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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Ok, that means the 10B one is definitely in the drink...

Anyway... just finished 14B, opinions on characters so far:


Renair: Doubles the crap out of most enemies for significant damage all game long, and she can even take hits well too. A lord-type that's never felt like a burden. Two thumbs up. Her HP was dragging though, so I fed her the HP-boost stat up.


Garath: The BOSS of earlygame, relegated to massive chip after chapter 6 or so, and finally got benched once I can no longer deploy everyone. Given the low Exp gain all over the place, it might not hurt to give this guy better growths to let him remain usable to lategame.


Kolbane: Grade A offense, Grade D defense. Hits like a truck, but can't take much in return. Last used on chapter 10.


Asher: Okay as a healer and helps save potions early on, but practically gets semi-benched once Lia joins, and gets permanently benched once I don't have the room to deploy everyone. Karen joining is the last nail on his coffin.


Ilanice: If only I got that Master Seal... Pretty sure this one is Str-blessed to hell and back. Death on Wings, period.


Amelia: ORKO machine, and packs enough dodginess to make up for the poor defense and low HP. Also laughs at mages. Sel'Seir stupidly tried to attack her through the wall dealing crap damage and got blown up in return.


Chester: Thief utility notwithstanding, this guy packs quite a punch for a thief. Should make a nasty as hell assassin.


Crowe: Glass Cannon, but with the amount of Wyverns you see in Onduris, that Bow comes in handy, and glass cannon archers are not much of an issue either way.


Lia: Superb healer pre-promotion, ORKO machine that can heal post-promotion.


Driscoll: Poor defenses, but has HP to compensate. Also hits hard and plenty of Onduris foes uses lances so comes in handy at many occasions. The game giving a second Labrys helps too.


Gabriel: Massive chip, but that's about it. Got benched rather early.


Juan: Flying Tank, but his poor Spd makes me choose Bellona over him. Last used in chapter 11.


Seymour: Solid and reliable, and weapon triangle control is nice. Can tank like a boss with his Prf equipped too. He's still a silly fop though.


Chase: Didn't really use him, but his bases look promising. Might use him isntead of Crowe next time I play this route.


Karen: Great stat growths it seems. Makes a great healer that can smack around anyone that tries to attack her.


Bellona: More Balanced than Juan. It also helps that Partisan is not a Prf weapon.


Kanus: Didn't really use him. Spear-lock on Onduris with relatively solid bases makes him a viable candidate though, since many Onduris enemies use swords.


Balder: He's a Driscoll that walks on water. What's not to like?


Lienn: Dancers are nice... but her fragility makes me wary of deploying her when enemies carry titanium/glass weapons since they can OHKO her.


Inari: The reason why Kolbane is warming the Bench. That Defense is WTF-worthy, and she's not shabby on the offense either.


Vixenk: Didn't really use him, damn solid bases though.

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I'm just about done with Route A. The dragon map are retarded. And to top it off... I'm challenging myself with fewer units, since major of them has shitty stats.

Only worthy units were Kolbane, Lia, Renair, Arcus, (lol enjo forced), Seren, (lol need thief for treasure hunting), River, Annalise, Melissa, and Juan( Spd bit him in the ass, but still good nevertheless).

So.. yeah :|

I almost managed to win it, but I placed Lia wrong one point, and a crowd of enemy units managed to land a hit on her dodge blessed horse and the paladin on the bridge finished her off before the turn ended.

I wish I had saved that point to fix that mistake, but w/e. Nothing I can't handle with reset.

I'll take ss of each characters soon.


The funny thing is... even with her stats, SHE MISS A LOT. I dunno why, but this RNG is just being the crow's luck to her. Despite that, she didn't die that much. (Yes she died a few times, maybe two or three times.)


I'm so unlucky to have him locked for the previous three chapters, otherwise I'd be using Driscoll or Gabriel more. Still, his maythunder came useful a couple of time.


He's not bad honestly, he tanked the middle lane for the Uther's map on chapter 12A, it was pretty amusing to watch with all of these sword cavalivers doing little damages to him, and him doing more with 70% hit rate. Dropped him the next chapter, only to be forced again for this map I'm on...


Decent, actually she got 5 levels between her recruitment chapter and chapter 13A just in time before the Twin's death. Infact she promoted before I killed the other twin before stealing that sexy elixer. If she joined earlier, she'd be even better than Lia stats wise.


The most hated unit in my whole army, yet I uses him. Seriously Astra, quit baiting him with treasures every chapter.


I love Lia so much she promoted on chapter 10A. She hit 20 level while I was having fun with the general boss with Seren. Heal abuse OP. (Though sadly, I didn't get the golds from that chapter cuz of a stupid move on my part with the sage.)


Despite crappy spd and skl, he's handy with wearing enemy down for my adorable pagasus knight to slay for experiences. He's one of the top people that has the most luck, yet bad luck with rng. (He never died at all in this route... seriously, wtf rng.)


My favorite unit in the whole games, even if she does not show up in route B. I'll find you Astra for that.

Just look at her stats. She's 19/7 too. Seriously RNG. WHY BLESS HER SO MUCH THAT YOU'D ROB MY OTHER UNITS? Still I loves her, so it's okay.


Same stats from the other page, because I was still doing the map. (Yes that ss was before Lia incident.) He's okay with dodge though, I don't think he have ever been hit by venomous weapons after promote.


Oh River, still flowing with force yet halted by a dam. (Get it? She's on continuous movement with so much powers and double hit, but can be stopped by Barrier staff aka dam? No? Fck you guys.) If there were guiding ring somewhere in this route, I'd promote River no problem, I wanna see that sexy druid model.


For some reason, she's more powerful than Ilanice, even though she's weak to mages. I guess RNG likes her more than Ilanice.

Actually now that I thinks about it, she's more durable than Ilanice too. I gave Annalise the hp thing too, so screw it.


Bad luck pagasus girl, as I likes to call her.

Bad defense = easy KO.



Her skl and spd aren't so blessed, that she can't even double cavaliers...


Eh, he's okay, but not so strong to be able to keep up with my other units, despite his stats. Aka bad luck.


He actually was decent, up until Seren's introduction. She completely took over Driscoll's role, and with Arcus... bye Driscoll :( Not to mention forced units taking his spot.


I'd use him, but... I have no tomes... River has the last two. WAAHHH I HATE MY STUPIDITY OF USING GABRIEL TOO MUCH.


Same deal with every other early promoted units, drop for better units.




Shit hp compared to the dancer on route B. Yeah... I don't think I can use him with all of these sieges units on the map lately.


I hate horses.


Still hate horses.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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I find it funny that I've seen many def-screwed Kolbanes when his average defense is one of the better among the foot units. Off the top of my head I think Kanus and Arcus beats him in averages, but then you get Dan's 20/-- base defense Kolbane :p

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Ok, so I finished part A, and so...


Seren: Great unit, can't complain.


River: I love female character so...She was my magic tank, can do some damage too


Lia: She lack speed in this game...But well, maybe nexe time. Good magic tank, nice magic


Crowe: He is a god! If I had this Master Seal...He wreck havoc with his hight str, skill and speed. Love him ;p


Driscoll: Well...good str and skill. But this speed...Overall good unit


Annelise: I like her, good speed, hight sword level


Chester: One of the best unit I had. Speed, skill and good strength. Plus he can steal ;)


Ilanice: Wel...good unit, thats all


Juan: Hight def, sr and hp. Acceptable speed. Solid unit


Adrian: He's a bard...well...that's all


Amelia: Hight mag, speed i res. Only that skill don't love her...But she is great character


Renair: She's goodness. First chapters are hard for her because her str is low, but then she is unstoppable


Enjolras: Solid unit, use him a lot + he looks good


Arcus: Hm....almost like Hector. Physical tank, only that speed and skill could be higher


Melissa: I like her, good luck and res, acceptable mag, skill and speed. Beside she is cute

Now I must find this damn Master Seal...

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Damn Engel, that is one screwed Amelia. >_>

It's amusing how similar our Kolbanes are too...

*looks at the pics from route A*

I think Seren, River, Melissa, and Annelise are going to get a lot of favoritism from me there... much like what Inari got in path B...

Edited by Kopfjager
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Well yes. Funny thing is that I found Master Seal in route B without any problems...

Then look at the hint posts, and look at one of the hints. You'll see what I'm talking about. If you found it on route b, then you shouldn't have trouble with route a.

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Before I do my montage, a note:

Though I did not recruit Chase, he appears in the ending montage.

Asher is a dirty liar; he was blicking things on my end because most of my team had offensive problems.

Will get to the pics in a bit.


Y'know what's sad? She wasn't the slowest thing on my team.


Like Amelia, he was kinda slow. Unlike Amelia, he was able to kill stuff reliably with a lowly Light tome.


Swordreaver FTW. Driscoll was worse in most aspects, so he got to tag along.


THE MAN, in all his glory. If there was an assassin item early on, he'd get it.


The other half of the dream team. Kicked ass and took names early, and got even better on promotion.


Hardly his best showing, but between the insane amount of supports he had and the fact that he could chip well, he was allowed to come when I had an extra slot available.


Feed him the early boss kills; it's worth it. Between him and Crowe, I chipped my way across maps.


His staunch refusal to die made him excellent bait. Steel Bow archers 3HKO him.


It took forever for him to gain Speed, and the only reason why he wasn't left out to dry was because he was supporting Renair and Garath (and Renair needed all the damage she could get).


Due to my stats, I had to bait enemies, as opposed to charging in headlong; thus, she was used a lot (mostly so Asher could keep the party alive).


Her job was to dodge swords, and that's it.



Juan was tanking better, so she was benched.


He tried, but was forever overshadowed by Garath, and later Balder.


Speed means squat if you're dying in two hits. Benched when I couldn't bring her along sometime after the route split, and stayed on the bench.


Kolbane had supports on his side, one of which was Renair. She did a damn good job on the ship, though.


He looks promising, but I didn't have room on my team.


Asher was busy not-sucking, so she was benched.


At least Asher could counter-attack and not die in two hits.


Screw you too. He would've been replaced with Kamus in a heartbeat, if I could've kicked him from my party.


Beat the crap out of Brielle, and somehow managed to not gain Strength. Thus, he was benched.

Edited by eclipse
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For their level they are.

Lia has -5 res, for example. Seren has -2 speed.

Probably won't affect you much though, since with those stats you'll (probably) end up dominating mid-game.



Lia will just heal her. Just watch Seren walk up to each dragons and crit them.

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@Ubel: Annelise's statline is more Str/Def based than Ilanice. Kinda like Florina vs Farina with a much smaller availability gap and no 20k. So she should be stronger and tankier.

@Eclipse: Holy shit that Garath

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If an average Crowe looks godly compared to most of my team, I think that says something about the RNG.

EDIT: I really like Garath in his current incarnation. He's tanky enough to take hits, but not so blindingly fast that he gets all the kills. Also, bows rock on him.

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Well the average crowe should have 20+ str/skill/spd on promotion so that looks average to me.

Promoted at level 17, had something like 18/19/19 after promotion gains. He got that many levels because I was able to bait a lot of 1-2 enemies into attacking him and suiciding. Oh, and he was one of three people that never had to worry about being doubled.

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Whelp, I had a savestate at chapter 6, so I'm playing Musain again and I'm not proceeding until I find that damn Masterseal. And I went back and looked at the hints and really all I got is that it's on the right half of the map, not under the boss's spot, and a non-moving enemy stands on the spot? Well I'll just continue to waste time searching for it I guess, since there's no time limit on the map.

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