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[FE11] FESD Draft VIII


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P-1: 5 Turns

P-2: 7 Turns

P-3: 11 Turns

P-4: 12 Turns

Not much to it, Marth kills everything. Got the Steel Bow and used Gaggles as a sacrifice. Frey went to his untimely death to the Armors, so I could recruit Norne.

Name    Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth    8.93 23   8   0   6  11  12  10   0
Jagen    1.00 22   7   1  10   8   1   9   6

C1: 7 Turns

Eh. Skipped the 10K Village, don’t need it. Everyone with Lances besides Jagen traded them to Shiida. Shiida got the Thief kill. One of the Pirates decided it was a good idea to park himself on the village on turn 4. Turn 5 consists of killing it with Shiida and Jagen, and Marth recruits Wrys. Turn 6 has Jagen Silver Lance the boss, and Marth finishes with Iron. Seize the following turn. No casualties. Yet.

Name    Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth   10.41 25  10   0   6  11  14  10   0
Jagen    1.19 22   7   1  10   8   1   9   6
Shiida   2.90 16   4   1   6  13   9   7   6

C2: 7 Turns

The stupid levels begin again...

This is what I like about NM. I can throw Shiida into swaths of enemies and not die horribly. Marth moved into a position to recruit Carros on turn 1 EP after Jagen blocks anything from reaching him afterward. Shiida goes west to kill Pirates. I use Draug as a block for the northern enemies. I recruit Castor, and got lucky with Shiida dodging a 61 displayed. Castor died to pirate, as well as Cord. Marth didn’t want to crit Gomer with his Rapier, so I decided to settle for the 7 turn instead. Also got the 5K village without losing time. Shiida got 2 strength levels this chapter. What. The. Fuck. I didn’t think I’d get another Str-blessed Shiida like the H3 draft...

Name    Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth   11.33 26  10   0   7  11  15  10   0
Jagen    1.95 22   7   1  10   8   1   9   6
Shiida   5.41 19   6   1   9  16  12   8   6

C3: 7 Turns

Pretty standard. Shiida north to recruit Nabarl, and Julian stays up there to kill Fighters. Marth and Jagen go left to get to the Gate. After recruiting Nabarl, Shiida rejoined the main group just in time to kill the boss.

Name    Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WExp
Marth   12.12 26  10   0   8  12  16  11   0 Sword B
Jagen    2.08 23   8   1  11   8   2   9   6 Lance B Sword D
Shiida   7.10 19   6   1  10  18  14   8   6 Lance C
Julian   4.64 17   4   0   6  13   8   4   0 Sword E

C4: 7 Turns

Recruit Merric and Matthis, and manage to kill off Barst, Lena, and Merric. Everyone went west, while the sacrifices blocked the northern enemies. Shiida bosskilled.

Name    Class  Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WExp
Marth   Lord   12.33 26  10   0   8  12  16  11   0 Sword B
Jagen   Pally   2.52 23   8   1  11   8   2   9   6 Lance B Sword D
Shiida  Peg     8.77 19   6   1  11  18  14   8   6 Lance C
Julian  Thief   5.77 18   5   0   6  13   9   4   0 Sword E

Just a question: Are we counting Gaidens? I remember there being discussion, but I don't think we resolved it. (Some people could go to 24x while others don't, so I'd say all Gaidens expect for 24x should count, personally.)

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I am under the impression that Gaidens count. I second the notion to not include 24x.

And Chapter 9 in 9/65 Turns


The only reason the reset is there is because I couldn't remember which chest had the buillon.

Edited by General_Horace
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Actually, Horace, looking at your C6 video: I don't think Julian can be used to open doors if you haven't drafted him. I could be wrong, but, just pointing that out. That would completely defeat the purpose of drafting him, really. I checked the rules and saw the following:

- Undrafted units can only be used for meatshielding [should be unarmed]; same with faceless units. They can be used to recruit characters though. They shouldn't be healed, or use items, and can't shop. They can take part in trade chains.

I would imagine thief duties come under the "can't be done" clause. Just throwing that out there for you.

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You know what, you are right, I did it subconsciously. I really, don't want to restart my run, and if I had given Julian the door key I got last chapter, it wouldn't have mattered.

If you guys agree, I'll throw away my remaining three master key uses as compensation.

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Also, I would like to bring up the fact that despite the OP (Which i am changing right now), undrafted units CAN shop. I should have read it in more detail.

And Horace, if the others agree, it is fine by me, as those are 3 less chests you get. And really, Julian opening that door didn't affect anything.

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You know what, you are right, I did it subconsciously. I really, don't want to restart my run, and if I had given Julian the door key I got last chapter, it wouldn't have mattered.

If you guys agree, I'll throw away my remaining three master key uses as compensation.

That's completely understandable to not want to restart. But I think that throwing away the Master Key is a tad harsh. I'd say take a 1 or 2 turn penalty. But that's me. Depends what everyone else thinks.

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Quite honestly, I'd rather throw away that key than take a turn penalty.

And now, Cord is in the limelight in chapter 10. At about 5:00, Cord begins his epic stand of lucky defence proc's.


Oh yeah, turns, 12/77

EDIT: Or if you think the master key is too harsh, i'll throw out all my door keys.

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Throwing away the master key means you miss the boots. And you don't want to do that.

Dammit you are right. How bout 2 uses of master key thrown away. If that is too much to ask, I understand, but thoughts?

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Throwing away the master key means you miss the boots. And you don't want to do that.

Not necessarily "miss". Just have to use a few more turns later. That would be at least 4, I would think.

@Horace: Sure, I can deal with that. I approve.

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Ok I have it resolved, maybe.

I forgot to move Marth on one of my turns in Chapter 11, so could I just take that as my penalty instead. This is complicated.


14/91 Turns

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C5: 6 Turns

I really regret disposing of Merric so quickly. Oh well. Jagen moved to aggro Wendell's group on Turn 1 EP, so Marth could recruit on turn 2. Stuff died, and I racked up 4 casualties. Shiida got the bosskill.

Name    Class  Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WExp
Marth   Lord   12.60 26  10   0   8  12  16  11   0 Sword B
Jagen   Pally   3.00 23   8   1  11   8   3   9   6 Lance B Sword D
Shiida  Peg    10.12 19   6   1  13  20  16   8   6 Lance C
Julian  Thief   6.53 19   6   0   6  14  10   5   0 Sword D

C6: 7 Turns

R.I.P Jagen. You served your purpose well. (He died here in the H3 Draft as well. lolol)

9 deaths this chapter. Easily through to 6x. I left the northern units alone, and just bolted past them. Julian recruited Rickard, and grabbed the Bullion. No other treasure collected. Shiida decided to critkill the boss.

Name    Class  Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WExp
Marth   Lord   13.30 26  11   0   8  12  17  11   0 Sword B
Shiida  Peg    11.87 20   6   1  13  20  16   8   6 Lance C
Julian  Thief   6.63 19   6   0   6  14  10   5   0 Sword D

C6x: 9 Turns

Strength levels come in 2's. Well, at least for Shiida they do. Map ended in a complete rout. Marth got the bosskill, slowing me down. 3 units is not easy to speed through with. Meh. Only fielded Marth, Shiida and Julian.

Name    Class  Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WExp
Marth   Lord   14.41 28  12   0   8  13  17  11   0 Sword B
Shiida  Peg    11.87 21   8   1  14  20  17   8   6 Lance C
Julian  Thief   8.02 21   6   0   7  14  12   6   0 Sword D

C7: 10 Turns

Eh. Everyone charged the closed gate to recruit Bantu ASAP. Shiida bashed a lot of enemies with the Silver Lance. Marth moved around. Julian almost died. The Whitewings all lived. Shiida critkilled the boss again.

Name    Class  Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WExp
Marth   Lord   14.83 28  12   0   8  13  17  11   0 Sword B
Shiida  Peg    15.93 22   8   1  16  20  18   8   6 Lance B
Julian  Thief   8.55 21   6   0   7  14  12   6   0 Sword D

Edited by Mist
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Lorenz for my last pick.

And really, just give him a penalty or make Julian free for thieving. It was an honest mistake but there's no reason to complicate things.

Ch2: The Pirates of Galder (6/12)

Marth positions himself so Darros can recruit himself. A bunch of people trade their weapons away so they can die. Marth, Frey, and Jeigan clear a path west, Caeda coming behind to recruit Castor. Castor gets recruited, and Frey, Jeigan and Castor all team up to kill the boss, with the kill going to Frey. Marth seizes turn 6.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        08.53  23  11  00  07  13  13  08  00
Frey        Cavalier    08.06  25  08  00  12  08  05  09  00
Jagen       Paladin 	02.63  23  07  01  10  08  01  09  06
Castor      Hunter      03.21  21  07  00  03  06  03  04  00

Ch3: A Brush in the Teeth (6/18)

Marth, Jeigan, and Castor head west for the gate. Frey goes north to stall those guys up there. Caeda recruits Navarre and Jeigan gets the boss kill.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        09.03  24  11  00  08  13  14  08  00
Frey        Cavalier    08.98  25  08  00  12  08  05  09  00
Jagen       Paladin 	03.33  24  08  01  10  08  01  09  06
Castor      Hunter      04.01  22  07  00  03  07  04  04  00

Ch4: Battle in the Lea (7/25)

Everyone goes west along with Lena, and left the rest of my peeps save Julian and Caeda to die. Lena tanks a Cav on a forest and recruits Matthis, who I feed a few kills to. Marth recruits Merric, who also gets some kills. Marth onerounds the boss with the Rapier and seizes the turn afterwards.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        09.46  24  11  00  08  13  14  08  00
Frey        Cavalier    10.51  27  10  00  13  10  06  09  00
Jagen       Paladin 	03.48  24  08  01  10  08  01  09  06
Castor      Hunter      04.58  22  07  00  03  07  04  04  00
Matthis     Cavalier    03.10  21  05  00  02  07  00  07  00
Merric      Mage        02.40  20  00  03  04  07  03  04  03

Ch5: Champions of Aurelis (5/30) [Reclass: Jeigan -> Dracoknight]

Marth and the Cavs go for the gate, and Roshea takes the useful stuff from the Wolfguard. Merric, Castor, and Jeigan go north to deal with Wendall and his peeps. Merric recruits Wendall, and Marth onerounds the boss with the Rapier. Matthis buys a bunch of Javelins before Marth seized.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        10.06  25  12  00  09  14  15  09  00
Frey        Cavalier    11.25  28  10  00  14  11  07  09  00
Jagen       Draco       03.77  22  09  01  10  08  01  11  03
Castor      Hunter      05.45  22  08  00  04  08  05  04  00
Matthis     Cavalier    04.00  22  06  00  02  07  00  07  00
Merric      Mage        03.30  20  00  04  04  08  04  04  04
Roshea      Cavalier    04.20  23  07  00  06  07  04  07  00
Wendall     Sage        01.06  22  03  04  02  12  01  05  05

Edited by Silvercrow
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Ch6: Fire Emblem (7/37)

Castor opens Rickard's door and Julian recruits him. Marth, Frey, and Roshea go for the throne while everyone else kills the thieves that took the treasures and self-improves. I manage to get Rickard, Vyland and Sedgar killed for gaiden access. Marth kills the boss yet again, stupid armors.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        11.06  25  13  00  10  15  15  10  00
Frey        Cavalier    12.62  29  11  00  14  12  08  09  00
Jagen       Draco   	04.25  22  10  01  10  08  01  12  03
Castor      Hunter      06.05  22  08  00  04  09  05  04  00
Matthis     Cavalier    05.40  23  07  00  03  07  01  07  00
Merric      Mage        04.60  20  00  05  04  08  04  04  04
Roshea      Cavalier    05.30  24  08  00  07  07  04  07  00
Wendall     Sage        01.51  22  03  04  02  12  01  05  05

Ch6x: In War's Grip (8/45)

Marth goes the long way to get Athena. I leave a Pirate alive to kill some undrafted dudes that are hanging around longer than they should be. Frey and Matthis go for the boss, with the bosskill going to Frey. Marth takes another couple of turns to finally get down to the gate.

name        class   	level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Marth       Lord        11.06  25  13  00  10  15  15  10  00
Frey        Cavalier    13.80  30  11  00  14  12  08  09  00
Jagen       Draco   	04.90  22  10  01  10  08  01  12  03
Castor      Hunter      06.89  22  08  00  04  09  05  04  00
Matthis     Cavalier    06.21  24  08  00  04  07  02  08  00
Merric      Mage        04.93  20  00  05  04  08  04  04  04
Roshea      Cavalier    06.57  25  09  00  08  07  04  08  00
Wendall     Sage        01.72  22  03  04  02  12  01  05  05

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