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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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If I were a mafia thief, why on earth would I have announced I was the thief, and given you another, separate clear in the process? There's no way both Slayer and I are mafia, as separate factions, sole survivors, way too risky etc.

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The idea is mostly that you were probably recruited since you're Balcerzak but like I said, I'm down for lynching either of you. When was mike cleared?

If I were a mafia thief, why on earth would I have announced I was the thief, and given you another, separate clear in the process?

Classic way to earn trust: Literally help the town.

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If I were a mafia thief, why on earth would I have announced I was the thief, and given you another, separate clear in the process? There's no way both Slayer and I are mafia, as separate factions, sole survivors, way too risky etc.

To make us believe you were clear. Besides, once Slayer confirms your story, you could kill him whenever. Although I admit that Slayer, who was already under a lot of suspicion, is an odd choice...

Plus, like Obviam said, it's likely you could've been recruited.

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In fact, Radiant Dragon, the fact that you're so buddy buddy now with Obviam when you were enthusiastically trying to have me help you get him lynched through all of our PMs last night phase is coming of really fishy. I do understand that people can and do change their minds, but whoa.

Anyway, I suppose I ought to vote at least someone here, in case by some miracle people come to their senses they can rally around a separate kernel.

##Vote: Radiant Dragon

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When was mike cleared?

He never was.

Besides, Bal, if we think that way, everyone who's left except mike would be clear, which obviously cannot be the case as there are at least two mafia members left.

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In fact, Radiant Dragon, the fact that you're so buddy buddy now with Obviam when you were enthusiastically trying to have me help you get him lynched through all of our PMs last night phase is coming of really fishy. I do understand that people can and do change their minds, but whoa.

I still want Obviam lynched, but I'm more sure you're mafia than he is at the moment. The unfortunate thing is, if I'm wrong and you're town, I'm dead tomorrow, and the town will lose another very valuable role.

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No, no. Balcerzak raises a valid point. If someone was recruited we have no idea who they are and are just as likely to mislynch regardless of who of the "cleared" of us we target.

We should probably go back to trying to get someone who was originally mafia, as that might be a bit easier and will buy us some time to think through things and ensure we don't mislynch the next time either.

So I'm switching my vote back to ##mikethfc and hopefully we can all get along for a moment.

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Recruitment on the first night, night 0 of the first mafia game I ever played, with the lowest possible odds...is why I lost my first mafia game.

So yeah, FUCK recruitment.

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The thing is Balcerzak came back. He looked pretty suspicious and maybe he is the guy who was recruited after all and just came back because it appeared to be the thing he needed to do to save himself, but for now I wouldn't mind his help killing off the last original mafia member.

Why is WoMC's name not in green in the OP?

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RD, it's more of a process of elimination thing at this point.

If you'll notice it's 5v2 worst case (I've said this before).

If we mislynch today it's 3v2 worst case after that and then it's MYLO (which should actually be abbreviated MLAL but whatever).

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