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Fire Emblem: Decay of the Fangs [First 11 chapters]


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Yep, been waiting for the FEE3 patches to start coming, and was waiting for the anticipated update on this one to play it, so it worked out well. Arnold's was the only palette that's bugged me so far. But yeah, I'm impressed with the dialogue in general.

EDIT: upon completing chapter 3: Chibis look kind of odd. And is the troubadour supposed to say, "Yeah, I'll hook up with some other lady along the way." at the end of ch3. Still loving the dialogue.

Edit2: the one bright skin tone at the top Jonas's ear facing inward when he talks is really bugging me.

Edited by deranger
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Mariobro, I'm loving the new patch. I do have a few comments, but overall it's awesome. I've finished every chapter in the guide you wrote so far. Putting my comments in the spoilers for those who don't want to read them.

-Chadwick and Keagan are so broken, but it makes up for how awful some other allies are. I used the C8 Guiding Ring on Keagan and he is certainly a force to be reckoned with. His speed is crazy. He's the best unit I have right now.

-Luke can afford to be buffed up a bit, especially in speed, because he can't double or dodge. This may be me neglecting him too much before 8x, but it was not pretty when the boss of 8x was hitting him more than he hit the boss. I used a lot of Elixirs in that fight. The C8 Hammer was useless, I used the Silver Axe.

-Arnold is awful, in fact I let him die early on because of his poor poor stats. He gets hit by everything and his strength is not good. Not saying you should make him awesome, but the enemies get tougher and fast, so he can afford a bit of a boost to, you know, survive.

-Mikhail is decent, Jonas will end up outclassing him early on but he's all right. His strength isn't good, but many Myrmidons share the same fate.

-Jonas is one of my other powerhitters, he's got B supports with Chadwick and Keagan and he is awesome. I gave him the Energy Ring to give him a real boost. He kills the enemies Chadwick and Keagan can't.

-Anni is, surprisingly, really good. I don't know why Blazer decided to not use her in his LP, because she's one of my best units. She has an unusually high strength (I think it's higher than Jackie's) and her skill, speed, and luck are also very high.

-Hannah and Ubaldo are great for staffbotting, their dodging is iffy but now with Keagan promoted I have three reliable healers. Not much to say about them.

-I regret letting Batta die in C4 because he would have probably been more useful than Luke at this point, I'm going to make note to not do so next playthrough. :p

-Jackie is certainly reliable, Anni outclasses her easily but I do use her often.

-Paul is my thief and rarely sees combat, but he can hold his own.

-Vivi, Henrietta, Tom, Reid, and Ryan basically have gotten no use out of me.

-I didn't get to recruit the C10 recruitables, one of the reasons was because of Norris' fairly bad join situation, because I was too busy making sure Anni and Jackie didn't get massacred by ballistas. I think one or two less in that chapter will help, same with C5 because I had to play Ballista chicken with Anni and other weaker units. Eddie and Amia were more of my own fault, but Amia could stand to have Shine or Lightning instead of the uberheavy Divine.

-I've only lost Jacob once so far, so no comments on him. He has some of my favorite dialogue moments.

-Chapter 4x is quite the troll chapter with that Mercenary on the White Gem chest, because at that point Chadwick couldn't double him (even though he has AMAZING speed) and the bishop that wouldn't fall at all kept spamhealing him. I did get the Eclipse though.

-4x, 5, and 10x are probably my favorite chapters so far. 10x though, needless to say, I think the number should be upped from 6 because some of the enemies do attack and your allies all ORKO them. The chapter is pretty easy, Venom just flew up to the boss and whacked him a few times. That portrait after the boy (Mark, right?) beats him is pretty freaky!

I'm excited to continue playing. I have two questions though:

-How far does the patch go?

-Is there a table of averages? I'm curious as to how my characters are stacking up.

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Patch goes to 12 right now.

Don't have a table of averages, but I do have some comments on growths:

-Arnold's growths are identical to Sain's. He usually is meh for me. But recently, on my last playthrough, he was amazing. I guess he's a character that can vary. There are....certain scenes you get rewarded with for using him though.

-I probably should rebalance Chadwick and Keagan a bit...but if you think they're broken then you haven't used Vivi yet. She's Nino with slightly nerfed growths. But still broken. Need to nerf her more.

-The thing around chapter 10x is that there is a specific strategy that if you can get it, you can easily get through the chapter killing only 5 enemies every time. It includes the route to the right.

Glad you're enjoying it! :D The storyline is starting to heat up, look forward to some epic plot events in chapters 14 and 15

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The reason why I never used Vivi was because Keagan was about level 16 by that point and he was able to destroy anything in his path. I'm gonna probably replay anyway to get Luke better so 8x doesn't become Savestate Abuse Central and also to keep everyone alive and use characters I ignored.

The thing around chapter 10x is that there is a specific strategy that if you can get it, you can easily get through the chapter killing only 5 enemies every time. It includes the route to the right.

Hmm, I will have to check it out later. I'm already at Chapter 11 and I want to play that one through before I go back.

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Oh yeah. 8x, just so ya know, you don't have to do what the objective says, the chapter can be beaten by doing basically nothing as well (or moving anyone besides luke towards the boss) but yeah, there is a big reward later for beating it the right way.

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Shoooooooot, that reminds me, I forgot to disable Earth Seals promoting Chadwick and Hannah.

If you have the urge to promote them, don't do it! (well, I guess you could, but right now Hannah is set to promote to valkyrie, but you're going to miss out on her new class if you promote her to Valkyrie.

And yes, Chadwick is really easy to overuse.

Edited by Mariobro3828
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I figured it would be bad to promote Chadwick, and Hannah wasn't ready for promotion by the time I got the Guiding Ring, so I used it on Keagan, who is amazing. His speed exceeds his magic by a lot, but I can't complain when he dodgetanks everything in sight.

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Yeah, Keagan's growths are based on Erk's. I know it's kinda unoriginal to base growths on ones that are already established (I did vary them up a bit though) but I figured also that growths that are already established work well, and referencing growths is an aspect of the game that's somewhat hard to notice unless you've memorized the mechanics of how the characters of FE7 worked. That's my argument for referencing FE7 growths, that and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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Makes sense now. even though Keagan is doing better than any Erk I've ever trained

One thing to note, Tracy can currently have full movement in Blizzards. I don't know if it's intentional or not but he can. Also he can apparently use Steel Swords.

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That might be it. He has ranks for Anima and Light, but he happened to get a Steel Sword from a battle and he was able to use it. I didn't because I knew it would break the game, but still.

Also, in the top left corner in C12, the right chest breaks the game. I sent Paul to open it and the screen went black.

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Loving the revamp so far. There are some problems, like mercenary and archers being able to use lances and the screen going black at the start of chapter 8. I believe that can be resolved with the OOBB code or fade to map. I'm suprised you didn't use my Ryan portrait, 'cause I thought it would be better suited for the hack, but I'm sure you had your reasons. I'm currently at chapter 8, can't wait to play more, and I'm really having fun right now. Tom is my favorite character right now, 'cause he is awesome. Anyways, keep up the good work.

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Wait...wtf? Mercenaries and archers can use lances? Where? This is the first I've heard of this.

Also I do believe the screen going black at the beginning of 8 is unavoidable, as it is caused by the game taking time to load the units

Not using Ryan because HHS is very picky about how Ryan and Tom look, they're meant to look like two of his friends irl, and the one you had kinda strayed from that. Just picky.

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Just wanted to say I've been playing and it's pretty cool. And improved too of course. Although Reid is about to die to one bandit in my playthrough I think. And I don't use Jonas so bye Mikhail. XD

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Wait...wtf? Mercenaries and archers can use lances? Where? This is the first I've heard of this.

Also I do believe the screen going black at the beginning of 8 is unavoidable, as it is caused by the game taking time to load the units

Not using Ryan because HHS is very picky about how Ryan and Tom look, they're meant to look like two of his friends irl, and the one you had kinda strayed from that. Just picky.

It's not like the mercs and archers have lances, they just have their weapon level on lances, IIRC it was D rank. It was on the chapter with William and another one I forgot. The black screen I guess is no big deal. I understand then about Ryan's portrait, I guess I must of misinterpreted how his hair is. I thought it was meant to spike up. Just curious, what is his hair like?

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Just wanted to say I've been playıng and have been lıkıng all the updates.

However, at the same tıme the story has confused me (probably my fault but could you recap everythıng ın a spoıler? because lıke I couldn't tell what happened to Anthony... at all... -_-) and there are some bugs and glıtches (for some reason I couldnt move any unıts on chapter 5 under some specıfıc condıtıons, savestatıng back and usıng a dıfferent moveset avoıded the bug though, so I don't know... ıf my computer sıtuatıon gets better I'll send you the glıtched savestate and the one rıght before the glıtch though...).

That's about all I can afford to say here sınce I'm usıng a Turkısh keyboard and ıt's challengıng -__-

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