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Actually that was kind of the idea. The geo panel and geo effect change in certain level when you replay them and every once in a while

there will be a level with a couple of exp+50% bonuses. You can basically grind like hell in those levels.

In disgaea three its even more ridiculous. I never played it, but I watched my brother a couple of times and I saw him level up one character like 1700+ times in one battle.

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@Maklo: Thanks, that helps my decision. ^^

So it was pretty difficult for me, since a lot of the enemies seem to get up in levels really quick, like the devs were aware that most would just find the proper spot to powerlevel.

I will echo the advice that was given to me here and say that the best place to grind is clearly the item world. Not only does it contain many high-level enemies with (usually) rather lacking/bad equipment, but it also contains a lot of levels with geo panels that can actually be cleared (for a huge bonus gauge boost that nets you a bunch of useful items and even more Exp/HL) and powers up your items. Powering up things like a devil ring or feather token boosts Laharl's stats to completely ridiculous levels, making it much easier to clear the storyline battles.

Just remember to bring a strider in case you happen to get a level with really terrible geo panel effects, and only enter item worlds that are significantly below your average team level unless you feel daring. Encountering Lv100+ enemies in a "Lv39+" item world seems to be perfectly possible, as I've experienced yesterday. You should probably also have a large team of characters, in case some of them are KO'd on the way to the 10th floor.

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Enemy levels go up way too fast. Kurtis and his dudes have an average level of 55 to 60 now, while my own dudes are still in the mid-30s mostly. o_O

Anyway, I have some more questions.

Could it be that the base stats upon creating a character determine the growth of those stats? Because it sure is a bit strange that my red mage (a good-for-nothing whose -5 base points I all took off resistance) has so little resistance compared to my other dudes, considering the 110% resistance aptitude and her absurdly high level (...in comparison to the rest of my party, at least).

For this reason, I'm thinking of having said red mage reincarnate into a genius star mage. She's Lv52 right now; would it be worth the 7500 points of Mana? An interitance rate of 95% sure sounds promising, too - however, there are some things I'd like to know beforehand.

- Learned skills are kept, right? So if she were to reincarnate into a star mage now, would she keep her fire spells and the ice spells her pupil taught her?

- Are there higher spell levels than Omega that I would miss out on if she were to reincarnate now?

- If I have the Dark Assembly increase her movement and/or counter attacks, would that be kept as well or would I need to hold a vote for that another time?

-In my experience the base stats are raised by a certain percent of the overall growth the character has made while leveling. I have tested this theory by taking my level 9999 Galaxy mage (the one with black hair) and reincarnating to a savior (to aquire the healing/buff magic) and she had an abnormally high base int, for a healer. Then after power leveling her to level 9999 I reincarnated her to and angel and her base int, res, sp were now above average. (40s before stat bonuses) The amount of stats gained per level seemed to be influenced from the amount of reincarnations they've done, the tier of the job, their base stats and some other misc factors like the residents on their equipment.

When training a mage the best way to do it is create a blue/red/green mage under flonne so she can benifit from the attack magic. Then create the remaining two colors and name them dummy1 and dummy2. Level all three of them to level 100-120, so they can learn



-basic fire/wind/ice





Then use the dummies to teach the basic-tera spells to the first mage and flonne. Reincarnate the "1st mage" not the dummys to a star mage after you have leveled all of her spells to at least level 2 (any less and you risk losing them).

get your star mage to have up to tera star and keep leveling up as high as you want. then reincarnate to either the galaxy mage for more int. or to a savior (assuming you have a healer of level 100 or higher) if not to a cleric. Now if you want to not use flonne you can just make a cleric under etna and make the mages under him/her. This saves you the hassle of leveling cleric for no reason.

A good place to power level to level 9999 is cave of ordeals map 6. hope this helps ^^

NOTE: Heal goes to Omega while fire/wind/ice/star goto Tera

and movement/counter bonus don't carry over so its best to wait until you don't plan on reincarnating her anymore to upgrade movement. With a paladin(tier 6 angel) its possible to have her have 9 movement and not suffer any significant damage loss. But thats if you actually want to go as far as to get her an accelerator.

Edited by XxWolfxX
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Stat_increase = [0.42 * base_stats] +/- rngmod

And the base stats get higher the more you reincarnate them. (obviously) and its best to also get your character to genius ASAP (via reincarnation) for optimal stats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Enemy levels go up way too fast. Kurtis and his dudes have an average level of 55 to 60 now, while my own dudes are still in the mid-30s mostly. o_O

For this reason, I'm thinking of having said red mage reincarnate into a genius star mage. She's Lv52 right now

How on earth did that happen? I'm struggling to get my mages to level 30 by that point and everyone else is ~40.

But yes, they do go up way to fast.

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How on earth did that happen? I'm struggling to get my mages to level 30 by that point and everyone else is ~40.

I actually found mages (and skulls) to be pretty much the easiest guys to level. They frequently die in one or two hits, but they aren't supposed to get hit anyway. Their spells are incredibly useful, doing tons of damage (especially if you always hit the enemies' elemental weaknesses - easy if you make each new mage a pupil of your newest mage) and hitting multiple enemies at once.

I also found them to be very useful simply for being able to hit enemies up to 9 squares away, allowing me to defeat them while staying well outside their attack range.

On that note, I have beaten the game now. With a Lv88 Star Mage sporting a nice, juicy 2600 Int. She does ridiculous damage.

Edited by Raymond
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