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[FE9] PoR Draft Number Six


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He would've been useful to me and Spoon since only we can recruit him without the risk of taking penalties. But considering you(zhao) can't lowturn his joining map(no earlygame fliers or mages) he might've been a decent pick for you.

Edited by Excellen Browning
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And with that, I draft Bastian.

This means Spoon gets left with Ena/Nasir and that we can start playing.

I don't know why you insist on calling Ena "Ena/Nasir". Its like you're actually entertaining the possibility of getting Nasir.

I'm drafting Ena then.

I'll start this weekend or something. At the same time I want to read books I just ordered. When I was already predicting slow progress anyways.

Edited by General Spoon
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Hello gents, I come with the first draft chapter results :awesome:

I have played through earlygame aka prologue - chapter 8. And someone really needs to tell me how to do this code thing properly because it's highly confusing. Because of that, I will only talk about my strategy and the turn count

Prologue: 4 turns

Did the usual 4 turn strategy

chapter 1: 3 turns

turn 1: Ike gets fighter band, attacks fighter. Titania gets paladin band, attack fighter and runs up. turn 2: Ike runs up, Titania gets seraph robe and runs towards boss. turn 3: Tits kills boss, Ike seizes

chapter 2: 5 turns

This chapter was quite a bitch, because so much depended on the RNG not screwing me over.

turn 1: Rhys goes stand in the corner, Oscar rescues Boyd and stands next to him. Ike runs right and uses the seraph robe. turn 2: Ike runs left and uses a vulnerary. turn 3: Titania kills the bandit and runs up to the boss, Ike uses a vulnerary. turn 4: Ike goes out and kills one of the remaining fighters, the other one unfortunately ran. Titania kills the Bandit close to her and moves into boss range. turn 5: Ike kills the final fighter, tits kills the boss.

A 4 turn could have been possible if I could at some point afford to attack with Ike instead of heal and I had the steel sword.

chapter 3: 4 turns

Overall easy chapter.

turn 1: Ike goes left and attacks bandit, Gatrie goes north. Titania kills fighter east of her and then goes north. turn 2: Ike walks up north, Gatrie attacks a bandit, titania kills the archer and canto's to the ship. turn 3: Everybody moves up to the ship, Titania kills fighter that drops the hand axe and moves up to boss. turn 4: titania hurts boss, kills him on EP, Ike talks to Marcia to recruit her.

I might have gotten the Elixer if I had Gatrie walk to the house containing it on turn 3 and 4. Having it could have shaved a turn off chapter 7, so meh

chapter 4: 2 turns

Again, easy chapter

turn 1: Rhys runs up, Shinon runs up next to him and rescues him. Soren also runs up. Titania kills the myrmidon and moves west. Gatrie kills first soldier. Ike hangs back. turn 2: Titania equips hand axe and attacks boss. Gatrie kills a soldier, Ike kills an archer. Boss gets killed on EP.

Since you can't one turn it, this is the lowest turncount possible for this chapter.

chapter 5: 6 turns

Again an easy chapter. It would have been nice if you could end the chapter by killing the boss, because I killed him on turn 4.

turn 1: useless characters run east. Gatrie takes the west opening and uses the speedwing. Titania goes south, Ike stays on the defense tile. turn 2: Gatrie stays east and kills the hammer fighter. Ike stays on his tile, Titania kills an archer and stays put. turn 3: Gatrie runs up and kills the cav near Ike, Ike stays where he is. Titania kills a soldier with the hand axe and runs down. turn 4: Titania kills the boss after damaging on EP. After that it was just sitting my turns out.

chapter 6: 9 turns

Hardest chapter yet. Gatrie left me for this chapter to make it much harder.

turn 1: all useless units run up, titania kills the javelin soldier. Ike goes right. turn 2: titania kills the archer and canto's east, Ike moves east. turn 3: titania kills the mage and moves to the bridge, Ike kills the poleax cavalier. turn 4: ike moves south and heals, titania kills the knight and moves further south. turn 5: titania kills the mage, ike moves down and heals. turn 6: titania moves next to the boss after killing an archer, Ike moves towards the escape. turn 7: titania kills the boss, ike heals and crawls forward. turn 8 and 9 was getting Ike to the escape tile and ending

I also tried going along the west bridge, but then all the enemies from the right side would come at me in one big wave so I ended up getting the same turncount while putting Ike a greater risk. If I had the elixer, I wouldn't have as much problems with Ike taking lots of hits and could have used his full move every turn to reduce turncount. I could now try to let Titania rescue him and carry him for the entirety of the chapter, exp gains be damned.

chapter 7: 8 turns

Not too difficult, didn't write down exactly what I did, so I'm gonna list the general strategy.

had Titania first kill the doods near the armorslayer chest, then on turn 2 took care of doods in the north then had titania run to the chests on the left while Ike stayed around the armorslayer chest. On turn 3 or 4, I placed all undrafted characters in the armorslayer room. Gatrie and Shinon came around, and I had Gatrie kill stuff and at turn 7 or so I had him rescue shinon and continue killing stuff. At this point Titania went and killed the boss and the enemies around him. All fit into a neat little package of 8 turns

I doubt I could have gotten lower turns on this chapter, but maybe a 7 turner is possible.

chapter 8: 8 turns

Not really a hard chapter or special strategy. Titania rescues Ike and sits on the defense tiles for 8 turns. It's not like I can do anything else when I only have 2 characters. Didn't manage to get the red gem, which is a waste. But hey, what can you do?

Total turncount at the moment: 49

I'm quite sure zhaoyun and Paper can get a turncount of 5 less than mine in the same chapters. Especially now I've given them so much info on what to do.

Current levels:

Ike: 11

Titania: 6

Gatrie: 13

BEXP: 1770

Edited by Excellen Browning
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