chance, and hopefully that will convince me to try some other units I never really gave a chance previously. I like her blue color scheme and want to see how magnificent HeroGladiator Inari is.

Edited by Fargo294
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She's plenty trainable. ORKOs are rare enough from anyone who aren't the people you shoved the most exp into, so she can grab kills here and there. Going both by averages and also my experiences with using her and whatnot, she has better strength, resistance, and I think skill than kolbane, but worse defense and speed. So take what you like.

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how do posts like this go ignored lol

too bad i'm only a freelance mapper for this

but i'll totally take the monies

Because $100 is not a lot of money for the time investment required to 'speed hacking up'?

And I dunno, you can infer a lot about a character's personality from one line alone. There's also the upcoming supports, and mug design.

Liking a character solely for their design enough to want to use them is still valid

Those are pretty broad brushstrokes if they're based off one line.

Agreed re: liking them for design, but Inari basically just looks like she could be Fir's sister.

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There's a lot you can tell about a character from 1 line, though. Their attitude, their mannerisms, and sometimes a glimpse into their worldview. One line can say a lot about a character, it just has to be a damn good one line. I like Ayra despite FE4 characters not getting a lot of lines outside of Sigurd, Cuan, and like, Levin, because (unlike most, unfortunately I wish more characters had more weight in their lines) the few lines she did say said a lot about her character, and I happened to like what I see.

Design appreciation is entirely subjective. You can't tell other people that x isn't pleasing just because you don't find them pleasing. The original Inari sprite back in the days of lolcommunityhack was a karla splice, so that could be why, and a good portion of the sprites you see ingame are likely not their final versions either, especially in light of the observation that a lot of our sprites suffer from same pose syndrome I'd personally like to vary them up a bit. Revamping Inari isn't on our priority list atm when we're getting through the storyline first but I do have an updated design sketch somewhere in my files.

But that's just because I'm anal about character design myself and nothing to do with whether other people like her design or not. They like this current design enough to want to use her? That's their right.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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There's a lot you can tell about a character from 1 line, though. Their attitude, their mannerisms, and sometimes a glimpse into their worldview. One line can say a lot about a character, it just has to be a damn good one line. I like Ayra despite FE4 characters not getting a lot of lines outside of Sigurd, Cuan, and like, Levin, because (unlike most, unfortunately I wish more characters had more weight in their lines) the few lines she did say said a lot about her character, and I happened to like what I see.

Design appreciation is entirely subjective. You can't tell other people that x isn't pleasing just because you don't find them pleasing. The original Inari sprite back in the days of lolcommunityhack was a karla splice, so that could be why, and a good portion of the sprites you see ingame are likely not their final versions either, especially in light of the observation that a lot of our sprites suffer from same pose syndrome I'd personally like to vary them up a bit. Revamping Inari isn't on our priority list atm when we're getting through the storyline first but I do have an updated design sketch somewhere in my files.

But that's just because I'm anal about character design myself and nothing to do with whether other people like her design or not. They like this current design enough to want to use her? That's their right.

I think you make a good point about weight in lines - FE4 and FE5 has remarkable gravitas that way (incidentally, both games arguably built atmosphere better than anything in the series until FE9-FE10, which get to cheat because they have access to a really amazing score to bolster that).

And yes, there's no way to argue 'I don't like X art and if you do you are having wrongbadfun'. I don't disagree there either - It was mainly to make a point that nothing about her jumps out, whether in dialogue or phyiscal appearance. It's a hard sell from my standpoint, is all, but that's certainly not worth de-prioritizing other things to make her more standout.

For what it's worth, your self-described 'anal' tendencies in character design tend to lead you to produce relatively striking designs (ie the recruits in Exalted Legacy), so I would consider it a net positive?

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Soooo.... If I give you guys say, $100, would that speed things up? Just give me a paypal acount or something

There's a paypal link in the OP, if you want to donate, but I honestly can't promise anything. First year of university, living on my own, there's a lot of adaptation I have to do on my part.

The largest issue with the next patch release is actually battle animations, since I have to make maybe around 4 new ones.

Every Kanus I've ever had was strong. Huh. (Although he shows up in an awkward time.)

(he's even better now, he's gotten buffed)

how do posts like this go ignored lol

too bad i'm only a freelance mapper for this

but i'll totally take the monies

sorry for sleeping+going for groceries lol

See normally I'd take the money but 1 I'm not Astra and he'll have the final say on things and 2 I have graduate-level courses and research I have to deal with, so I can't in my good conscience take that money and end up with no time to do anything anyway. If you're still willing to offer come winter break and I don't have an internship or something, that's plenty enough motivation.

^ other than, you know, the grad school things

Because $100 is not a lot of money for the time investment required to 'speed hacking up'?

it actually isn't, you're right

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I think you make a good point about weight in lines - FE4 and FE5 has remarkable gravitas that way (incidentally, both games arguably built atmosphere better than anything in the series until FE9-FE10, which get to cheat because they have access to a really amazing score to bolster that).

And yes, there's no way to argue 'I don't like X art and if you do you are having wrongbadfun'. I don't disagree there either - It was mainly to make a point that nothing about her jumps out, whether in dialogue or phyiscal appearance. It's a hard sell from my standpoint, is all, but that's certainly not worth de-prioritizing other things to make her more standout.

For what it's worth, your self-described 'anal' tendencies in character design tend to lead you to produce relatively striking designs (ie the recruits in Exalted Legacy), so I would consider it a net positive?

Yeah for final patch at least I hope to do revamps on some characters whose portraits could really do some reworking. There's a couple who, while I don't think everyone has to have extra bling pimped out trim everywhere designs since it wouldn't fit every character, could do with a lot more detailing and personality in their portraits and I certainly hope I've gotten to a point now where I can do interesting designs without using 300% extra trim when it doesn't call for it.

My tendencies make more work for myself, anything. Which is bad because I'm both pretty busy and kinda lazy. Ah well~

Edited by Thor Odinson
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How do I recruit Juan? I killed him in Chapter 6, and I got the dialogue at the end saying he was joining, but he never showed up on my roster. Was there something I missed? Did I need to have a certain person attack him to get a specific dialogue?

Thanks in advance.

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idk about you, i'd rather have my bank account +100 vs my bank account +0 but hey maybe i'm weird

I think that goes without saying, but I don't think the act of a singular $100 donation speeds much up (unless I guess Astra uses it to pay someone to do some animations?) and that it seems like to take it and let on that it would accelerate things would be disingenuous.

Are Astra, Lumi and Eclipse the only ones left working on DoF at this point?

Edited by Siuloir
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I think that goes without saying, but I don't think the act of a singular $100 donation speeds much up (unless I guess Astra uses it to pay someone to do some animations?) and that it seems like to take it and let on that it would accelerate things would be disingenuous.

Are Astra, Lumi and Eclipse the only ones left working on DoF at this point?

idk about you but if someone is willing to pay me to do something, i'm often motivated to do it more than if i have to make myself do it.

but whatever; i'm just a mercenary

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If he's paying anyone for animations it'd be me, I have all of the normal dragon movements sitting in my psd i just have to shade it and add renair for one

possibly yeti because yeti helps me out here with correcting some movements

but like i said I'd totally take the 100 i just don't think I have time to animate while the semester is in session and I'd feel bad if i take the money but nothing gets done anyway because of school

Astra, Amelia, me, and Eclipse are the core team, though we have a couple others helping out with stuff like supports and shit. Amelia does more portrait sprites and I do more animations and cg and also PR

Edited by Thor Odinson
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After training with Inari, I found she was quite useful. She didn’t stand out too much, but she’s earned her spot for sure. Kolbane’s still further ahead, but for some reason Chester is the one who’s standing out the most.


I don’t know how that happened, but I’ve no reason to complain.

I’m wondering if there are any supports for Inari that come in the next chapter since I don’t have anyone paired with her yet; I feel the same for Chester, but I think he can manage on his own. I found that Inari can support with Vixenk, Balder Seymour, but Seymour’s already taken and I haven’t trained Vixenk or Balder. Speaking of supports, will Seymour’s problem with supports be fixed if I transfer over directly to the next patch? I’ve maxed out his support with Karen and I’m a little worried about that.

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Chester's an odd bird - when he wants to shine, he will do so, and steal the damn spotlight.

First montage

Second montage

Holy cow those Chesters. HOLY COW THOSE GARATHS. My best Garath was the one I had to drop because I used up all of my Veritas without knowing what it really did. For some reason my Ilanice decided she wanted strength real bad and forgot that she could have speed, thus I had to donate her a speed boost(16 spd on 20/1 is just shameful but it was better than Juan's). And I've always had the worst luck with Renair, her strength was always way too low and could hardly provide any damage thus Kolbane stealing the spotlight like superstar he is. I was thinking of doing another Musain run since I didn't grab the ancient blad that time, but that would mean I'd have to give up my actual good Renair and my Arcus with maxed Str and Def and 15 speed. Though I could always drop my other Onduris route seeing as how everyone there is pretty bad, 18 Spd Seymour aside.

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What do you mean problem with supports I vaguely remember something but I don't remember the details remind me again

But if you transfer the .sav then the supports would stick yes

Seymour is able to support with Lia and Karen, but the support will only register with those girls and not Seymour.

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Right. That unfortunately will transfer with the .sav because it's written into the RAM already. We can fix the support pointers for the future patch but what's done is done and cannot be changed through our side. You can probably look into RAM hacking to put the support back in, perhaps. I'm no expert in that field though.

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Right. That unfortunately will transfer with the .sav because it's written into the RAM already. We can fix the support pointers for the future patch but what's done is done and cannot be changed through our side. You can probably look into RAM hacking to put the support back in, perhaps. I'm no expert in that field though.

I'll see if I can manage that. Do you know anyone who is an expert in that field?

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