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Fire Emblem: Decay of the Fangs [First 11 chapters]


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When MBro says portraits he means revamps of existing characters. We don't really intend to hunt down existing sprites.

Maps would be super cool because they tend to take some time and we still have a lot planned. I will gladly give out info on chapters to come. (We're not winging it at this point. Everything is planned up to the conclusion with variety and playability in mind)

Palettes are handy since neither of us really focus on them as much. I'd almost pay money for a new battle screen but have been too lazy to do it myself.

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If you have somewhat-detailed outlines of the maps (like a picture) I can usually make them and throw in a little of my own creativity, though it depends on how much detail you give me. Hit me up on Skype if you want my help, Mariobro.

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I can do maps pretty well now. Thanks Prime's Reliquary!

If you need some simple boss portraits I can do those too.

I'm a free agent basically now, so I do have the time until school starts up again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I played through this game again, and I'm currently in the middle of Chapter 12, and trying to figure out how to recruit Delphia(as the guide only goes up to 10x), and this is what I have to say:

These are my stats prior to starting Chapter 12.


Chadwick        17  00  31  20  15  14  10  07  14  10  Anm -/Lgt -/Drk A/Stf -
Hannah   	08  00  43  11  10  10  09  04  10  05  Anm -/Lgt -/Drk -/Stf A
Luke 		18  03  49  23  16  14  09  11  07  13  Swd -/Lnc -/Axe A/Bow E
Jonas   	20  01  45  20  22  22  08  13  04  10  Swd A/Lnc -/Axe E/Bow -
Ryan      	18  05  45  22  15  13  14  25  10  16  Swd -/Lnc A/Axe C/Bow -
Keagan   	18  01  32  18  16  20  07  09  15  07  Anm A/Lgt -/Drk -/Stf E
Arnold 		12  00  32  16  10  13  08  12  01  09  Swd D/Lnc D/Axe -/Bow -
Jackie   	12  00  33  14  10  09  07  15  01  09  Swd -/Lnc B/Axe -/Bow -
Paul 		13  00  27  09  11  16  10  09  03  09  Swd C/Lnc -/Axe -/Bow -
Anni 		10  00  24  09  10  14  11  05  08  08  Swd -/Lnc D/Axe -/Bow -


-Chadwick's pretty good. He hits insanely hard on the enemies' weaker res, though it takes him a few levels for him to double consistently. His durability is suspect as he's usually 2-3RKO'd when others are facing 4RKO's or better, but he can avoid taking counters and can use Nosferatu, so his durability isn't unforgivable.

-Jonas was fairly mediocre for the first 3 maps of his existence. He fails to double in the prologue unless he procs spd, and 3HKO's brigands with his 'amazing' 11 atk after WTA. Once he gets going, he starts to get increasingly good.

-Luke... was fairly average to say the least. He doesn't double for a long time, but he 2HKO's almost everything he comes across. I will admit I rigged his speed in his later levels so he could double Anthony(Luke needs 13 to double Tony's 9), but other than that, he did quite well for me.

-Anthony is a fairly useful crutch unit, but he's nothing special other than getting 10RKO'd when your next strongest unit is getting 3-4RKO'd, and 4 move sucks. Too bad he leaves after Chapter 5(and gets killed by Luke in 8x.)

-Keagan is also fairly impressive. Like Chadwick, he needs a few levels to double, but does it more consistently than his big bro. He also hits hard when you consider he hits res. Unfortunately, he doesn't have access to Nosferatu like Chadwick, so he's playing second fiddle as far as durability is concerned.

-Fuck Ubaldo's combat, I usually just have him heal in the first three maps I have him, then ditch him for Hannah. His growths are amazing, but those base stats are just fucking awful on a lv1 bishop and he levels even slower than Anthony.

-Arnold really isn't what I cracked him up to be, but he's still useful as he's your first mounted unit. His doubling is a bit shaky, but he hits hard thanks to having Sain's growth spread.

-I was killing for a healer that wasn't a pedophile bishop, and Hannah fits the bill nicely. Also, she's mounted, so twice the power for her.

-Mikhail kind of blows. Sure, he doubles consistently, but so does Jonas, and Headstrap has more strength. Also, hero is a better class than swordmaster, so Jonas has priority on the C7 hero crest.

-Reid sucks. Like a lot of units in this game, he doesn't double, and neither his atk nor his growths are high enough to make up for it. And not having an enemy phase certainly doesn't help much.

-I like Anni. Why? Because she's the first flying unit you get for a LONG time, and I know how useful flying units are. Her combat is fair to say the least, but she's a member of the exclusive doubling club. Also, she gets surprisingly high strength for a peg and she can use an iron lance without AS loss(and a javelin for only 3.)

-Batta sucks. I don't give two shits on how good berserkers are if Batta is slow as balls(lol 20% spd growth)and is redundant with Luke around.

-Ryan is actually decent, though someone like DD151 would say otherwise. His move sucks, but by now you have 2 mounted guys who can pick his fat ass up. Also, he gets surprisingly higher speed and res than Anthony, in addition to getting high str/def.

-I really can't comment on Henrietta, but she looks decent enough on paper. Unfortunately, she suffers the same issues as Reid: she doesn't double consistently, though she is closer to doubling than Reid could ever hope to be.

-Paul is a surprisingly good fighter, even if his atk sucks balls without something like a killing edge. At least his base durability is good for a thief.

-Tom is usable, but he's kind of redundant with Arnold in the picture. He does have a good speed base and can double after a few level ups(and he can use a javelin while retaining it).

-Vivi is mostly redundant with Keagan being higher leveled by this point. I guess she could replace Keagan if he got RNG screwed, but what's the point anyway?

-I welcome a more physically durable flier than Anni, but Jackie has some issues with her offense as she doesn't double, and her atk is lame unless she uses a steel lance(which gets her doubled)

-Amia sucks. While I like the fact that she can double, she's always in danger of getting OHKO'd by this point in the game(though she's usually 2HKO'd). And it's not like her atk is anything special either.

-Eddie sucks. He's basically Luke who joins later at a higher base level, but has worse stats than Luke at that level. His speed is uber bad and unless he has Dart's growth spread, it's pretty much staying that way.

-Norris kind of blows too. The only thing he has going for him is that he can use killers right off the bat, except that Jackie and Ryan can use them too, and Arnold should be able to use KL's by now.

-Tracy is awesome. He's basically Pent on a horse but trades staff utility for light magic. His growth rates may suck, but like Pent, he honestly doesn't need them.

And one more question: How do you recruit Delphia?

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I don't know if this is a glitch, but on turn 9 of Chapter 4, four mercenaries spawn over on the right and each one is holding 3 undroppable white gems. Is this just to aggravate the player (they also escape via the right exit the next turn)?

Edited by Epic Fail
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I don't know if this is a glitch, but on turn 9 of Chapter 4, four mercenaries spawn over on the right and each one is holding 3 undroppable white gems. Is this just to aggravate the player (they also escape via the right exit the next turn)?

I think that it's more to do with these guys are supposed to run off with the gold than it is to taunt the player.

Don't worry about it. There is a chest containing a white gem in 4x if you are so worried about getting one. Or perhaps you already knew that.

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That White Gem is tough to get, I remember my first playthrough Chadwick couldn't double the Armorslayer!Merc that stood atop the chest and so the Physic!Bishop kept healing him.

Uh yeah, that. In case you want to know what I did, I took out the Physic bishop on my path towards the WG chest. I could have also had Anthony throw a javelin at the merc, allowing Chadwick to kill said merc.

On another topic, I have all the growth rates of each playable character thus far. I've seen this done in MK's hack threads, so why not do it here:

[spoiler=Growth rates revealed!]

Chadwick 	70  55  50  45  30  25  50 
Anthony   	90  45  30  30  35  55  30
Luke 		80  60  40  40  30  25  20
Jonas   	85  55  45  45  35  25  15
Keagan    	65  50  40  50  30  25  40
Ubaldo   	115 60  60  70  70  40  85
Arnold 		80  60  35  40  35  20  20
Hannah   	45  40  50  50  65  15  50
Mikhail  	75  35  50  70  45  15  25
Reid 		75  50  50  40  40  20  25
Anni      	60  40  50  55  50  15  35
Batta    	80  60  40  20  45  25  20
Ryan    	70  45  40  40  30  45  35
Henrietta 	75  50  40  40  30  35  20
Paul 		75  30  40  70  55  25  20
Tom      	85  40  50  45  20  25  25
Vivi    	55  50  50  55  45  15  45
Jackie    	80  50  50  45  20  30  20
Eddie    	70  50  35  45  30  20  15
Norris 		70  45  40  45  30  30  25
Amia 		55  60  50  40  20  10  60
Tracy    	50  35  30  35  30  25  35
Delphia   	75  40  40  55  45  25  30

The reason I put them up was because Mariobro was too busy to do it, plus I went through the trouble of Nightmaring it.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Where is delphia? I went through playing this and don't think i ever saw her o.o

Maybe I killed her if she was on the snow map.......

Delphia shows up on around turn 10 or so in Chapter 12 as an NPC. Like any green unit in this game, she is suicidal and will go after any enemies on the map.

You can recruit her using either Chadwick or Anni.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm at the beginning of Ch. 10, so I might as well post what my stats and what I think of each character. Cramped code tables are cramped...

 Char    Level  HP  S/M SKL SPD LCK DEF RES
Chadwick 19.49  32  19  13  11  9   6  10
Jonas    16.84  33  17  14  14  9   10  4
Luke      1.24  46  21  16  15  12  16  7
Keagan    9.29  25   8   7  11  6   3   5
Arnold    1.00  38  20  15  15  10  10  4
Hannah    8.45  20  10   9  12  8   5  12
Tom      11.10  30  11  12  12  4   7   4
Paul     13.05  27   8  11  16  10  8   3
Jackie    8.71  28  12   9   8  7   10  1

Main Team:

Chadwick: It's nice to have a Shaman lord, and he does his job well, albeit being a bit speed-screwed. A bit frail physically, but I don't see any problems with him.

Jonas: My #2 big unit, he got the Energy Ring. While his bases are bad, he has little trouble lifting himself out of them and doubling easily, which is why he got the Ring. His CON is perfectly balanced.

Luke: Easily MVP, high damage and he doubled quite a bit pre-promotion. He even did 8x unpromoted, and had no trouble killing that boss. Plus, that DEF means that he can tank lots of hits.

Keagan: Don't let his low level fool you, he's been incredibly useful even before he started doubling. His great chip got me out of many difficult situations, and it only got better after Thunder.

Arnold: Great right from the start, and easily Sain's equal. A less extreme mounted version of Luke, essentially.

Hannah: Grows extremely slow, but she's much more mobile than Ubaldo, which is always a plus. I wonder what her special class will be...

Tom: Cav #2, though he's quite bad defensively. Still, he doubles right off the bat, which is more than I can say for most units.

Paul: Essentially Legault, what else can I say about him?

Jackie: So far, quite meh. She needs catching up before she gets in the A-team.


Anthony: Pretty good, but that low movement hindered him. 4x was a great surprise for me, as he had to use a Broken Lance due to me having nothing else to use him for. Things happened...

Ryan: I didn't even bother with him after Ch. 8. I dislike GBA armors, so...

Anni: Too hard to raise with all of those ballistae in the next chapter afterwards, and shows up too late in her joining chapter. Limited deployment slots didn't help her case, as did her suspect durability.

Ubaldo: He'd be better with slightly higher base stats (around +1 in SPD and MAG), but those growths are amazing. In SD, he'd be perfect, but as-is he's left with Vivi in the base.

Reid: Those stats are abysmal for a Lv. 8 Archer, and his growths don't help him in that regard. Swiftly dropped, though used for his Longbow in Ch. 5.

Mikhail: Bad durability and speed, why use him when you have Jonas? KE is very nice, though.

Batta: A beast, but his speed let me down, so I dropped him. Well, that and that Luke exists.

Vivi: Narshen's eyes on female = DO NOT WANT! So creepy...

Henrietta: I never figured out who Matt was, so I missed out. Maybe Reid or Luke should recruit it?

Leif: I almost got him a level, but then you killed him off after I seized. I just wanted to find out his growths... (What are they, anyways? DA125 doesn't have him listed.) He was 1.80...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is this hack still alive? I've really enjoyed it so far and it'd be a shame to see a hack of this calibre just die.

While it's not dead, Mariobro and HHS haven't really done anything with it. All he asked us to do is do some sprite/map updates.

Speaking of which, where do we post our sprites? I'm asking because the DotF sprite thread has been dead for a while now and I'd rather not necropost.

In honesty, I'd like this hack to be finished, even if I have to do it myself. It's not as much of a masterpiece as TU is but I'd hate to see this hack die.

Edited by darkandroid125
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In honesty, I'd like this hack to be finished, even if I have to do it myself. It's not as much of a masterpiece as TU is but I'd hate to see this hack die.

Honestly, shouldn't you think about your posts before you post things that might insult the creator of whatever it is you're trying to ENCOURAGE the development of?

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I didn't mean it as an insult. I said it because TU is more well-designed, but this hack is still very good. And I mean very good. Every hack has its flaws, though. I'd still hate to see this die.

I'd still like to know where we can dump our sprites. I made some new sprites for the game and I don't want to necropost in the DotF sprite thread(its been dead for some time now.)

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TU and DotF are two totally different types of hacks IMO, there's no point in even comparing them.

Also he's just busy with college life so I suggest PMing it to him, I'll tell him to check his PMs on Serenes Forest for you.

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