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[FE11] FESD Draft VIII


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Eh, Arran and Ymir. Not as if I'm actually going to use them.

Also, with the above note: Don't forget Norne. I almost did, then managed to correct myself.

Edited by Mist
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Chapter 4 in 7 Turns.

Unit     Class    Level  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP
Marth    Lord      8.01  24   10   0    4    13   14   8    9   C Swords
Abel     Cavalier 10.01  26   10   0   10    14    5   9    0   D Swords D Lances
Jeigan   Draco     3.80  20    8   1   11    10    1  11    3   B Lance E Axe
Bord     Merc      5.31  19    9   0   13    11    2   7    0   E Sword
Cord     Fighter   5.53  22    8   0    5    10    5   5    0   E Axe

Marth is amazing, Abel is normal, Jeigan is amazing, Bord is good, and Cord... WTF man.


WTF at the two criticals at the end. And Jeigan doubling hunters and thieves.

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 6, in 7 turns. I didn't have the firepower to complete it in 6 turns.

EDIT: Due to missing 6x, I went back to the savepoint and let the silver lance dude run around and kill more undrafted units, so I could hit 6x. Same turncount, but some different level ups. Edited by General_Horace
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Well, here goes nothing.

Like with FE5, I've never finished this game before doing this draft. I got to some chapter (like 17 or 18 iirc) and stopped out of boredom. I'll finish it for sure, but because of that I don't really expect to do terribly well. I had a really difficult time deciding who to draft...

Anyway, thoughts on picks:

Frey: He's my favorite of the starting cavaliers, he's basically Abel but he looks cooler. I suspect he'll be one of the best characters throughout the entire game.

Merric: Excalibur is almost always an assured ORKO on Normal Mode, so that alone makes Merric an offensive powerhouse. He also joins early and even without Excalibur manages to inflict respectable amounts of damage to pretty much everything. I dunno if he was the best 2nd round pick, but he's been good when I've used him previously, so...

Wendall: He's really damn fast and carries a staff. He's sorta like a second Merric but with more reclass options and the ability to use staves adequately. I almost picked him before Merric, but I ended up getting him anyway so...

Castor: I dunno, he seemed okay when I glanced at him. His growths aren't terrible and he joins pretty early, although he'll probably be reclassed frequently to get his stats just right. Seems relatively solid all-around, although being locked to Archer until C4 is sorta annoying.

Roshea: Please, please cooperate. I'm begging you. You could be really useful if your stats just grow right... At worst, he's another Cav, though, so...

Caesar: I kinda like Caesar, I dunno why. He's not especially good, but if he can overcome his level deficit I can imagine him being useful later on.

Beck: Meh, Ballistician. Never bad to have around. Shame I can't forge stuff for him.

Matthis: Another potential liability if his stats don't cooperate. Why are there so many bad Cavs in this game? Well, he joins early at least...

Dolph: I'm not 100% sure what I want to do with him, but he's probably more useful than those other guys he joins with. Hopefully a reclass frenzy will let me turn his stats into something respectable...

Boah: Yet another staff/excalibur bot. Not especially great especially considering I already have Merric and Wendall, but he was probably more useful than whoever else was left.

???? Last Pick: You suck. Whoever you are, I'll hate you.

Anyway, here goes...

Prologue: Prologue (0/0)

Marth and Frey kill stuff to get their levels up. Abel and Cain trade their items away and kill themselves, and Gordin is the sacrifice. Very exciting.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        06.66  21  09  00  05  12  11  07  00 	
Frey        Cavalier    05.40  22  07  00  10  07  04  09  00    

Ch1: Marth Embarks (6/6)

Walk forward, 20483948394 enemies suicide on Marth, Frey cleans up and Jeigan kills the boss. Marth recruits Wrys and seizes afterwards.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        07.91  22  10  00  06  12  12  08  00 	
Frey        Cavalier    06.63  23  08  00  10  07  04  09  00    
Jagen       Paladin 	01.91  22  07  01  10  08  01  09  06    

Edited by Silvercrow
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