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A Lot of FE8 Questions


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Okay, so first, I downloaded all of the FE8 Modules I could find, but there was no spell animation editor (you know, like the one in FE7 that basically allowed you to add already existing spell animations to weapons - for example, you could make the Iron Sword a ranged weapon and have it cast Thunder or something.) Does such a module exist, and if so, does anyone know where I could find it?

Second, I tried making some of the non-ranged axes ranged, but when I do that, it glitches up the animation in battle. Is there a way to fix this?

Third, I'm trying to change the type of unit that is summoned by a Summoner. Basically, I want to be able to summon Dracozombies. But, can I use nightmare or something simple to change the summons' classes and weapon into a Dracozombie and Wretched Air? The summons are changed into the dracozombie class, but they have the regular summon stats.

Fourth, how can you change some of the item names? For example, if I wanted to change the name Runesword into "Ragnell," how would I do that? Also, there are some blank slots in the item editor? Am I able to add my own items in there? I wanted to add a Blizzard and Meteor tome (siege tomes), and are those blank slots available? Is the method for renaming those items "Blizzard" and "Meteor" the same?

Finally, am I able to use two patches on the rom? I wanted to use the Magic/Strength patch as well as the canto patch. How do you insert the Falcoknight staff animations (I found them somewhere) into FE8?

Thank you!

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1: Yes those modules do exist, I know so because I use them although I can't seem to find the link. If you'd like i'll send them to you.

2: Thats because you need the item animation modules.

3: I have no idea on this one maybe change the phanthom class to Draco zombie sprites/animation, but idk how theyd carry wretched air instead of axes.

4: FEditor can help you with that ^_^ the text editor is what you'll need just search Runesword and replace it with ragnell, and if you want more names there are plenty of pointers.

5: You'll need FEditor and then the custom class animation module. I replace class pointers for this.

As for applying two patches I think it is possible but im not too sure.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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1. Elincia is correct. Try redownloading the module pack to see if you can find it. If you can't, I could perhaps share with you my copy of it.

2. That is because not only you need to assign a spell to a ranged weapon, in the case of axemen you need to tell them to use their custom sprite for throwing axes. Refer on any guide of custom sprite making to see the format of a custom animation, and then find the axeman's animation lists, and add to the list of possibilities your new Axe(s).

3. The weapon of the summon is random, based on an array in the game we don't know the offset for. Thus, without knowing said offset it is impossible to give it a different weapon than one among what, 5 axes? That will require some debugging to found, unfortunately. I am sorry but it hasn't been discovered yet by us.

About patches: Yes, if both patches aren't going to conflict with eachother, and considering Nintenlord didn't use any free space for his ASM hacks, it is very possible to use both of them in the same rom.

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