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Fire Emblem: Decay of the Fangs [First 11 chapters]


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Actually, the game not punishing you might not be entirely true. More rather, the game rewarding you for finding 8x will probably be the case, as this mystery character will most likely be better statistically. The game will treat Anthony as if he promoted at a lower level, regardless of what level you got him to (sorry, don't know how to transfer levels effectively like they do at the end of Lyn's mode.

Also, you MUST kill Anthony for this to happen. Not killing him in 8x will treat it as if you did nothing at all in the long run.

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Great job on the hack. Hope future chapters willl be the same.

I'm not sure if others have experienced this but Chapter 9 is very glitchy. If you want a screenshot of it I can get one. I apologize in advance if I come rudely in anyway.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Great job on the hack. Hope future chapters willl be the same.

I'm not sure if others have experienced this but Chapter 9 is very glitchy. If you want a screenshot of it I can get one. I apologize in advance if I come rudely in anyway.

Chapter 9? We didn't release chapter 9 yet. The last playable chapter is 8x. Was it a jumble of freaky map tiles and Anthony talking to lyn mode units? That's what it looks like prior to programming in a new chapter. But I'm glad you liked the hack otherwise.

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Chapter 9? We didn't release chapter 9 yet. The last playable chapter is 8x. Was it a jumble of freaky map tiles and Anthony talking to lyn mode units? That's what it looks like prior to programming in a new chapter. But I'm glad you liked the hack otherwise.

Yeah, that's it. I took that the statement about the 11 chapters the wrong way.

The hack was really good imo. Hope you and your team will finish it.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm playing your hack right now, and it is the first hack I have ever played for Fire Emblem. I like it so far. I definately think MarioBro3828 and whoever else worked on it are certinaly dedicated to thier hack and I agree with you, that the focus should be gameplay and storyline. That's what I sought and found in the 7-6 timeline anyway. Regarding the inexperienced in hacking and the extrinsically motivated individuals, you should definately be a little lighter on how you criticize MarioBro3828's hack. It is VERY TIME CONSUMING espeacially those who do wish for thier hacks to turn out enjoyable, and that they have turned out better then satisfactory for the creater and the players. So I commend MarioBro3828 and whoever else worked on it for all thier dedication and tireless work. I can honestly say, I appreciate it, for it is. My only question is are you using 7's RNG system or 6's? Or are they the same system?

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The only difference between FE7 and FE6's RNG is that FE6 has a slight rounding error, leading to the rare possibility of missing at 100 hit. All three GBA games start from the same initial seed, interestingly enough.

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I'm playing your hack right now, and I've gotten up to 4x, but when I boot up 4x, I get met with a black screen with the enemy phase theme for FoW chapters playing. How do I get the chapter to work? I did the requirements stated in the guide(kill the boss in 20 turns or less.) What gives?

Also, a review on the characters so far:

Chadwick: Well, he gets good magic and speed, but his durability is suspect. Then again, he's a shaman so it is excusable. Also, I really like his personality.

Jonas: His combat is fairly bad at first, but his strength and speed pick up quickly. He's also one of the few characters that can double reliably.

Luke: In a way, he's like Dorcas. Hits hard, but a bit low in the speed department.

Anthony: He's basically a worse Oswin, but is a capable tank nonetheless. Also, he seems to get a surprising amount of resistance for a knight.

Keagan: I kind of find his obsession with squirrels kind of funny. Also, he grows like Erk. High skl/spd, but average mag/res.

Ubaldo: Those base stats are just awful on a Lv1 bishop, but he does have some pretty nice growths rates, from what I hear. Still, having a person that can both heal and chip is nice.

Arnold: From what I've seen, he gets good strength and speed, and I think I've been getting def blessed with him.

Hannah: She's very similar to Priscilla, and has about the same kind of stats. Also, Chadwick*Her 4ever.

Mikhail: Standard Nabarl type character. Nuff said.

Reid: Haven't really used him, so I can't comment.

Batta: Well, looking at his stats, he doubles more often than Luke does, but likely won't hit as hard.

Anni: Haven't really used her, so I can't comment.

And last and least,

Leif: What were you thinking? Oh god Leif sucks as anything other than cannon fodder(lol5HP/2str/0-1 everything else), but I keep him alive anyway just to see the funny death scenes.

Edited by darkandroid125
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The current patch shouldn't freeze at 4x. If it still is, let me know and I'll look into it a little more.

Either way, this game is about to receive a huge upgrade on the earlier chapters, so look forward to that too.

Edited by Mariobro3828
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I've started playing this very recently and I'm really enjoying the hack so far. I'm glad I get a chance to play as the villains for once and I'm looking forward to the future chapters.However, I think I found an off glitch here when I was about to start chapter 4. At the preparation screen I decided to save and quit as I had to do something else, and as I went to restart the chapter, I skipped all of the cutscenes and I noticed this.As I was skipping the cutscenes, I got the screen where it said I got a lockpick(just thought it was replaying the events) but I guess it gave me a 2nd lockpick. I'm not sure if you already found this or it's already been discussed, but I thought I'd just point this out as I came across it. Very odd glitch.


Edited by coolperson1145
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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally downloaded this, and played the first few chapters. Well made, and funny as hell. Arnold's palette bugs me, and some of the mugs and maps looks slightly odd, but all in all, a fun hack to play.

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I just downloaded the new patch today and I think it's fantastic you made many changes in such a short period of time! I will have one thing to say though. I must be a master at running into glitches here. The imagine I have right here is when I used Jonas to recruit Keagan. This never happen to me before in the previous patches, and I even did it with Jonas then. Sorry, I doubt you enjoy hearing a glitch on the day you give out a new patch you've been working on for two months. Overall though, this is coming along really well and I appreciate all the hard work you and your team has put into this. I'm looking forward to completing this patch and for whatever that comes next :)

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