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Fire Emblem: Decay of the Fangs [First 11 chapters]


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For all of you who don't get game overs when either Chadwick, Jonas or Hannah die,

Are you guys in Eliwood mode? Is your save file blue or green? If it's green then that would explain why chadwick dying does not give a game over, as that is only supposed to occur in Eliwood mode. As for Jonas, there's really no excuse for him dying and not giving a game over. He's in the death quote editor as 0x65 for any chapter.

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So are Chadwick, Jonas, and Hannah the "lords" of this hack? I know you're planning a custom class for Hannah, but will Chadwick get a custom class/promotion? And will they get Prf weapons?

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One small question, mate? I recall you saying you'd get a screenshot with the character growths in this weekend. If you wouldn't mind, do you have the growth list done or do we need to wait a bit longer?

Also, here are my stats as of the end of Chapter 10.


Edited by James
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Oh yes, I do apologize, I did say I was going to do that.

Chadwick (subject to change):


Alan (for shits and giggles):


Jonas (might change them to be more like Raven's...but not the same...unless he already is?):


Anthony (like he matters):






Tracy (pre-promotish):






Reid (These look like decent growths...how come he always sucks?):










I'll link to this post in the first post and add more later, right now I need to get some sleep....


So are Chadwick, Jonas, and Hannah the "lords" of this hack? I know you're planning a custom class for Hannah, but will Chadwick get a custom class/promotion? And will they get Prf weapons?

They might get custom classes, but only if they have animations to go with those classes. Maybe an import? Or a custom anim? As far as those go though, the final boss is top priority right now, which I might add a really good battle spriter is spriting right now. I won't reveal any details right now until he says it's ok though.

PRF weapons...we already have 2 planned, possibly one more in the making. Actually I think it's planned too. We'll have to see.

Edited by Mariobro3828
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Another small question. You didn't put in the growth rates for Hannah, Anni, Ryan, Henrietta, Tom, Paul, Jackie, or Eddie. When are you gonna do that?

BTW, looking forward to the official release of the full game.

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Playing through the game again, already at Chapter 10. Promoting Luke at Level 20 does make 8x a LOT easier.

Hammer!Luke killed Anthony on the first Enemy Phase after he attacked. It was a 2HKO. I gave him the Body Ring from the chapter prior for no AS loss. Worth it.

I'm using a similar party but now that Luke has more usefulness I dropped Batta entirely. I'm also using Tom this run, he's not bad (doubles enemies when he joins) but his defenses are poor, especially his wtfawful resistance, which hinders him in C10. I actually recruited Amia and Norris. Amia needs to be buffed majorly because keeping her alive is very hard. Even if she's standing on a fort/forest. Norris is all right. I still need to recruit Eddie. Problem is, I lost Leif the chapter prior and haven't used Henrietta at all. I was going to just leave hi, but then I paid attention to his death quote and it made me wtfsad, so I was like, "I NEED TO RECRUIT HIM AAAAAAH".

Also, Tom has no death quote. Just an FYI.

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Playing through the game again, already at Chapter 10. Promoting Luke at Level 20 does make 8x a LOT easier.

Hammer!Luke killed Anthony on the first Enemy Phase after he attacked. It was a 2HKO. I gave him the Body Ring from the chapter prior for no AS loss. Worth it.

I'm using a similar party but now that Luke has more usefulness I dropped Batta entirely. I'm also using Tom this run, he's not bad (doubles enemies when he joins) but his defenses are poor, especially his wtfawful resistance, which hinders him in C10. I actually recruited Amia and Norris. Amia needs to be buffed majorly because keeping her alive is very hard. Even if she's standing on a fort/forest. Norris is all right. I still need to recruit Eddie. Problem is, I lost Leif the chapter prior and haven't used Henrietta at all. I was going to just leave hi, but then I paid attention to his death quote and it made me wtfsad, so I was like, "I NEED TO RECRUIT HIM AAAAAAH".

Also, Tom has no death quote. Just an FYI.

Tom's death quote is supposed to be "...Oops"

And Amia can recruit Eddie so it's still on the table.

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Amia can recruit him? That's good news. I don't have to waste a deployment slot with Henrietta now. :P

I do like that Divine has less weight now, giving Amia a /better/ shot at survival. Her defenses and HP just allow her to get 2HKOed by every Physical enemy on the map.

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Amia can recruit him? That's good news. I don't have to waste a deployment slot with Henrietta now. :P

I do like that Divine has less weight now, giving Amia a /better/ shot at survival. Her defenses and HP just allow her to get 2HKOed by every Physical enemy on the map.

I don't know about you, but I manged to recruit Amia on turn 1 by sending a flier to grab her off that ledge, then using a high-AID unit to put her down and having Hannah talk to her. Or at least that's a reasonable solution to her recruitment. And considering that Jackie or Anni are needed to recruit Norris(Chadwick's out as you want him getting to the throne ASAP), I don't see why you can't do what I did in my playthrough.

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Sorry if I'm asking too much of you, and it has been a week now since I last asked, but can you post the growths of the rest of the characters(Arnold, Hannah, Anni, Ryan, Henrietta, Tom, Paul, Jackie, Eddie)? And could you possibly add them to the OP?

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Alright, I just finished playing through chapter 12. It's easily apparent how much work you two have put into this project, because it's pretty darn solid.

I took notes of things while I played so here we go:

Chapter Notes

Decay of the Fangs chapter notes

I forgot to take notes for chapters Pr through 3 =/


Boss quote has a typo. Should be "wield" when Braydon fights Luke. Luke's portrait

should also show up on the right side, not the left.

Bottom Left Room has a height error. The stairs shouldn't exist. Also, wall patterns could be better throughout.

Ch4x: CHAI code strikes again. When the enemies decide to "attack" you they simply move next

to your units and end their turn. They don't attack at all.

Ch5: When William and Chadwick talk mid-battle, there's a line that should be "Then you must not have learned to harvest quintessence?"

- The plural form of homunculus is homunculi. William's ending text should reflect that.

- Snags are missing some tile changes. There's actually 3 tiles that change when a snag falls.

1) The trunk that goes over the river

2) The base of the snag where it snapped off

3) The debris that falls on the opposite side of the river.

Right now you just have number 1.

Ch6: - Hector suddenly gained a lot of CON and changed his affinity. He's normally the Thunder affinity.

- The battlescreen background is village?

- Henrietta dies way too easily and it's somewhat hard to reach her in time. She also

lacks a death quote.

Ch7: - I think Tom and Vivi could use more of an introduction in this chapter. They really just seemed to show up

and their recruit convos didn't seem to introduce them very much.

Ch8: - Eliwood swearing in the opening event seems really out of character.

- Needs an out-of-darkness code after you're done with the prep screen

- So many enemies move O_o

Ch8x: This was a cool chapter. But giving the boss Powerful Foe? Pfft.

Ch9: - Cryptus's R description has a typo.

Ch10: - The building's south wall needs to be a tile higher. Right now it's a height error.

- Needs an out-of-darkness code after you're done with the prep screen

- Just what is Eddie's AI? He just wanders around aimlessly.

Ch10x: - I think the MiguelxChadwick convo had a typo in it. Other than that I liked this chapter. Wish I could check the

range on those Artemis bows though =/

Ch11: - Tracy got 10 exp for killing the boss. That doesn't seem quite right to me.

Ch12: - Tracy's movement isn't hindered by blizzards

- A lot of people seem to drop a lot of generic items

- These reinforcements...grah

- You already know about the chest

Character Notes:

DotF character notes

First off, I'll say I'm only posting the stats of the units I used on a frequent basis. Stats are what they were at

when I completed chapter 12. Also, if a unit has a +X next to a stat it's because I used a stat boosting item. The stat posted is

what the stat would be without the item.


Level 20 Shaman

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

32 16 16 16 9 6 14

- The main character and a thumpin' good one to boot. His dark magic hits hard and with sold

str, skl, and spd the enemies drop like flies. His res is good too. Definitely top tier.

- B support with Jonas


Level 20 Mercenary

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

35 20 16 18 10 10 2

- A mercenary sporting a Raven-esque flavor. High offense, poor defense. His Hp, Str, Skl, and Spd

are hugh while Lck and Def is mediocre at best and Res is terrible. He too drops enemies like flies

and dodges reliably enough that his poor defenses don't hamper him terribly.

- B support Chadwick, A support Keagan


Level 4 Warrior

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

47 22 16+2 11 14 14 6

- Luke is your standard Fighter/Warrior. His job is to hit things hard and he excels at that job. Unfortunately,

his spd tends to suffer but for balancing purposes it's just fine. Lck and Def don't seem too bad either. Res is maybe 2 pts

more than I expected, but that could just be the RNG. Is his promoted palette not implemented yet?


Level 3 Mage

HP Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

32 16 17 11 11 8 15

- Keagan is a rather balanced mage. Fairly solid mag and skl, but his spd is rather low for a mage.

Lck is pretty average, Def is average for a mage and the same for Res. All in all, a pretty average character.

- A support Jonas


Level 14 Troubadour

HP Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

24+7 12 11 12 13 6 13

- A lovable character that tends to follow the trends of her class. I'm not really sure what

to say about her. She's a healer that follows a healer's stat trends.

- C support Reid


Level 17 Archer

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

30 15 12 10+2 8 8 4

- I gave this guy an honest effort, but he just isn't that great of a unit. Str is decent enough

but he's just so flimsy. Bad spd, def, and res mean hard times. Enemies also seem hell bent on killing him.

If you're looking to make him better I'd suggest either A) Mix up his growths to help him specialize in something (He might

be a little too balanced), or B) Change his base stats to match his growths more closely (He comes too balanced to really be any help).

- C support Hannah


Level 19 Knight

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

35 15 12 10 13 19 9

- Talk about a powerhouse. This guy is solid right from the start and stays solid.

Skl may be a little shaky, but I can overlook that since everything else is great.

His Res and Spd may actually be a little overpowered for a Knight. I gave him the boots

for extra win.


Level 16 Thief

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

28 8 13 17 12 8 5

- Your standard Thief whose str really holds him back. He has a Legault flavor

to him (and with that battle sprite hair I'm not surprised).

- C support Jackie


Level 17 Wyvern Rider

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res

35 17 15 11 7 15 4+2

- Her low Con and base spd make her hard to use when you first get her.

Luckily the chapter she becomes available in has a Body Ring in it which I gave to her.

But her spd didn't improve too much though looking at her Str, Skl, and Def she seems

to fit the Wyvern Rider mold.

- C support Paul


Level 5 Mage Knight

HP Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

39 17 15 19 15 9 16

- Those base stats...*drools*. Tracy comes at the perfect and decimates

his opponents (I say his because of the battle sprite but the portrait leaves gender a little ambiguous).

Not much else to say except that he's a pre-promote who doesn't seem to suck.

With all that said, I really enjoyed this hack and I'm looking forward to further progress.

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Some responses:

Chapter 4:

I don't see a height error. It should be a pit, symmetrically identical to the one on the right, the wall should indicate a height change.

Chapter 5:

Shoot. I'll get on that snag thing, I've never really known what those other snag changes were for.

Chapter 6:

Whoops. I need to pay attention to affinity more. Battle bg is village? Wait that makes sense actually....I'll change that.

Henrietta shouldn't be all that hard to reach.


Sorry bout that, it's just....ugh. Frustration.

Chapter 7:

That's more or less the premise to them. The guys who just happened to be in prison at the time that the fang broke out. One of them deserves to be in there, one of them doesn't. Their personalities are fleshed out through custom convos in later chapters as well as supports. Any additional intro material is up to HHS.

Chapter 8:

So is any character in this game swearing technically, but we are not bound by the shackles of ESRB like IS was. Eliwood to us is one of those guys who doesn't normally curse, but in circumstances of extreme pressure, the stress might get to him enough to say something.

But there's an OOBB code in the events....

Chapter 8x:

But powerful foe is epic! You really don't like *spoiler* do you? Well I can't blame you for that.

Chapter 10:

Height error? But there's no stairs....is there? It should be a ground level building....generally you'd think you have to rise first to be considered eleveated....

OOBB is also in the code here?

Chapter 11:

That doesn't make any sense to me either.

Chapter 12:

Tracy's movement is fixed now.

Yes, I figured there hadn't been a shop in a while, so some players might be hurting for supplies, so I decided to give them some freebies.

I've seen FE7 dish out far worse.

@James: Sorry dude. The growth screenshots have been at the bottom of my extensive list of things to do (I just spent a while moving into a new apartment, I work full time, and have had...just so much to do. Throwing on top of it that instrument map I just made). It will be done, it just may be a little bit before I get to it.

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Chapter 4:

I don't see a height error. It should be a pit, symmetrically identical to the one on the right, the wall should indicate a height change.

The other room doesn't have stairs. One rooms descends while the other doesn't and yet the walls are still the same height?

Chapter 6:

Henrietta shouldn't be all that hard to reach.

On my second try I got to her easily enough. The first time though the enemies ate her alive XD

Chapter 7:

That's more or less the premise to them. The guys who just happened to be in prison at the time that the fang broke out. One of them deserves to be in there, one of them doesn't. Their personalities are fleshed out through custom convos in later chapters as well as supports. Any additional intro material is up to HHS.

I just thought they could use a line or two on the first NPC phase to sort of get things started.

Chapter 8:

So is any character in this game swearing technically, but we are not bound by the shackles of ESRB like IS was. Eliwood to us is one of those guys who doesn't normally curse, but in circumstances of extreme pressure, the stress might get to him enough to say something.

While I agree with you, what Eliwood says seems a bit of a stretch for his character. Either way it doesn't bother me too much, just something I felt like pointing out.

But there's an OOBB code in the events....

I had to check someone's statscreen and then exit out to see the map =/

Chapter 8x:

But powerful foe is epic! You really don't like *spoiler* do you? Well I can't blame you for that.

Powerful Foe is indeed epic, I just don't think the boss deserves it. He just doesn't seem like the type of boss that would sport that theme.

Chapter 10:

Height error? But there's no stairs....is there? It should be a ground level building....generally you'd think you have to rise first to be considered eleveated....

It comes from the walls you have at the back of the building. They imply the building is two tiles high, but the south wall is only 1.

Chapter 12:

Yes, I figured there hadn't been a shop in a while, so some players might be hurting for supplies, so I decided to give them some freebies.

As the reinforcements kept coming I sort of figured that's what was going on. Too bad they all went to Jacob for me XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so even though I hate that it has come to this...

DotF needs help!

Yes that's right, if DotF continues as it is, it is likely that it will never get finished. I am running out of time. College gets busier and busier. But other than that, ever since I've started working on this, my social life has taken a hit (not to mention my "game" has gotten rusty, I'm not in good of shape, etc.) I can't continue like this, I want to enjoy life like I did before.

Anyways, enough of me complaining on how this is affecting my life, let's get down to business.

Here are a few duties I want to give to people who want to be on the team:


If I could get someone good at portraits to help with touching up old portraits and making new ones. This person would probably have the authority to change anything graphical they wanted within reason. Also, I hope they would be open to outside contributions as well when their own ability can't do a character justice :)

Battle palettes

I can do battle palettes but I'm not exactly great at them. A person assuming this responsibility would be able to make new battle palettes for new characters as well as fixing old ones.


Yeah, need someone competent at mapping (like as good as me or better) to fill this position.

Item icons?

This would be nice. Im no good at them myself and we don't really have many customs so someone doing this would be cool

That's all I can think of for now. It is my goal to fill these positions and retire to just eventing and music (and simple nightmare edits).

Note that when someone joins the team, you're not just a simple contributor, but an owner of the hack. Your ideas have weight, and any information of the hack will make it to you as well. One warning though, we already have the major ground work for the story laid, so major changes to the story are no longer applicable, but HHS is the one writing anyways so that shouldn't be a problem.

Anyways, again sorry it has to come to this, but when it comes to priorities, this should take a backseat to my academic and social life and I've been placing way too much stock in this so far.

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Alright, so even though I hate that it has come to this...

DotF needs help!

Yes that's right, if DotF continues as it is, it is likely that it will never get finished. I am running out of time. College gets busier and busier. But other than that, ever since I've started working on this, my social life has taken a hit (not to mention my "game" has gotten rusty, I'm not in good of shape, etc.) I can't continue like this, I want to enjoy life like I did before.

Anyways, enough of me complaining on how this is affecting my life, let's get down to business.

Here are a few duties I want to give to people who want to be on the team:


If I could get someone good at portraits to help with touching up old portraits and making new ones. This person would probably have the authority to change anything graphical they wanted within reason. Also, I hope they would be open to outside contributions as well when their own ability can't do a character justice :)

Battle palettes

I can do battle palettes but I'm not exactly great at them. A person assuming this responsibility would be able to make new battle palettes for new characters as well as fixing old ones.


Yeah, need someone competent at mapping (like as good as me or better) to fill this position.

Item icons?

This would be nice. Im no good at them myself and we don't really have many customs so someone doing this would be cool

That's all I can think of for now. It is my goal to fill these positions and retire to just eventing and music (and simple nightmare edits).

Note that when someone joins the team, you're not just a simple contributor, but an owner of the hack. Your ideas have weight, and any information of the hack will make it to you as well. One warning though, we already have the major ground work for the story laid, so major changes to the story are no longer applicable, but HHS is the one writing anyways so that shouldn't be a problem.

Anyways, again sorry it has to come to this, but when it comes to priorities, this should take a backseat to my academic and social life and I've been placing way too much stock in this so far.

DotF needs help? Let's see what I might be able to do:

Item icons- I'm not too bad at these, though there are people who do better. If you have like a reference picture I should be able to whip up something that's suitable. I know there are people better than me, but seeing as it is, they are probably busy with helping others. So I should be suitable for this area.

Battle Palettes- I can do them, but I'm assuming you want like custom colors that make the battle sprite look special, so I guess I'm not the best person to do them.

Portraits- I can definately do them, but there are many others that can custom sprite, so unless you're really deperate, then you should probably pick someone else.

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